I'm horrified by the idea of reincarnation. Or at least I used to be, because it'd be the perfect irony for me to leave and then be forced to do all of this again in someone else's body, possibly even having a worse life than I do now. Nowadays, I know what's coming for me.
I have to keep this vague because my friends know about the context. But I've seen.. whatever is up there or around us. God, a God, I don't know. But whatever has power over our lives whether it's The One or one of many is real. I'm not religious like that but I know it exists and I say it because that thing wasn't... I don't know. I had this dream where I saw the empty blackness that would come after. Not darkness but literal nothing. I saw it again another time during a real life event. That thing spoke to me once before it happened on the dream. I could feel how happy it was to have power over my life like that. It wasn't even a thought in its head. I knew it wasn't necessarily a personification of Death, meaning I wouldn't meet it at my end, but that it simply held the power to do so and took pleasure in the act. It was almost like a cosmic horror, not by what it looked like as it had no form, but by what it encapsulated.
I know this sounds like the complete opposite of what you asked, but I say all of this to add up to the fact that my fears and anxieties regarding this stuff have been comforted by what I was shown. Reincarnation is the worst possible end for me and the purest form of pain that could be forced upon me. Seeing that empty nothing, feeling the lack of feeling- in those moments I chose that this is what my afterlife would look like. No repeats, no one "God", no demons or angels, just what you see when you close your eyes. It's what I originally believed as a child and it's what I had reaffirmed for me those two times.
I'd suggest to pick something that would bring you comfort and actively choose to believe that it will be your afterlife. Like a previous commenter said, there's too many religions and beliefs in the world for someone to be wrong. They can all co-exist and thus, your afterlife can fit neatly amongst them too.