
May 6, 2018
This is too real. I just found out you don't have to background check in Texas to be able to get a gun at a gun show. I have enough money...I should do do this and CTB. Gun is my preferred method...
Yeah that's not as easy as it sounds. You'd probably have better luck acquiring one illegally off the street in your home country than in the us at a "gun show".
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May 19, 2024
This is too real. I just found out you don't have to background check in Texas to be able to get a gun at a gun show. I have enough money...I should do do this and CTB. Gun is my preferred method...
I have the money too.... meet you in Austin?


“All life is a near death experience.”
Dec 27, 2022
This doesnt sound very good for me since ill be taking the SN methode, oh well no going back now. Atleast I have Propanolol though.

dying flower

Jan 6, 2024
Are there any videos around? Id like to watch if possible....sorry i dont know if that is against the rules or not please forgive if so.
I believe that there is no thing as an absolutely peaceful death after all we don't even know what people feel when they die in their sleep. I am still using the SN method anyway 🙏
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Jun 19, 2024
SN takes more preparation than hanging, but the actual execution (pun intended) is easier to pull off than hanging. I'll take 15 minutes of feeling sick and throwing up over a few minutes of not being able to breathe.
And I'm in Europe with a history of mental health issues, which would hinder me from getting a gun in the US but completely block me from it here in Europe.
When someone is having seizures they do not feel any pain. The feeling of not being able to breathe, the anxiety that accompanies the induced tachychardia and any sort of pain, feeling extremely sick are really difficult to cope with.


Aug 24, 2023
It is a known case, she was a brazilian woman in her early 20's. The case gained notoriety in Brazil after the man who recorded her videos shared them on several social media platforms and later hanged himself on a public platform above a busy highway.
Can u post some news reports about her case if it was in news in TV or anywhere? I would like to know more about this case, i already seen the videos.
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Dec 20, 2021
Can u post some news reports about her case if it was in news in TV or anywhere? I would like to know more about this case, i already seen the videos.
l'm not sure if it's allowed to post that kind of information here, you can PM me if you're interested.


Apr 29, 2024
Is there pain with SN? If someone can't move or speak, how would anyone know? That seemed painful from reading it.


Apr 29, 2024
It is a known case, she was a brazilian woman in her early 20's. The case gained notoriety in Brazil after the man who recorded her videos shared them on several social media platforms and later hanged himself on a public platform above a busy highway.
that's awful.

it would be so much better if people who didn't want to be alive could do it a painless and easy way. why would that man do something like that for others to see? it seems just mean

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Thank you for posting this.

It's so brave and generous of people to share their final moments. It's so valuable for those of us considering this method.

What I do find difficult to understand here and on other attempts I've read of is people getting up and wandering about after taking it. SN commonly induces vomiting, dizzyness and fainting. Why wouldn't you just have a bucket by you to be sick in to? People have actually survived the attempt but had complications from passing out while walking about and hitting their heads. That's definitely something I would take away from this thread and others- to prepare really well- putting plastic sheeting down and having a bucket on hand and anything else you might need prior to taking it- so you aren't tempted to get up and then collapse.

But- thank you. Thankfully, they didn't seem to faint while they were walking about. It seems to follow what I believe SN often is- unpleasant but not unbearable.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
What I do find difficult to understand here and on other attempts I've read of is people getting up and wandering about after taking it.
Exactly my thought too. I mean wouldn't a bed be more comfortable? SN is a method that actually gives you a chance for that "comfort" of being in bed. I see reports of sn suicides having been found in busses, bus station's and bending over their toilet seat....I mean I get impulsiveness or doings it where ever you can but...it just doesn't make sense to me too.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Exactly my thought too. I mean wouldn't a bed be more comfortable? SN is a method that actually gives you a chance for that "comfort" of being in bed. I see reports of sn suicides having been found in busses, bus station's and bending over their toilet seat....I mean I get impulsiveness or doings it where ever you can but...it just doesn't make sense to me too.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I think SN isn't the best method to do impulsively. The chances of failure seem higher without the proper preparation.

I guess it's difficult (and kind of unfair) to judge really. It's not like I've had the guts to drink it. Maybe you do feel really restless and distressed. I'd really hope though- after all my years of ideation. After all the hassle of obtaining the stuff for the SN method that I'd take the time to prepare it thoroughly.
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Jun 19, 2024
I found a reply in an old thread detailing what they saw on stream of someone who took SN, I think it's the most detailed account I've seen so far.

