While I stand by allowing such peaceful deaths, I also feel that this is Canada's way of solving problems for cheap. I mean, I find it hard to believe that it got this far out of the kindness of the hearts, seems like an ulterior motive. Doesn't matter to me, though. I want to die anyways.
It absolutely is our way of solving problems for cheap. There are definitely cases where people were failed because of the faulty systems in place and are irrecoverable. Probably only a proportion of those on this forum, whereas a proportion are probably fully recoverable but will die anyways.
Who is who is impossible for me to tell but I'm absolutely certain MAID laws are too strict in the current format here in Canada. I've had clients in my line of work whose sole illness was mental illness that I was certain MAID would be the best option for them.
While we wait for political systems, cultures, parents, etc. to collecticely grow up, the least we can do is put people whose physical or mental health is destroyed beyond repair out of their misery.
One day we won't need MAID for preventable illnesses. But currently we absolutely do. Anyone who dies by MAID due to a preventable illness is just a testament to what we need to change, and I hope more people start to include a written letter (honest, not angry) about what we need to change in society for people to be truly free.
I'm actually beginning to think that despite my illnesses, it's not all that bad (for me) and I may consider recovery. Or at least exhaust a few more options.
But I absolutely believe in MAID for those who have it worse than me. Or perhaps for people like myself who have exhausted all options (meds, psychedelic treatments, becoming a damn Buddhist monk and praying that I live (this is next up for me if the meds don't work)).