Emissary of the right to die.
- Aug 30, 2018
- 6,948
Hello all, I'm thrw_a_way1221221, or you can call me TAW122 if that's easier for you. In this thread, here is all the information in regards to ctb'ing via a gun/firearm.
Everyone who is suggesting or choosing to ctb via 'N' and 'A' and 'H', that's cool. However, this thread is about GUNS (Not biceps) so.
First and foremost. The obvious.
According to a 1997 study from the University of Harvard, Firearms wield a 82.5% success rate. Where as drugs have a 1.5% SUCCess rate (C what I did there)? Now of course, if you're not American, it's pretty much impossible to get a reliable gun. Although black powder is a thing, and I will get into that, because you know, I think renaissance festival enthusiasts are pretty cool (It's a joke laugh). Okay. Anywho. Let's talk guns.
I think that there has been some misconceptions with guns and reliability.
http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/firearms/reliability (Over 90%)
https://everytownresearch.org/firearm-suicide/ (90%)
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm (Suicide by firearm accounted for like 49% of all American suicides in 2015)
http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bal-te.brain05oct05-story.html (Only 5% survive a gunshot to the head)
5,465 OUT OF 228,366.
'But TAW122 I can get N.'
While a totally old article, it still makes valid points and has correctly predicted trends in the United States. N is being manufactured less and less, and the legal demand for it just is not there. So yes. I'm sure they still use it in Mexico and other third world countries. It is also expensive. Are you truly ready for the painstaking and irritating time of finding a dark market, finding a reliable seller, and risking criminal prosecution (such as being intercepted by customs and all that shit)?
'But TAW122, I cannot purchase guns, I R not American'
In the UK, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, and Serbia, you can purchase black powder replicas without a license.
Germany and Spain won't let you. Sorry ya'll if you live there. (Try moving to another country in Europe or so if possible.)
Guns beat drugs every day of the week. Sorry guys. When it comes to reliability. This is how it works. Now. Before we get into the joys of muzzle loading and you renaissance festival lovers, we're going to discuss for everyone in North America.
If you live in the US and do not live in California, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, or New York, and you have not committed a felony, and have not broken ATF regulations. You can purchase a gun. Congratulations.
plz read the laws and make sure you follow them okay, thanks guise
If you're going to catch the bus with a firearm in the US or Canada, using anything short of a shotgun is not really reliable (unless you are experienced with firearms and know how to shoot it well, where to aim, steady hands, etc).
'But TAW122, I have a .44 revolver/only have access to a handgun.'
If you can afford a shotgun, you should REALLY consider buying one. Plus, I believe in many states long guns (aside from the anti-gun, 2A hating states) are generally easier to come by. I live in NC so I have the opposite problem (NC has a pistol purchase permit law which is a holdover from the Jim Crow era and only serves to inconvenience people to buy handguns).
This bad boy costs UNDER $200 (as of current price). This is a fully functional and god-tier shotgun. The coolest part about owning a shotgun is when you cock it. It's just a sexy sound.
'But TAW122, how do I buy a gun from le Internet?'
TL;DR - Your gun is shipped to a nearby guy who has a FFL. He holds the gun. You go to his place. He does the background check. You leave with your firearm.
'But ammo'
This is the only round you need. This is overkill and generally good if you can get it. However, birdshot does work too, and I personally have #4 shot, which will still be sufficient especially at point blank range.
'But TAW122, I am a minor'
Well, you shouldn't own a firearm in the first place. Wait until you are an legal adult (18 in the US), and then move out and/or go and buy one.
'But TAW122, I have never shot one before'
Watch some youtube videos, go to a local range where you live or something.
'But TAW122, I live in a state with harsh gun laws'
Muzzle Loaders and Black Powder. READ EM.
'But TAW122, I am an adult, yet live with my parents'
If you buy the firearm online and have it shipped to your FFL, it should literally take 30 minutes for a background check to be completed. You can be in and out in 30 minutes. EZ PZ.
'But TAW122, I can't do that.'
Muzzle Loaders do not require an FFL. You can have shipped right to your front door.
'But TAW122, black powder/muzzle loading when?'
It is just a bit more complicated, but with enough guides and videos on the Internet, I believe you should be able to figure it out.
'TAW122, plz make a recommendation on a firearm for me'
These are just a few examples (see above).
'But TAW122, you said not to use a handgun nor a rifle'
The first example is not a handgun. It's a hand cannon. There is a difference.
'But TAW122, I live in Europe, I can't buy my guns online'
There are many gun stores in the UK that will allow you purchase REALLY overpriced renaissance festival cosplay equipment. Remember, when you go into the gun store, you're buying it because you're going to be Ollie Cromwell or Henry the 8th or something. Act enthused and passionate.
'But TAW122, I live in East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.)'
Gun ownership in Asia, especially in East Asia is very restricted and civilian ownership is pretty much banned.
'But TAW122, I live in Oceania, (Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Micronesia, etc.)'
Afaik, @stargazer has mentioned that is it very difficult to legally obtain a firearm in those countries.
'But TAW122, in the UK, licenses, licenses, licenses'
You must demonstrate a good reason for having one. Possession of, and intent to use, a gun that is only proofed for black powder is a good reason.
'But TAW122, you did not list my country, or give me adequate information.'
Ask away and I will do my best to answer them.
'TAW122, where do I aim?'
See diagram below:
The happy place is the Medulla Oblongata (I like to call it, the Medusa Origin just for the luls) aka the brain stem. Once it is hit and destroyed, death is instantaneous/near instantaneous.
