
Aug 27, 2023
Ever since my father passed from cancer back in June, I have had nothing but problems with my family. (Mother, older sister, and twin sister)

I, 28M, spent the last week of my dad's life by his bedside as he slowly passed from his battle with cancer. Watching someone you love leave this world behind has got to be one of the worst pains in the world. I miss him every single day and I have been to his grave at least once a week since just to talk to him.

A week after the funeral, my older sister had let her son (my nephew) come visit me and to have some company. He got to spend an entire week with me, then all of a sudden, she lashes out on me, and kept him away from me up until August 22 of this year. (Nearly 2 months) Keep in mind, my older sister and I DO NOT have the same father. Honestly to this day, I do not truly know the reason why she did this.

Fast forward to this past weekend. We had a birthday party in remembrance of my father. My older sister was there with my nephew and her husband and a few others. Just your typical remembrance party, but something happened that completely just makes me sick. My twin sister had made a comment to my older sister about something I had said, and she (my older sister) took it so wrong and waited until yesterday (Monday) to do anything about it. She told her son to completely block me and to stop talking to me. She confronts me today about the entire situation and none of it makes any sense to me. She has for the longest time used her son against me over the smallest and most pathetic reasons. Oh the reason this time? Because I had joked that I don't have to listen to her because it was my dad's birthday. (That's the reason... sad.)

Anyways, we all share the same mother. My mother has historically always sided with my older sister no matter what. I've talked to her numerous times about my older sisters behavior, and to me it seems like she thinks nothing is wrong with how she acts. My nephew has told me many times how controlling his step dad is to my older sister and how he is always negatively talking bad about me, into which both my older sister and her husband decline such. I have no reason not to believe my nephew.

I honestly just give up. I've been fighting this for well over a year. My older sister is ALWAYS taking my nephew away from me and it just gets worse (and the reasoning more pathetic) every time! My mom just doesn't care anymore and she does almost nothing anymore besides sleep and sit in her bed all day. My twin sister lives with my mom still and does nothing as well. I'm really just tired of constantly having to defend myself and absolutely no one believes me even though I have all of the proof and evidence I need to back my claims. I don't know if they do this out of pity, but it's not not right as I've done nothing wrong to any of them.

I told myself today that I will discontinue going to my mother's house (I go every single day) and to not talk to any of them and see how things go. I'm tired of being "the bad guy" when I haven't done anything wrong, but when I try to fight my case, I get insulted and ridiculed for doing so.

I've been thinking about ctb for such a long time, even before my dad passed. With his passing and all of this drama as of late, I really want to. It's not just the family drama currently, but my life in general. I was sheltered a lot as a kid. Often ridiculed and told by others in the family that "you'll always live with your parents" or "they're a lost cause" because I lacked a lot of common knowledge or "street smarts" from being sheltered. I just lost my job because I have once again fallen deep into depression. I do have 2 new jobs lined up, but not until the end of the week.

Anyways, I would love to hear any feedback or questions from those who may or can relate to my situation. Am I really doing something wrong here?
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