

Apr 26, 2021
Hey guys.

so I've been a lurker pretty much daily since finding this site and whilst waiting for my account to be approved.

Basically I just wanted to share my story. I am pretty sure it is nothing new and nothing compared to some of you but I need to connect to people who understand and to have people to reach out to in the worst of times.

When I was 2 1/2 I lost my younger sister to SIDS. It destroyed my mum and she became an alcoholic, which I was never aware of until she was caught drunk driving when I was about 7. After that she barely tried to hide it and I became a young carer to my younger sister (born 2 years after the loss of my sister). My dad had to work 11 hour days to keep a roof above our heads. My mum suffered severely with depression and suicidal tendencies after we lost my sister. The day my sister died is one of my earliest memories. I still remember mum screaming upstairs whilst watching everything happening downstairs. I was severely affected and nearly hospitalised as stopped eating, lost half my body weight and would do things Iike sit under where I watched my dad resuscitate my sister, lining my teddies up whilst repeating what my dad said that night.

My mum died when I was 12. The last words I said to her were "I wish you were dead" in a stupid argument about bed time as it was back to school the next day. Ironically she was sober that night and it killed her, sudden heart attack at 2am, at 41 years of age. I woke to dad calling for help, waited for the ambulance, let my neighbour in who was a nurse and took my sister downstairs to protect her. I was the one to tell my sister mum had died, as dad was stuck talking to the cops due to sudden death.

over the next 2 years, I lost nearly 10 people to many different things from cancer to illness to suicide. It fucked me and at 15 I was admitted to a mental health ward after my 7th CTB attempt and daily SH. I was there for 7 months and I got better. I learnt a lot about how to manage my MH and my warning signs of when I needed to go back on meds before I became very unwell. Of course over the years I have had my downs but my management plan has always worked and I am now in a medical profession, on the front line.

That is an overview of my background. Here is to now. I was relocated to a rural community for work which I was aware would likely happen and had no problems with. I was already back on my meds since last year when my dad tried to OD in the UK (I relocated to the other side of the world 7 years ago). However being here has really screwed me up. My MH is the worst it has been for 15 years. I'm SH again. Now under a psychiatrist and psychologist for the first time in 15 years. Have had one episode of being about to CTB but was talked down by anonymous help.

I was doing everything right. Getting help (it has worked for me before). But then things blew up at work. Work was my "safe place" where only trusted people knew. I was having a bad day and screwed up, telling a colleague why I was struggling. Long story short, big bosses got involved and the truth was changed through Chinese whispers. Whilst this was all happening I also lost someone to cancer who was my "daddy" in this country and who I loved dearly.

I have now had risk assessments done without my knowledge or any of my professionals being involved, by big bosses who I have met once. Not once has anyone asked how I am or involved me, my housemate who is also a colleague is told more about me than I am by my immediate boss.

Now I have major anxiety and paranoia on top of the major depression. I was improving before work blew up. Now I've gone straight back. I think about SH daily if not doing it daily (it is at least every other day atm). I think about CTB but don't have the intent for now. My cats and dog keep me here. But the one night i did have the intent, I was going to take them with me.
it was all being controlled by me until work blew up and it has all been taken out of my control. So now I have ED thoughts as it IS something I control and I have to fight daily against my lack of appetite but also the guilt from eating because I "failed" to not eat yet I know I HAVE to eat at least something. I go through "manic" periods (not BPD) where my thoughts run 1000 mph and I am hyped and fidgety and feeling reckless. I now have times I have severe urges to SH at work. I was 14 years clean before all of this. Being in the medical profession I have to be careful what I say as I am all too aware of what can occur. However at least I can be honest with my psychologist I suppose.

anyway. I found this site and whilst I don't want to CTB, just reading through the posts has helped a little. So I suppose I just wanted to reach out, share my story and say hi. If you have lasted reading this long, thank you.
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Mar 21, 2021
Your life sounds really hard and horrible. Makes me feel a bit inadequate to be honest, how you keep going even after all that. I liked reading your post.
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Apr 26, 2021
Your life sounds really hard and horrible. Makes me feel a bit inadequate to be honest, how you keep going even after all that. I liked reading your post.
Thank you. I'm just scared because I know logically I have not been this bad since I was admitted to hospital. But now I am in the middle of no-where where my nearest family is over 12 hours drive away, with no support network. My dad and sister still live in the UK and I refuse to talk to dad as he is still recovering from his breakdown last year and he will just worry and then I will worry that he is worrying. I have no-one here. And this week has been a particularly bad week as well. I just feel so lost and helpless and numb, with constant conflict of why bother vs logically knowing I need to try and keep fighting whilst not having the energy.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
Wow, I'm sorry you've had such a harsh life so far! My father had issues with alcohol a few years back and lost his driver's licence. All my mother did was complain to me about how much of useless trash my father is which was pretty hard to deal with. But my father found his way out and got his licence back so after a few years everything went back to normal. But this is nothing compared to your story.

