

From the Divine we came, to the Divine we return.
Sep 25, 2023
My CTB method is oxycodone polysubstance overdose. Here is my method and my sources of information.

I've done a lot of research on what could make my OD successful, but I often hear that it's unreliable. For any of you who failed to ctb from opioids, I have several questions for you, so hopefully I can learn from your experiences and tweak my method to increase the chance of success.

1) Were you opioid naïve or tolerant?
1.1) If you were tolerant, what was the most you have taken without overdosing?

2) Which opioid did you use?
2.1) Was it immediate-release or extended-release?

3) What dosage did you take?

4) In what way was it administered?

5) Did you have other drugs to potentiate it?
5.1) What drug(s)?
5.2) What dosage(s)?
5.3) How was it administered?

6) Did you use alcohol to potentiate it?
6.1) How many mL of the drink?
6.2) What was the alcohol by volume (alcohol/ethanol concentration) of the booze?

7) Were you found, or did you wake up on your own?

8) How long after taking the drugs were you found/did you wake up on your own?

9) Were you administered Narcan/Naloxone?

10) Did you vomit at all?

If you've ever attempted to ctb by an opioid overdose, any information would be helpful!!
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From the Divine we came, to the Divine we return.
Sep 25, 2023
I've been searching a lot and I can barely find much on failed opioids. The few that I did find either took way too small of doses, or already had an opioid tolerance. I think I only read 3 failures. It was hard to find more


Sep 12, 2023
I failed from a small amount. Only 2mg benzos and an unknown amount of opiates sold to me as heroin. I/V. Likely to be fentanyl or some other rc opioid. I woke up the next day, I puked and wound up in the hospital.

I will say tho the process of losing consciousness was painless for me

I'm planning to ctb with a more calculated method of opioid/benzo combo
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Jul 11, 2023
I failed my opioid overdose 1 year ago. Someone found me and brought me to the hospital a day after my OD. I was unconscious and I had cerebral edema. Now I have a damaged brain but I'm still alive. I bought heroin from the dark web. It was 3g but I think it was cutted. I used alcohol to increase the effect.


Sep 12, 2023
I failed my opioid overdose 1 year ago. Someone found me and brought me to the hospital a day after my OD. I was unconscious and I had cerebral edema. Now I have a damaged brain but I'm still alive. I bought heroin from the dark web. It was 3g but I think it was cutted. I used alcohol to increase the effect.
I'm sorry you got hurt in the process.

How did you administer the dose?
All 3 grams at once?
How much alcohol?


Jun 30, 2023
bumping as i am wondering the same. i know my method (opioid + alcohol) is not 100% but still, based on my research I have a good chance of succeeding, but I am curious what the experience is for a failed attempt
also isn't it funny how celebs seem to die of accidental OD like this all the time...are they taking some different caliber of medications lol