Hey, as someone having job struggles and having been on the verge of termination numerous times despite my best efforts- I feel you 100%. Being fired or in a shitty work situation, in general, is horrible, and I'm really sorry to hear things went the way they did. But it doesn't make you a failure, incompetent, or nothing good. Sometimes we get dealt a bad hand at certain places, and there are plenty of people much worse at their jobs out there. I know getting past this ordeal isn't easy, but know that you're not alone and I'm rooting for you ^^
I think you'll be able to find great success, even if it takes a little time, okay? Often reasons for termination aren't even entirely valid- a lot of workplaces suck like that. It's okay to acknowledge your emotions, but please try and get back up when you're ready. You've got this. And hey if you ever want to talk about shitty situations regarding work, PMs are always open.
@AkaRed Aww thanks I am rooting for you too
Next month is my 26th birthday and I feel like absolute shit because I failed to have my life together. Now I can't stop crying because it's finally gotten too much. This has been the worst fucking year ever one month after the next it is everything going wrong all the time.
I don't even plan things anymore because it has been such an awful year overall. I have never wanted a year to end so badly. I don't want to see another day anymore. 2023 is the worst year ever for me.
I'm so sorry this happened, I can imagine it must be devastating. Give yourself time to come to terms with it though, hopefully you can get a much better job soon. I don't know the details, maybe you just weren't suited to that particular one? I remember my first day, I thought it had been really good and then they told me at the end the till was out by quite a bit and it was so humiliating, like I can't even count now or do a minimum wage job. I would've gotten shouted at if my boss had found out but luckily my supervisors covered for me. I had no idea I'd been short changing people, I was super careful after that but I always expected to screw up again because I'm so incompetent.
@betternever2havbeen I messed up badly so much went wrong very quickly in a space of 3 months. It is all my fault
• I should have never criticised the entitled arsehole client for their unfair behaviour and demands. I was brutal in my honesty and I went too far. My brutal honesty shocked the entire department and the client too. I learnt from the incident and took responsibility for my actions but the management continued to criticise and penalise me over it even after incident was resolved. I was fired for not having high standards of customer service skills and delivery they expect.
• WFH I struggled to cope. I was ashamed to tell my family and friends I struggle with WFH because society says WFH is easy and everyone around me loves WFH. I hate it
• My work colleagues who I saw everyday were going behind my back to OUR boss to criticise me for updating them on case work. I had challenging cases and struggled with the bureaucracy. These colleagues never sat down with me to express their concerns over me not updating them.
• I was stupid for loving too much the attention the 55 year male colleague was giving me. All my life I have been the invisible girl then woman who guys always ignored and rejected. It was wonderful having a man shower me with attention and making me good about myself. I felt like a real woman for the 1st time and no longer a freak. The man turned out to be a cowardly two faced piece of shit . I was so stupid falling in love with 55 year old man. Once I found out he got back with his long term on/off partner I was absolutely hurt and distanced himself from me i was so hurt. I should have let it go. I really liked him
• I was a foolish for telling an older woman colleague friend in her 40s about how I was hurt I was about the man, i vented to her about the man and told her the plan i successfully carried out to find out about the mans being dishonest about his relationship he hid from me. After she promised me not to tell anyone she told the man our conversation. I only found out from a 3rd party what she did. I never did anything bad to her work. I don't understand why she did this. They were gossiping about me.
My final days at work was spent being absolutely humiliated as result of her gossip and the mans arsehole behaviour. Being humiliated by older people at work who should know better has been the worst.
I'm so sorry this happened, I can imagine it must be devastating. Give yourself time to come to terms with it though, hopefully you can get a much better job soon. I don't know the details, maybe you just weren't suited to that particular one? I remember my first day, I thought it had been really good and then they told me at the end the till was out by quite a bit and it was so humiliating, like I can't even count now or do a minimum wage job. I would've gotten shouted at if my boss had found out but luckily my supervisors covered for me. I had no idea I'd been short changing people, I was super careful after that but I always expected to screw up again because I'm so incompetent.
@betternever2havbeen I messed up badly so much went wrong very quickly in a space of 3 months. It is all my fault
• I should have never criticised the entitled arsehole client for their unfair behaviour and demands. I was brutal in my honesty and I went too far. My brutal honesty shocked the entire department and the client too. I learnt from the incident and took responsibility for my actions but the management continued to criticise and penalise me over it even after incident was resolved. I was fired for not having high standards of customer service skills and delivery they expect.
• WFH I struggled to cope. I was ashamed to tell my family and friends I struggle with WFH because society says WFH is easy and everyone around me loves WFH. I hate WFH.
• My work colleagues who I saw everyday were going behind my back to OUR boss to criticise me for updating them on case work. I had challenging cases and struggled with the bureaucracy. These colleagues never sat down with me to express their concerns over me not updating them.
• I was stupid for loving too much the attention the 55 year male colleague was giving me. All my life I have been the invisible girl then woman who guys always ignored and rejected. It was wonderful having a man shower me with attention and making me good about myself. I felt like a real woman for the 1st time and no longer a freak. The man turned out to be a cowardly two faced piece of shit . I was so stupid falling in love with 55 year old man. Once I found out he got back with his long term on/off partner I was absolutely hurt and distanced himself from me i was so hurt. I should have let it go. I really liked him
• I was a foolish for telling an older woman colleague friend in her 40s about how I was hurt I was about the man, i vented to her about the man and told her the plan i successfully carried out to find out about the mans relationship he hid from me. After she promised me not to tell anyone she told the man our conversation. I only found out from a 3rd party what she did. I never did anything bad to her work. I don't understand why she did this. They were gossiping about me.
My final days at work was spent being absolutely humiliated as result of her gossip and the mans arsehole behaviour. Being humiliated by older people at work who should know better has been the worst. I was stupid.