The fact that you are still alive shows your incredible strength, not many could withstand that pressure. I'm also proud of you that you took care of your little sister, I can imagine that she is glad to have you.

I'm glad to have you, too, even though I am sad your life made you register here. Welcome on SS! Feel free to talk about anything, the people here are a great bunch and happy to help and support :)
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Apr 26, 2021
Wow, I'm sorry you've had such a harsh life so far! My father had issues with alcohol a few years back and lost his driver's licence. All my mother did was complain to me about how much of useless trash my father is which was pretty hard to deal with. But my father found his way out and got his licence back so after a few years everything went back to normal. But this is nothing compared to your story.

The fact that you are still alive shows your incredible strength, not many could withstand that pressure. I'm also proud of you that you took care of your little sister, I can imagine that she is glad to have you.

I'm glad to have you, too, even though I am sad your life made you register here. Welcome on SS! Feel free to talk about anything, the people here are a great bunch and happy to help and support :)
Thank you. I am not ashamed of my past as it made me the strong person I was up until this year. Now I am back to being a mess in my MH, I wonder if I will ever be "stable". Being so far from my dad and sis sucks but I love my life here. Then covid made it harder. Then being stuck in the middle of butt fuck no-where away from all support fucked me. Now work has truly fucked me. I need to get out of here but can only apply for openings at other spots as and when they come up and then they won't take what's going on into consideration- which let's be honest, could screw them over if I end up needing time off work!!! I just feel so lost and confused and alone and numb and conflicted between thoughts and emotions. I HATE that after 14 years, I am SH again. But right now it is the only thing that helps me feel. If I didn't have my cats (and recently acquired dog) I would have tried CTB by now. But no-one will adopt 4 cats together so I need to stay for them
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Mar 21, 2021

Thank you. I'm just scared because I know logically I have not been this bad since I was admitted to hospital. But now I am in the middle of no-where where my nearest family is over 12 hours drive away, with no support network. My dad and sister still live in the UK and I refuse to talk to dad as he is still recovering from his breakdown last year and he will just worry and then I will worry that he is worrying. I have no-one here. And this week has been a particularly bad week as well. I just feel so lost and helpless and numb, with constant conflict of why bother vs logically knowing I need to try and keep fighting whilst not having the energy.
I can imagine. I don't know what to suggest, if I was feeling how you describe I'd just take a bunch of extra anxiety pills and try and settle. You sound stronger than that though. It's hard, too hard sometimes.
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Apr 26, 2021
I can imagine. I don't know what to suggest, if I was feeling how you describe I'd just take a bunch of extra anxiety pills and try and settle. You sound stronger than that though. It's hard, too hard sometimes

Right now I am getting drunk (definitely feeling it but not completely wasted yet!). This is as an alternative to using sharp implements but yet there is still the voice that says that being drunk may help with the use of sharp implements: hoping it just makes me sleep better as am so exhausted physically and emotionally and the sleeping medications from my GP don't help :(
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Mar 21, 2021
I can imagine. I don't know what to suggest, if I was feeling how you describe I'd just take a bunch of extra anxiety pills and try and settle. You sound stronger than that though. It's hard, too hard sometimes

Right now I am getting drunk (definitely feeling it but not completely wasted yet!). This is as an alternative to using sharp implements but yet there is still the voice that says that being drunk may help with the use of sharp implements: hoping it just makes me sleep better as am so exhausted physically and emotionally and the sleeping medications from my GP don't help :(
:aw: Good idea alcohol is a good substitute I wish I did too. Hope you don't do anything with sharp implements. Not fun, need better pills I think.
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Reactions: avoid_slow_death


Apr 19, 2021
I'm sorry that life was so unfair to you. You passed through all the hard times like an unstoppable warrior.

Welcome to our community :) we're glad to have you with us<3
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Reactions: LADY007, Rolliewoo, avoid_slow_death and 1 other person


Mar 14, 2021
I cried reading this, I know its not sympathy you want or need but hand on heart I'm so sorry to hear what trauma you and your family have been through. It makes me wonder why? Why do these tragedies happen to innocent people, lives turned upside down never to be the same....all in a matter of seconds. You have done amazing to get to where you are and I understand the whole work saga has pulled your safety net from firmly under your feet....that feeling makes us spiral and that's when things escalate, catastrophising becomes the only way to think. Keep chatting to us we care i know for certain everybody on here will do whatever they can for you in way of chatting/understanding/listening and never judging. You sound an awesome lady you should be incredibly proud of your achievements. Sending you love
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Mar 22, 2020
Omg you've certainly been through a lot. I'm so sorry life has been such a bastard with you. This world is really unfair.