23:55 mixing SN (25g/50ml weight: 90kg; 2 glasses) Position is a comfy chair
23:57 drank first glass in a second; taste was salty but remained calm
23:58 lit up a cigarette
23:59 feels it in throat, still able to walk (went to the sink to rinse and came back)
00:00 threw up, seems a bit in distress, threw up multiple times
Prince offers to sing, he's able to respond, Prince sings a nice lullaby
00:01 seems to be in distress, constant vomiting
00:02 says "sick", went to grab a cloth, returned abruptly with cloth, vomiting again
00:03 "my hands are tingling"
00:04 almost vomited but was able to hold it back, "my heart is beating fast"
Can communicate but obviously seems sick
00:05 "it's tingling now" "uncomfortable but doesn't hurt"
00:06 "I'm very restless"
00:07 starts shaking a bit, not able to communicate but can move his hands and head
00:08 convulsing (a bit violently for a few seconds), saliva/vomit shot out of his mouth, headphone fell off but was able to put it back to his ears - his last confirmed voluntary movement
00:09 light shaking, tries to move head
00:10 makes strange sounds but not able to speak
00:11 a few heavy convulsions but still in position, headphone on, saliva shot out again
00:11 makes sounds again, seems like he tries to speak but can't
00:12 not much movement, occasionally straightens up then falls back to chair
00:13 sounds continue
00:14 possibly unconscious (it could have happened sooner than this time)
00:15 visibly more blue now and pale
00:16 snorts continuously, might be the so called "death rattle"
00:17-20 situation is the same as above
00:19 one straightening up, and one louder sound, like a grasp for air
00:21 sounds are becoming less frequent, there are some random involuntary movements but not much (mostly mouth opening)
00:22 almost ceased movements
00:24 little sound and movement
00:25 getting near; still in the chair, mouth and eyes are open, he's obviously not there
00:26 no more sounds, sometimes moves a little bit
00:28 no more movements

conclusion: hard to watch someone die but seems relatively peaceful, just as expected; threw up a lot at the beginning, at the time of the convulsions he did not seem to realize what was happening, he did not drink the second glass

Original thread: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/goodbye-thread.53182/
is it mentioned what type of meds they took with the sn? Did they follow the "protocol"? Thx


Jul 4, 2022
One of the very first posts I ever read on this site was very similar. It was a video eyewitness account of SN overdose. It wasn't this one though. I only know that because I remember the person's last mumblings were some painful groans and, "Fuck". Left me feeling very freaked out, scared and sad.
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Jul 18, 2024
This actually sounds really bad and almost makes me want to try a different method. I bought the SN and anti-emetics but repeated feelings of being anxious and super restless and sick sound bad....have had a fear of poisonings since I was very little, but maybe it was prophetic, (ha!) I'm wondering if benzos would cool this. Was planning on taking a little beforehand and then a hero's dose after.


Jul 23, 2022
One of the very first posts I ever read on this site was very similar. It was a video eyewitness account of SN overdose. It wasn't this one though. I only know that because I remember the person's last mumblings were some painful groans and, "Fuck". Left me feeling very freaked out, scared and sad.
Probably is the case with most people who have died, regardless of the cause. But I understand.


Apr 14, 2024
I wish I could get SN in the UK but no chance and anywhere that says they sell it seems dodgy


Dec 20, 2021
that's awful.

it would be so much better if people who didn't want to be alive could do it a painless and easy way. why would that man do something like that for others to see? it seems just mean
In this case, he was also a forum member who knew everything about the SN method and had access to it. He chose to use this method to shock people.
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Apr 29, 2024
What I do find difficult to understand here and on other attempts I've read of is people getting up and wandering about after taking it. SN commonly induces vomiting, dizzyness and fainting. Why wouldn't you just have a bucket by you to be sick in to?

