Oh I've been there before. Some of these may apply to you and some probably wont but these are not intended to be offensive in any way. So you have to fix yourself up and "look" better. Shower daily which means ask for clean towel and washcloths so they can hear you. Come out your room for all meals, take all prescribed medication, and do some of the groups, I'm not saying do them all but enough so the social worker can see you participating! Deny ANY SI, say you have no plans no means to anything and those thoughts are gone and thank them for their help! Be seen engaging with other patients. The important part to remember is what you say and mostly what they see and you appear as. They never discharge over the weekends and they won't tell you that because patients will go crazy. They only discharge mon-fri. Don't ask when you're getting discharged just do the above and you should be out by next week. But wait why did you go was this voluntarily or mandated? Either way, you won't get discharged until the doctor and social worker says you're safe. Hope that helps.