No problem I do not feel attacked. I also do not feel the need to defend myself. I lived in Thailand for 7 years. I spent 5 years meeting weekly with a Buddhist Monk. One of the first mantras he gave me to consider (I was VERY western in my thought processes and that made me overly defensive in my interactions with others) was - Never defend yourself unless you are SURE that you are being attacked. Also, when the time comes I have a couple of people on this site who can vouch for me, given that they haven't already CTB'd. Just because you have N doesn't mean you will use it that day, right? I bought my N in January of 2023 and it brings me a great amount of comfort just knowing that I have it, in case I ever want to use it. I have helped others buy N, what and when they choose to do with it is NONE of my business. You might want to do a search of my posts to read about me, I think that I am a pretty solid guy. I strongly believe that no one asked to be born but we all should have the right to decide when and how we die. Self determination is (or should be) a basic human right... IF you are of legal age.
withouthope said:
How do you know the shop is still selling it? Someone who got the address from you told me they went there and they didn't have any.
Yes, I'm sure that that "someone" was told that the shop didn't have any to sell. There is a WHOLE thread about what that person did wrong in going there on their own. Suffice to say, they didn't speak Spanish well enough, they probably came off as suspicious and the shop owners didn't trust them. They told a story about an injured horse to try to buy the N. Who the hell euthanizes a horse when it's injured? No one, mostly they shoot the horse in the head when it is injured. The person also stated that they went to around 25 different shops and no one would sell them the N. I am not surprised.