I have finally found my ultimate bliss
- Oct 29, 2023
- 5,803
I agree. I think that FC is a one in a kind person when considering her views. No where else have I seen people say what FC says. Even people here disagree with FC which just goes to show to unique and controversial her views areI know i'm probably going to get ridiculed for this. but i wanted to add to my post and my opinion.That imo @FuneralCry was a unique philosopher. I guess of the pessimist philosophy similar to Schopenhaur. I don't know of too many pessimist philosophers that were women. FC said things i've never seen anywhere . she was bold. this was her platform. and now that is gone . Imo her message needed to be heard because it is the truth. part of it was that "life is bad" which i think is the truth. she wrote well articulated her points well . we don't have guaranteed suicide methods because most people believe "life is good" which imo is not true. in spite of the pervasive "life is good" mantra 26 million people attempt suicide with brutal risky methods worldwide each year , 700,000 to a million commit suicide every year worldwide .
imo there was a way to show people the truth from this site now gone.
She's got no other way to get her message out .
this was the only place she could 've or anyone could've said these kinds of things. google censors all and google hides even this site but still has a lot of reach.