I've also lost some people throughout my life. I miss them so much...

Anyway, you're in a good place now. People here, will do their best to "listen" to you and help you somehow.

You can count on us and feel free to pm me if you wanna talk!

Hugs and love,

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Reactions: LADY007, Rolliewoo, avoid_slow_death and 1 other person


Apr 26, 2021
Thanks everyone. I'm so relieved to have people who I can be open to. I've had a fair bit to drink tonight which is not the "norm" for me as I am usually a "social" drinker and have been calling friends abroad as a distraction. It has unfortunately not quite worked :( and is past 02.30am and where as normally it makes me sleepy, I am still wide awake :(
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Mar 21, 2021
Drink pint of water and sleep sleep sleep
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Apr 26, 2021
Drink pint of water and sleep sleep sleep
I will try. I'm not drunk, more tipsy. Nothing that will affect me enough to be hungover tomorrow. And chances of me being asleep for long is not high due to the insomnia :( but I still hope every night
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Mar 21, 2021
I will try. I'm not drunk, more tipsy. Nothing that will affect me enough to be hungover tomorrow. And chances of me being asleep for long is not high due to the insomnia :( but I still hope every night
I thought maybe drunk, hope you are asleep now, horrible lying awake just thinking hate it.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
First of all, please don't compare your problems with others and be dismissive about your own. Your problems are what drove you here, so, while your life might not be "worse" than others it has brought you here and therefore its very serious.

That being said, you definitely lived a pretty horrible life thus far and my heart breaks hearing it. Nobody should be treated such a way, but the world is a cruel cold place where people in desperate need are ignored or worse, exploited for someone else's agenda.

Having said that, I welcome you to SS. Lots of wonderful people here, good conversations and plenty of resources to both help you exit and stay in this world. Have a look around. Post some stuff. Get to know some people. This is a safe space for those of us whom the rest of the world doesn't understand. We might not have much, but, collectively we have one another and that helps quite a bit!

You take care and if you need to reach out and talk, I will listen.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This life we didn't ask for can be so cruel and terrible at times. Nobody deserves to suffer like you have. I wish you all the best.
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Apr 26, 2021
Wow, I'm sorry you've had such a harsh life so far! My father had issues with alcohol a few years back and lost his driver's licence. All my mother did was complain to me about how much of useless trash my father is which was pretty hard to deal with. But my father found his way out and got his licence back so after a few years everything went back to normal. But this is nothing compared to your story.

The fact that you are still alive shows your incredible strength, not many could withstand that pressure. I'm also proud of you that you took care of your little sister, I can imagine that she is glad to have you.

I'm glad to have you, too, even though I am sad your life made you register here. Welcome on SS! Feel free to talk about anything, the people here are a great bunch and happy to help and support :)
Thank you. Means a lot
I thought maybe drunk, hope you are asleep now, horrible lying awake just thinking hate it.
Didn't get a good sleep at all - maybe 2 hours then another 2 hours today in a nap. Thought alcohol helps people sleep (although I should know better as it never has me!)


Mar 21, 2021
Thank you. Means a lot

Didn't get a good sleep at all - maybe 2 hours then another 2 hours today in a nap. Thought alcohol helps people sleep (although I should know better as it never has me!)
Bad. Need to get some pills for that or you will be exhausted all the time, alcohol good for making you fall asleep but it is not as good sleep so not good to do all the time, self defeating.


Apr 26, 2021
Bad. Need to get some pills for that or you will be exhausted all the time, alcohol good for making you fall asleep but it is not as good sleep so not good to do all the time, self defeating.
I know. I don't do it often. And have been prescribed them and they don't work. Didn't take them last night because don't want to mix with alcohol - that is probably where I went wrong. Oh well. Here's to hoping for a better night tonight but it is unlikely to happen if it hasn't happened so far for the last 5 months.


Mar 21, 2021
I know. I don't do it often. And have been prescribed them and they don't work. Didn't take them last night because don't want to mix with alcohol - that is probably where I went wrong. Oh well. Here's to hoping for a better night tonight but it is unlikely to happen if it hasn't happened so far for the last 5 months.
Don't mix with alcohol, don't operate heavy machinery yayayaya… I hope you do have a better night.
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