Everyone who is suggesting or choosing to ctb via 'N' and 'A' and 'H', that's cool. However, this thread is about GUNS (Not biceps) so.
First and foremost. The obvious.
According to a 1997 study from the University of Harvard, Firearms wield a 82.5% success rate. Where as drugs have a 1.5% SUCCess rate (C what I did there)? Now of course, if you're not American, it's pretty much impossible to get a reliable gun. Although black powder is a thing, and I will get into that, because you know, I think renaissance festival enthusiasts are pretty cool (It's a joke laugh). Okay. Anywho. Let's talk guns.
I think that there has been some misconceptions with guns and reliability.
http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/firearms/reliability (Over 90%)
https://everytownresearch.org/firearm-suicide/ (90%)
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm (Suicide by firearm accounted for like 49% of all American suicides in 2015)
http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bal-te.brain05oct05-story.html (Only 5% survive a gunshot to the head)
It is worth noting that with only 5,465 actually succeeding in suicide using drugs, it means there were 42 ED visits for every successful suicide. Sobering odds of success, and there are probably lots of attempts that don't even end up in hospital.
5,465 OUT OF 228,366.
'But TAW122 I can get N.'
While a totally old article, it still makes valid points and has correctly predicted trends in the United States. N is being manufactured less and less, and the legal demand for it just is not there. So yes. I'm sure they still use it in Mexico and other third world countries. It is also expensive. Are you truly ready for the painstaking and irritating time of finding a dark market, finding a reliable seller, and risking criminal prosecution (such as being intercepted by customs and all that shit)?
'But TAW122, I cannot purchase guns, I R not American'
In the UK, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, and Serbia, you can purchase black powder replicas without a license.
Germany and Spain won't let you. Sorry ya'll if you live there. (Try moving to another country in Europe or so if possible.)
Guns beat drugs every day of the week. Sorry guys. When it comes to reliability. This is how it works. Now. Before we get into the joys of muzzle loading and you renaissance festival lovers, we're going to discuss for everyone in North America.
If you live in the US and do not live in California, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, or New York, and you have not committed a felony, and have not broken ATF regulations. You can purchase a gun. Congratulations.
plz read the laws and make sure you follow them okay, thanks guise
If you're going to catch the bus with a firearm in the US or Canada, using anything short of a shotgun is not really reliable (unless you are experienced with firearms and know how to shoot it well, where to aim, steady hands, etc).
'But TAW122, I have a .44 revolver/only have access to a handgun.'
If you can afford a shotgun, you should REALLY consider buying one. Plus, I believe in many states long guns (aside from the anti-gun, 2A hating states) are generally easier to come by. I live in NC so I have the opposite problem (NC has a pistol purchase permit law which is a holdover from the Jim Crow era and only serves to inconvenience people to buy handguns).
This bad boy costs UNDER $200 (as of current price). This is a fully functional and god-tier shotgun. The coolest part about owning a shotgun is when you cock it. It's just a sexy sound.
'But TAW122, how do I buy a gun from le Internet?'
TL;DR - Your gun is shipped to a nearby guy who has a FFL. He holds the gun. You go to his place. He does the background check. You leave with your firearm.
'But ammo'
This is the only round you need. This is overkill and generally good if you can get it. However, birdshot does work too, and I personally have #4 shot, which will still be sufficient especially at point blank range.
'But TAW122, I am a minor'
Well, you shouldn't own a firearm in the first place. Wait until you are an legal adult (18 in the US), and then move out and/or go and buy one.
'But TAW122, I have never shot one before'
Watch some youtube videos, go to a local range where you live or something.
'But TAW122, I live in a state with harsh gun laws'
Muzzle Loaders and Black Powder. READ EM.
'But TAW122, I am an adult, yet live with my parents'
If you buy the firearm online and have it shipped to your FFL, it should literally take 30 minutes for a background check to be completed. You can be in and out in 30 minutes. EZ PZ.
'But TAW122, I can't do that.'
Muzzle Loaders do not require an FFL. You can have shipped right to your front door.
'But TAW122, black powder/muzzle loading when?'
It is just a bit more complicated, but with enough guides and videos on the Internet, I believe you should be able to figure it out.
'TAW122, plz make a recommendation on a firearm for me'
These are just a few examples (see above).
'But TAW122, you said not to use a handgun nor a rifle'
The first example is not a handgun. It's a hand cannon. There is a difference.
'But TAW122, I live in Europe, I can't buy my guns online'
There are many gun stores in the UK that will allow you purchase REALLY overpriced renaissance festival cosplay equipment. Remember, when you go into the gun store, you're buying it because you're going to be Ollie Cromwell or Henry the 8th or something. Act enthused and passionate.
'But TAW122, I live in East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.)'
Gun ownership in Asia, especially in East Asia is very restricted and civilian ownership is pretty much banned.
'But TAW122, I live in Oceania, (Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Micronesia, etc.)'
Afaik, @stargazer has mentioned that is it very difficult to legally obtain a firearm in those countries.
'But TAW122, in the UK, licenses, licenses, licenses'
You must demonstrate a good reason for having one. Possession of, and intent to use, a gun that is only proofed for black powder is a good reason.
'But TAW122, you did not list my country, or give me adequate information.'
Ask away and I will do my best to answer them.
'TAW122, where do I aim?'
See diagram below:

The happy place is the Medulla Oblongata (I like to call it, the Medusa Origin just for the luls) aka the brain stem. Once it is hit and destroyed, death is instantaneous/near instantaneous.
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