

Aug 22, 2019
You know guys, I've read the last 90+ pages, and I think some of you might want to hear MY story, if only to get some perspective which quite a number of people here need sooo badly (for their own benefit I mean) - those wondering if they can od on paracetamol, Atarax, beta blockers, etc. You know you can't, and you probably just need a good therapist and I'd suggest Lexapro, but bear with me

First of all, this is hard core stuff, skip this thread if you're not into some of the darker things that life can throw at you

I really really HAVE TO die tonight, and its not really MY decision.

Here's my story

I have fucked up big time. I live in a very homophobic country and I happen to be gay and into quite serious bdsm and quite serious iv drugs (they fucked me up big time, I really went mad on them, lost all caution, never ever do hard drugs people.just don't). i'm progressing to AIDS as well, but this is a different story.

I have recently been outed on the Internet, my iCloud was hacked and every fucking bit of my sex life got public. The person who did this has made sure everyone who knows me finds out. And they have. But things got even moreoutof control, and basically its all over the socialnetworks in my city. People instantly recognize me everywhere I go, not that I've been leaving my house much as of late. Ive got people screaming abuse in front of my house every fucking day. My neighbors know everything, my family, everyone who knows me. My mum got an anonymous postcard the other day that said congratulations on the best son in the world. Can you imagine the kind of hell I'm in? All is lost. You have no idea what it's like. I can't work (I'm an interpreter), Im afraid to leave my house, afraid to look my mum in the eye, I get panic attacks just sitting in mums car.

Now, the darkest irony of life: if only I had about $50, I could easily get some heroin and od, but I have no money,no cards and I'm under house arrest and constantly watched by my mum and her boyfriend (I had tried to ctb before this whole crazy outing thing happened, had used phenobarbital mixed with alcohol, but fucked up the dose,was found, slept for 3 days and that was it)

I cannot describe the despair of it all. I just can't seem to fucking hang myself, I get into terrible si panic but don't lose consciousness at all, I have tried and tried, partial, standing, knot on the right,on the left, on the back, I just can't pass out quickly enough, and the panic is so physical, I don't want to die like this especially because I'm doing this whole fucking thing because of the bullying - I'd be so happy to turn back time... my carotids seem to be too deep, Idk, I can locate them perfectly well, but there's no question of passing out within 10 seconds or even 30 seconds, and it feels like an eternity.

Anyway, yesterday in my desperation I decided it would be much better to lay my head on the rail track, the nearest is about 15 km away, I thought I might steal the money from my mum to pay for the cab (leaving in the night), but Jesus fucking Christ - mum has hidden her purse, obviously in anticipation of this happening. Now some of you guys think getting your head decapitated by train wheels takes balls, Idk maybe Ive gone full batshit crazy, but I think hanging takes much more willpower, with the track ýou just wait for the buffer thing to go past you, then you put your neck on the rail and the jobs done in a second, and no I don't care about traumatizing other people, this is life, and for fucks sake I have been traumatized in the worst manner possible by these very people. I mean obviously I'd rather I had a guillotine at home, but I am TOTALLY desperate.

So, no money for the cab, no money at all actually, this method is out of question as well, I'm facing two options: excruciating hanging with the added difficulty of being found quickly (if i do it ill have to do it in the shed in the night), OR - and this is crazy - sodium CHLORIDE poisoning. Yep, table salt. Google it, pretty lethal if you take at least 3g/kg, I have found 250 g in the kitchen, but definitely need more, so it's not exactly foolproof which is again problematic. All the research on the Internet says it could be quite painful and as I understand it takes up to 24 hours to die, but amazingly it's very lethal even in smaller quantities and even if you get treatment. I mean I cannot believe theres not a single thread on table salt poisoning within those 90+ pages I've seen.

What Im trying to say is this. Just look at how fucked up things are for me, I can't believe you guys, especially those in the us or Europe, choose fucking hanging or jumping or trains or antidepressants or what have you when it's so easy to get 1 fucking g of heroin or better still some fentanyl, cook it up, shoot it up and quickly od. I mean Jesus Christ people, are you mad?I would give my soul to the deviI for that overdose, i can't believe I've been doing drugs for so long but have to die in these stupid ways...

I dk what to do. Salt poisoning will probably turn out to be very painful, and i am definitely gonna be found in this state and taken to hospital, but maybe it wont be that painful,, it says a lot of people get lethargic and then go into coma rather quickly. the chinese nobles apparently used to cbt throught this method, i mean it IS lethal in massive amounts,but the fucking pain again... but there's just something animal about the panic I get from hanging that just freaks me out,its horrible, it's the worst feeling I've ever had and I've had terrible come downs from drugs, but those were nowhere near as horrible as this feeling, I start to hyperventilate af, it just sucks

Anyway, I wrote this a couple of hours ago waiting for my account to be approved. I have decided against using table salt. My dad cbt 12 years ago, drank a bottle of vodka being disabled (his kidneys didn't work because of alcoholism), and he was dying for hours in terrible pain, I don't want that, I really don't.

