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Apr 23, 2019
I have felt I should have been female since I was 15 and even before that I hated the male aspects of my body, I started hormones at 18 and am now 20 and in the process of getting surgery but am starting to feel like its all a waste.

I started transisioning before it was considered trendy, before all the "identity" nonsense started, I just wanted to be female, not to get special attention, or be "diverse".

I have always leaned to the right politically, but I am more conservative than anyone I know now and a really bad experience with disabled people being allowed to do whatever they want under the guise of "assistance" has made me believe strongly in eugenics, even against myself.

I feel I morally need to kill myself because I am a defective, that every day I continue living is one more sin or moral failing I have commited(not religious though and have always been an atheist).

My experince with the LGBT community as a whole is some of why I feel this way, there was no community, it was a group of losers whining about not being able to control everything and quizing each other on the latest SJW buzzwords.

They dident talk about trying to feel better, just about how to control others, it wasnt about drugs, surgery or needing free healthcare to transition(which should be the topics of discussion if you have a physical issue with your body), it was about forcing other people to unconditionaly "accept" them however they where, beards in the womens bathroom, removing any mention of gender from every object and form(because you cant assume anything), that they where entitled to other people likeing them, etc...

I feel I have been enroled in this cult I cant leave by no choice of my own.

There is no one saying that this is a birth defect, and anyone who does will likely lose everything when attacked by the "acceptance" mob.

My life is very lonely, no friends, no partner, the only people I talk to is my parents and they shut down the conversation every time I bring up dying and what being defective actually feels like all day.

Everyone I know just pushes the same stupid depression narative, "maybe you need medicine", they dont see if they where all alone, felt they belonged in a T4 death camp and had no ambitions for the future because of a disease they would feel the same way, medicine or not.

I am of sound mind, I dont and never have halucinated, abused drugs, been violent, had rapid mood swings without a trigger, or been unable to see what the potential outcomes of my actions.

High school sucked, ended up dropping out because of the gender stuff and never got to have a real high school expernce.

I have never had traditional ambitions(except wanting to graduate high school and learn Japanese), at 10 I wanted to write a NES ROM, at 12 I also said I would have to kill myself at 18 because I would never get a job since persistant boredom is worse than death(I have always been really open to the idea of dying), what I wanted to do was play video games all day(in hindsight this could have been because of the dysphoria)(I dont play video games much anymore).

Everyone tells me Im so smart, that I have so much to offer the world but I know I will dissapoint everyone in the end, live or die, I dont state it openly anymore but I still feel the same about dying > paid work and now have the disease on top of that.

At this point all I really care about is my computer project, I would like to finish it before I die, but care less about it every day, I do find death slightly scary and am very sad most of the time that I will probably not be able to live any part of my adult life because of what feels like a terminal illness.

The sadness I expernce from lost chances alone is bad enough I dont want to live though, I tell my parents that almost every day.

I feel I am just a burden, maybe even emotially abusive with how much they have to hear about death and there child wanting to commit suicide, but I want them to know what its like and I would like to at least be able to say goodbye without a visit from the cops.

Over all I dont regret transitioning, but would have chose suicide instead of it given the chance.

But at this point I feel its all fake, I can never be a real woman, no matter how much it hurts, I cant change my past and cant change my chromasomes.
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Mar 27, 2018
You are a woman, a real woman!

It is the brain that decides what gender you are.
I've heard that the native americans thought that only transsexual persons were "whole" because they had experience of all genders. ( They had more than two ).
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Dec 7, 2018
Dear sister, I am also transgender girl ... but I don't feel fake. I not feel I need to try be a real woman. I am just myself. I don't take any identity from outside. I take everything out of myself. I don't feel defective in any way. I feel like I am born transgender, I am not like a typical girl and I am also not like a boy, I am kathoi or third gender. I belong to a third gender and they are born less frequently and that's absolute what I was meant to be and if I would come to earth and reborn again, I would choose to be born as this gender again with the same identity !!! I feel absolutely nothing defect about myself. It is how GOD made us and we have been there for centuries. There are some struggles and hurdles to overcome - yes - but that's how it is meant to be - and it is part of growing... and there are so many kathois who are absolutely happy with their lives and feel complete. And I am not a woman, don't call me a woman , that would be offensive. I belong to different third gender. Anyway... why you feel defective ? Do you feel the need of passing and confirming to the image a woman ?
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Apr 23, 2019
Anyway... why you feel defective ? Do you feel the need of passing and confirming to the image a woman ?

