I would like to make the observation about how humans in general are very resilient.
I'm in my 50s and there have been a few instances in my life where I thought things wouldn't turn around and it turned out I was 100% wrong.
I'm from Southern California originally. (
@Mm80 with this lastest piece of the puzzle combined with my sis loving some Scandinavian mink polish u should know EXACTLY, who I'm by now! What in the world is taking you so long to figure it out?)
After the LA riots in 1992, I figured that was the absolute end of Los Angeles. People were leaving the city; people were broken; no one had hope. The Los Angeles Times (the local news paper) was full of nothing but doom and gloom stories for the prospects of Los Angeles as were all of the local news channels. Why? I understand today this is how they make the most money - sell fear.
I was wrong about LA, and so too were all of the local media in Los Angeles.
LA came back stronger than ever.
Some of my friends at work started investing in rental houses in LA right after the riots. These optimistic types felt Los Angeles would rebound. I thought they were mistaken. They tried to get me to invest with them; I declined. Clearly, I made a mistake.
This kind of reminds me of the state of the Union at this point in time. The feelings I perceived for Los Angeles in 1992 are the feelings I perceive for the entire United States currently. A friend recently sent me an article that illustrated how during a prior administration over one and a half centuries ago there was similar sentiment in the USA back then. These people back then were mistaken.
People back then felt that Union was crumbling. The feeling of our citizens at that time were similar as to what they are today. The collective feeling of our country back then turned out to be wrong.
I am extremely optimistic the same thing will happen again today, and I am no way close to an optimistic person by nature.
Once we get the rest of these 80-year-old baby boomers running our government out of office and bring in some fresh new blood into politics I firmly believe things will get better. I am optimistic that the upcoming leadership will improve our country tremendously. I am fed up with boomers running things. Change is coming.
We will rebound; we will recover.
My advice for all SS members. Cut way back on your news consumption for the next several years. Take strategies for self protection to do what's best for yourself. Stop letting all sources of media, including social media, manipulate you and your thoughts. Understand what's happening to you and us all collectively and don't be manipulated into an "us versus them" mentality. We are all being manipulated so others can make money in the process.
This understanding is something that comes with age and experience; and we refer to this as wisdom.
Try not to lose hope and keep the faith!