The heart is located behind and slightly on the left side of the sternum, I would say even more than just slightly on the left side, there's enough space where the heart isn't protected by the sternum and the ribs have spaces between them. The heart isn't a very small organ either so you definitely can hit the target, at least that's what I think. Even if the bullet hits the rib first I think a Full Metal Jacket bullet from a 9 mm Glock 19 gun should be strong and fast enough to penetrate the rib and hit the heart, if it hits the sternum it should penetrate the sternum as well although I think the sternum is a stronger bone than a rib, but because the heart is located on the left you don't point the gun where the sternum is. If you point the gun at point blank range then it should be enough for the bullet to hit the target. I heard that even if you don't hit the heart but hit a lung instead you can still die from that although it's a slower death, you can die from hitting the majority or any major organ. Like I said though, the heart isn't a small organ, it's between the lungs so the bullet should hit it. You hold the gun backwards like you said, would it really make pulling the trigger more difficult? You just have to hold the gun firmly with your hands, put it next to your chest where the heart is located and pull the trigger, that's all. Obviously you shouldn't do the method in a hurry, you should do it more slowly so that you don't miss the heart. This isn't a new method, I read about this on google and people killed themselves by shooting themselves in the heart before, there are also videos of people shooting themselves in the heart with handguns on a gore website called watchpeopledie and you can see how they position the gun to their chest. From what I've read in most cases gunshots to the heart are lethal, if you don't get found and saved by someone then you die. Also about the power of a gun and bullet, I want to mention that there are videos on youtube where people test different types of guns and bullets on ballistic human torsos, there you can see how powerful a 9 mm gun is and how easy a bullet can penetrate the chest and even come outside of it in just one second. People test guns using other objects as well such as concrete bricks, a bullet can penetrate that so pointing a gun at point blank range to your chest should be enough for the bullet to penetrate the chest and hit the heart. Also hollow points aren't necessary for the method to work, most types of guns and bullets can kill so a Full Metal Jacket bullet should be powerful enough for this to work. I would lie if I said I'm not afraid of failure though, I know there are risks of failure like with many other methods, many methods have their own chances of success and risks of failure, it depends on what method you want and if you want to take that risk, but I prefer this method over others and if what I've read is true that in most cases gunshots to the heart are lethal if you don't get saved, that most types of guns and bullets kill, that you can die if you get hit any major organ and that people killed themselves like this before, then I think there are more chances for the method to work. What do you think about this?