To not lose control over the narrative and not become a plot device serving others' agenda (whether it's being a part of a statistic or a personal story).
Yeah, my parents spill it all out. They said before we had children, life was boring, they brought us to life for their entertainment, and my mom still blames me when my dad gets depressed; she expects me to entertain him. But when I started to create my own controversial point of view about the world, they called me sick and uneducated. In fact, I have more education than them. But I think they still love me conditionally, they never oppressed me or anything, but they have the wrong perspective about life, which obliges me to get along with them, therefore society.
I think the only reason to live for me is love. I love people who reflect me, who have the same idea as me, they are special to me, and I enjoy the feeling of caring for them.