Guys, Don't inflict unnecessary pain on yourselves. I mean if you really have to die like I do and you've got a little money and you're not disabled and can go out, just think about what I've said.

Fuck, I really cannot believe I have to die like this. Ive been depressed and suicidal my whole life, ive had so many opportunities to die without pain, and I've fucked it up big time. I can't believe I never thought of having that 1g of dope for a time like this. I want to scream in frustration

I'm gonna try hanging again today, with a different rope, full suspension. I suspect I'm gonna go in a very painful way after all. Don't repeat my mistakes guys.

Never do hard drugs people, especially if you've got things to hide.

Wish me luck guys I need it badly.
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
My Goddesses, your history is really despairing. I'm sorry about your outing, it's really a inhumane action.
Surely, some people have more options to pass away and they don't aware of that.
I want to hug you, but I can't travel too.
I hope you can find peace.
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Aug 22, 2019
It's nearly 1am where I am, mums boyfriend often wakes up at 3am (weird af), I've got to leave the house in 40 minuteswithout being heard, thenwait for a while near the gazebo in case they're watching me, and then into the shed. I hope I won't be back to tell you things didn't work out.

God I am so not ready for this. I hate the idea of dying in so much pain when I don't even want to die. This is just hell.
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Aug 19, 2019
Wait, can't you seek asylum somewhere? Are you in the capital of your country (for access to embassies)?

I know about the salt method, does sound painful though...
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Aug 22, 2019
I've written a whole fucking letter for my mum, 7 pages. You know what guys, we havent been close, a lot of rows over the past 15 years (I'm 29), but I've made it nice. That's the way to do it. I'm so sorry she's haVing to go though this as well. Fuck fuck fuck.
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Aug 18, 2019
At the moment you only describe public shame and since you're living with your mother still I assume she's standing beside you.
Are you sure you can't survive the embarrassment? If you brazen it out, it may not be as bad as you fear.
If not, I hope it works for you.
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Aug 22, 2019
My Goddesses, your history is really despairing. I'm sorry about your outing, it's really a inhumane action.
Surely, some people have more options to pass away and they don't aware of that.
I want to hug you, but I can't travel too.
I hope you can find peace.

Thank you.

Wait, can't you seek asylum somewhere? Are you in the capital of your country (for access to embassies)?

I know about the salt method, does sound painful though...

Things are so fucked up, and have been for a while. Don't forget there are videos of me doing drugs, I've got aids (well, nearly, stopped taking my hiv drugs three months ago), no country's gonna give me an asylum. But thank you, that's what I would have said
At the moment you only describe public shame and since you're living with your mother still I assume she's standing beside you.
Are you sure you can't survive the embarrassment? If you brazen it out, it may not be as bad as you fear.
If not, I hope it works for you.

Believe me it's unbearable.
I'm not complaining about having to die, I'm OK with that, I just hate the idea of hanging myself.

Thank you, I'm beyond hope.
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Aug 19, 2019
I don't know but I don't think being sick/having done drugs is a reason not to be granted asylum. Your life is in danger... Fuck this, and fuck those morons harassing you.
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Aug 22, 2019
Fucking hell guys, there's not a drop of alcohol in the house, she's hidden everything.I've never needed vodka more than now.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I'm sorry you're struggling with all this. (((Hugs))) If you don't want to die, please don't rush into anything tonight - you're likely to be unsuccessful and to end up with more hard shit to feal with. You can do it later if you truly feel compelled, but you need to approach it in a calmer way and go out in a way that's right for you.

(((More hugs)))
Breathe deep. Put it off for now. Keep yourself safe and we'll help you figure something out. x
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Peace and love to you @Fordprefect
I am sorry all this has happened to you.
Safe travels x

I think we posted at the same time @Fordprefect
Please give yourself some breathing space if u feel that u r not ready.
Its a final decision and you need to be 100% sure its time.x
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Aug 22, 2019
Thoughts are racing
I need another 10 minutes, I just can't leave the house now

Thank you all guys, you've no idea how much it helps to have you here
This is a fucking nightmare
If I do it I'm gonna do full suspension, there won't be a way out otherwise I'll definitely use it

Thank you all guys. I regret terribly doing iv stimulants . Don't touch them. This is hell.

Farewell- hopefully
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Please know that u r not alone and we r right here with u x
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Aug 18, 2019
Thoughts are racing
I need another 10 minutes, I just can't leave the house now

Thank you all guys, you've no idea how much it helps to have you here
This is a fucking nightmare
If I do it I'm gonna do full suspension, there won't be a way out otherwise I'll definitely use it

Thank you all guys. I regret terribly doing iv stimulants . Don't touch them. This is hell.