People tell me I pass already, but the process of transitiong takes all your dignity away, I think I am too tall and my face has some masculine attributes(some people I talk to dont though), can never have kids and the guys I would want to be with would just think I am a faggot in a dress(and I kind of feel there right at this point too).

Being a extreme perfectionist doesn't really help either, I would throw out a phone over a dead pixel and abandon those I care about because they became disabled, defective is defective, why am I special?

I feel I am like a misprint on a manufacturing line, better if I just get recycled.
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Jul 22, 2018
Over all I dont regret transitioning, but would have chose suicide instead of it given the chance.

So are you going to act on suicide?

I started transitioning the same year as you but sadly I'm older by 8 years. I don't pass and most people just assume I'm a gay guy in first impressions because I don't dress female from not passing. Haven't bothered putting in the work for voice therapy because suicide is better than this life of punishment for no justifiable reason. Also I know starting late doesn't really matter much depending on genetics. Best opportunity is before puberty to get on blockers.

I find it amusing how you reference the transgender community as a cult. Are you talking about irl communities or online? I'm sort of in agreement to your opinion because the communities are so pro-life. I honestly think things would be better if the communities fought for the non-passing people to have the right of obtaining assisted suicide. The process of doing that would likely make medical professionals take it more seriously in other aspects as well. I'm saving up for assisted suicide with the organization DIGNITAS because they said they're alright with gender dysphoria being the reason to end life over in Switzerland.

It honestly doesn't get better if you don't pass. Even in an accepting city it's still like well I lost out on childhood years. Hmm, nobody would want to date someone defected unless they have a "thing" for it and that's a reason to not date those people. Also can't have a child or even be treated like everyone else because people just don't think of you similar subconsciously and when they find out your transgender. Also the world is so religious that you hear God this or God that or OMG all the time. When being born transgender it makes the whole God thing an extra stab in the heart.

Honestly gender dysphoria should be a given for the right to die.
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Apr 23, 2019
I dont know if I am going to do it yet, I really want to, but theres things I dont have in order that I would want to take care of first, right now I just need some place to talk about real things since my parents dont want to hear it and anything LGBT related will just say Im not woke enough and need to become an activist.

I also dont know how I would do it, I am an adult but have no money and am completely dependent on my parents for everything, I do know chemistry though but most chemicals that would work painlessly you cant get easily.

Both IRL and online are a cult, theres the pro-life stuff, but also they quite frequently say that being trans is amazing or awesome and deny the objective truth because it makes them sad, like that a uterus is not a female body part, really the only thing not cult like about them is they lack a distinct leader.
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Jul 22, 2018
Yah you seem rational about the circumstances.

I agree with you that not having female organs is saddening and it's crazy how the majority of the trans community ignore that without a thought. I somewhat get the impression there's a push for satisfaction of just being able to replicate the act of sex and that to me is awful because it shallows the whole meaning of sex in one's life. Every LGBT place irl I've ever been to, gives away condoms and the walls are covered with posters about avoiding HIV.

Then there is the whole being a millennial and it's shitty enough compared to being trans as well. I'm no longer living in circumstances as you but I hate how society has made the young cling to their parents for so much of their 20s because finances are scarce unless you can get a degree that's actually helpful for getting a job. Basically everyone I know that's young, does sex work and for having a life that our parents just needed a part time job during fall & winter and then worked full time in the summer.

IDK seems like some trans people are fighting for the shared leader status that's not proclaimed but subtly known by the followers. I find the whole activist thing kind of saddening because many people (cis people as well) push that on people who don't pass. Nobody should desire that life to just keep on living lol.


Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
I don't know what it's like to be born the wrong gender, it must be rough. All I can offer is my thoughts, no one should judge you for being trans. But look society is becoming more and more accepting as time goes on, so do bear that in mind before you ctb.


Jul 22, 2018
I don't know what it's like to be born the wrong gender, it must be rough. All I can offer is my thoughts, no one should judge you for being trans. But look society is becoming more and more accepting as time goes on, so do bear that in mind before you ctb.
Society becoming accepting has nothing to do with what's listed above.

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