As someone who planned a suicide attempt in great detail and unfortunately survived, I can tell you that I had an idea of how I would do things, and then on the day I finally did it, there was such extreme stress before, and fatigue from pushing past my anxiety about it, that by the time the poison started to work on me and I was in severe pain, my brain went into a certain amount of crazed autopilot. When I was found and ended up in the ER hours later, which I had estimated would be enough time to die, I was screaming at that point (I chose a very painful but available method), but screaming "let me die already" so it was not like I reverted to wanting to live, but some of my actions once the poison kicked in were not rational. When I got to the ER, they told me it was too late to pump my stomach, they told me if they weren't sure if I would live. I passed out eventually. Then I was alive again, much to my frustration. My point is things don't always go according to plan.
In this case, he was also a forum member who knew everything about the SN method and had access to it. He chose to use this method to shock people.
oh i didn't know.
was he trying to protest how society has sort of made suicide hard to do and try to punish people for attempting it when they don't die? if so then i understand why he did it.
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Jun 17, 2024
I wish I could get SN in the UK but no chance and anywhere that says they sell it seems dodgy

I know, I searched far and wide and all I found made me think it wasn't the real deal, even tho there shouldn't be any reason for 'fakes' as this sht is generally so cheap
The only sites I found where it seemed legit, require certain documents so you can prove you're a teacher or business owner etc who has scientific need for it lol


it's still raining
May 27, 2024
As someone who planned a suicide attempt in great detail and unfortunately survived, I can tell you that I had an idea of how I would do things, and then on the day I finally did it, there was such extreme stress before, and fatigue from pushing past my anxiety about it, that by the time the poison started to work on me and I was in severe pain, my brain went into a certain amount of crazed autopilot. When I was found and ended up in the ER hours later, which I had estimated would be enough time to die, I was screaming at that point (I chose a very painful but available method), but screaming "let me die already" so it was not like I reverted to wanting to live, but some of my actions once the poison kicked in were not rational. When I got to the ER, they told me it was too late to pump my stomach, they told me if they weren't sure if I would live. I passed out eventually. Then I was alive again, much to my frustration. My point is things don't always go according to plan.

oh i didn't know.
was he trying to protest how society has sort of made suicide hard to do and try to punish people for attempting it when they don't die? if so then i understand why he did it.
Hey, what method did you use if you don't mind sharing? Were you able to curb your SI even when u were anxious and in pain or did u call for help? Would you try SN next time around? Thanks


Apr 29, 2024
Hey, what method did you use if you don't mind sharing? Were you able to curb your SI even when u were anxious and in pain or did u call for help? Would you try SN next time around? Thanks
Unfortunately, there are "suicide makes jebus cry" bible types that would prefer I suffer in a room cold with no one to talk with, no stimulation, and miserable for many hours until I lie enough to convince a doctor I am happy after they fill me to the brim shaking with ineffective pills.

"curb my suicide ideation" sort of sounds like something a clinician or a religious person would say. you probably aren't one of those types, but i can't give too much identifying information about what happened lest I risk those assholes trying to "help" me by inflicting more misery upon me.

so the answer is i do mind, nothing personal, and i won't answer either question. in a better world with less religious assholes, i wouldn't have to do that and would answer your questions
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it's still raining
May 27, 2024
Unfortunately, there are "suicide makes jebus cry" bible types that would prefer I suffer in a room cold with no one to talk with, no stimulation, and miserable for many hours until I lie enough to convince a doctor I am happy after they fill me to the brim shaking with ineffective pills.

"curb my suicide ideation" sort of sounds like something a clinician or a religious person would say. you probably aren't one of those types, but i can't give too much identifying information about what happened lest I risk those assholes trying to "help" me by inflicting more misery upon me.

so the answer is i do mind, nothing personal, and i won't answer either question. in a better world with less religious assholes, i wouldn't have to do that and would answer your questions
SI means survival instinct not ideation. But no worries I get wanting to protect yourself!


Feb 12, 2024
Would it be possible to combine this method with something that will make you pass out fast?
Like, idk, certain types of drugs maybe?
Because - even if you say it seems like he didn't notice a lot of things anymore after a while - it seems pretty violent to me, especially during the first 10-12 minutes.
Now, I know if you're passed out, there is always the risk of simply choking on your own vomit - but would you notice that?
If you manage to lie down sideways you shouldn't choke on it, right?
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Convulsing, vomiting, uncomfortable, sick, for like 15 minutes. Idk how this shit seems more peaceful to you guys than hanging or a firearm.
For real. all I've got to do to CTB is pull a trigger once real quick and I get a 90%+ chance of death (much higher if done right). why anyone who can get a gun chooses otherwise is beyond me

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