Farewell- hopefully
If I'm reading it right, you're in withdrawal, you've got nothing to take the edge off, you're shaking and your mind is all over the place. This is really not good. Are you sure you can't survive it for another day and take some time to plan this properly?
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@Fordprefect, I want to wrap my coat around you. It's up to you of course, and I wish you the very best outcomes for you, but if this is not the right time or way, then you don't have to go yet. (((Hugs)))
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Aug 22, 2019
Guys, it's never the right time for hanging, I've been trying d chicken ing out for a week
I got people, CHILDREN screaming FAGGOT in russian in front of my house
I haven't been doing drugs for more than a month
Fuck, I'm just sitting in my room chainsmoking
I got twenty minutes max before I have to go
I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm thinking of doing table salt, or just fucking walking those 15 km to the railroad tracks, anything
I have to die, I just can't stand the asphyxiation and the panic, I just fucking can't stand it
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Aug 18, 2019
Guys, it's never the right time for hanging, I've been trying d chicken ing out for a week
I got people, CHILDREN screaming FAGGOT in russian in front of my house
I haven't been doing drugs for more than a month
Fuck, I'm just sitting in my room chains moving
I got twenty minutes max before I have to go
I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm thinking of doing table salt, or just fucking walking those 15 km to the railroad tracks, anything
I have to die, I just can't stand the asphyxiation and the panic, I just fucking can't stand it
So what if kids come past shouting names? children are animals anyway and they'll soon find someone else who is vulnerable to torment.
You sound like you're trying to force yourself to do something that you don't want to do, so don't do tonight take your time and decide what's right for you. The rope and the train line will still be there tomorrow.
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Reactions: Centerism, justanotherday, Kira and 7 others
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I am really feeling for u right now and wish i had some words of wisdom for you.
Humanity can be very cruel.
You have done well to stay off the drugs for a month.
I respect your decision but wish u could see other way forward.x
What r u doing now @Fordprefect
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Jun 16, 2019
I am so sorry to hear this, but be brave. You must enter this new step like a soldier, like a warrior. If you are sure about all of this then I am wishing you the best travels. For you to see the moon rise and give you the most heartwarming farewell. To let the seas wash this absence away from your soul. No more suffering.. it will be still. I feel for you, and I support whatever decision you take. Always, we will be here for you. Safe travels. We are always here.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
You don't have to do it now or in these ways. We'll help you figure out something better. It's up to you what you do, but the world isn't *all* hateful jeering kids. (((Hugs)))
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Aug 22, 2019
I'm in my room
I'm ready to do the salt thing right now. If I don't leave the house in 30 minutes it's gonna have to be the salt and fuck everything.I just need another 250 g, just to be sure, and I think it's in the fucking gazebo, I'm about to go check, we have barbecues in there, there's got to be some salt

Im so grateful for your words guys, but youve no idea how painful and humiliating this whole thing is.
They're posting fake messages with my photos and videos and contact details on dating sites, more and more people are finding out. On weekends there are groups of guys, not children, very intimidating guys circling my house, neighbors discuss me behind the fence, random people in supermarkets point and laugh. It is unbearable, it just is, I'm not that brave

I'm not brave at all, not with this shit
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Aug 9, 2019
Dont do it now, wait couple of days and we will work something out :/
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Aug 22, 2019
Lennox, your post has just vanished,thank you, the problem is it's 15 km through the forests and fields in the dead of night, that's why I needed the cab
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Aug 9, 2019
Lennox, your post has just vanished,thank you, the problem is it's 15 km through the forests and fields in the dead of night, that's why I needed the cab
This bullying and embarasment is only temporary, you gotta hold on. Ppl will forget about you in few weeks and you can start all over again
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Aug 19, 2019
If you could only hold on a little more we can come up with something better than salt. This is not suicide, this is murder.
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Aug 22, 2019
As for drugs, it's very easy to get them where I live, ANYTHING, that's how I fucked up my life. I'm not going into detail, but you guys probably know what I mean. And I really don't know why people here bother with n or sn, ODing on opioids is quick and painless, believe me, and you don't need much


Jun 16, 2019
Salt is truly painful.. we should think Of something else. Charcoal is a no go because of your surroundings I think..
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Aug 18, 2019
I'm in my room
I'm ready to do the salt thing right now. If I don't leave the house in 30 minutes it's gonna have to be the salt and fuck everything.I just need another 250 g, just to be sure, and I think it's in the fucking gazebo, I'm about to go check, we have barbecues in there, there's got to be some salt

Im so grateful for your words guys, but youve no idea how painful and humiliating this whole thing is.
They're posting fake messages with my photos and videos and contact details on dating sites, more and more people are finding out. On weekends there are groups of guys, not children, very intimidating guys circling my house, neighbors discuss me behind the fence, random people in supermarkets point and laugh. It is unbearable, it just is, I'm not that brave

I'm not brave at all, not with this shit
does your mother have a dacha? you could go there for a bit whilst you think this all through.
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