The ketogenic diet isn't starvation mode. There is a medical definition associated with starvation mode and switching from sugar burning to fat burning does not meet the definition. In fact, for most people extended water fasting does not meet the definition either. From my understanding, it isn't until the body starts cannibalizing healthy organ tissues for fuel that this definition comes into play. The body is intelligent and only starts cannibalizing organs as a fuel source of last resort. People water fast for thirty days plus without going into starvation mode. These individuals, and most individuals, have ample stores of body fat to fuel themselves for extended water fasts.
Theoretical the diet does not require a whole lot of time and does not need to be super expensive. For example, I can choose to eat nothing but eggs, and be in ketosis. In fact, there was a study involving an elderly man who eats something like 22 eggs each day and has done so for a prolonged period of time. It was unclear if this was all he ate, but he believed the egg consumption was keeping him alive.
It did take me tons of time and research for this diet, but this is just my personality and part of my own disfunction. And, to clarify my earlier post I did a hard core keto/carnivore combined diet for three months, but over the past ten years I've done repeated keto diet experiments on myself.
There is some long term anecdotal stories of those on either ketogenic diets or carnivore diets. Personally, from all I've absorbed on this topic, I believe this is not a diet of first choice. Don't fix what isn't broken.
My conclusion is it is probably best to try cycling in and out of the diet on a seasonal basis, just like our prehistoric ancestors likely were forced to do. But, since I'm posting on a suicide forum, it seems an appropriate venue to advocate others take the diet into consideration. If one is running out of options and is considering chugging SN or N, then what is there to lose? For those people, give it a shot! I can promise that the ketogenic diet will cause you less harm than either SN or N.
A simple and somewhat cheap starting point would be to eat full fat ground beef with eggs cooked in butter. Sprinkle in a little broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables, if you want, and you are good to go.