
Apr 12, 2021
Planning on going out by exit bag. I bought 100% pure Helium 2 tanks and got a full instructuanal video on how to do it starring a famous dutch actor. I am in the Netherlands and from what I heard if the Helium is not 100% pure it should say so on the box. I even mailed the company that sells the tanks and they replied saying they didn't know of helium mixed with oxygen. So is this true? Are helium tanks in Holland really still pure? I need to make sure not to fuck up.
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Feb 27, 2021
I think they mixed in the oxygen with the helium in America only but just to make sure I'm summoning greenberg. The exit bag expert around here.

................. :hug:

:hug: @Greenberg :hug:

‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ :hug: ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎ :hug:
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Apr 12, 2021
Thanks man, appreciate it.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Please take pictures of the labels/descriptions on the tanks themselves, also of boxes they came in (if applicable) and upload them here.

That's an odd response from a reputable supplier... They should know exactly what the specs are on their gas. Maybe they just say that to prevent people from ctb?? Anyway, can you also cut-and-paste here exactly what both of you wrote? We can use Google Translate if it's in Dutch.
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Jun 28, 2020
I think they mixed in the oxygen with the helium in America only but just to make sure I'm summoning greenberg. The exit bag expert around here.

................. :hug:

:hug: @Greenberg :hug:

‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ :hug: ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎ :hug:
Thanks for all the hugs!! Sending some :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: back to you!

From my understanding, ONLY consumer-grade (think balloons) helium is diluted. In contrast, industrial helium is given purity levels, like 99%. As long you purchased from a reputable gas provider, you should be okay. Simply check with them prior to making your purchase.
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Do not trust him he will try to get information from you ask you the date you plan to CTB beware.
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  • Wow
  • Hmph!
Reactions: Rabitfever, Greenberg and profoundexperience


Jun 28, 2020
I was very kind to you and now you insinuate that I plan to turn you in. Shame on you. I stopped communicating with you because I found you too needy and demand persistent attention. I responded to your request for help with the presumption that you need someone there for you as you CBT in the coming days. Then you mentioned that you do not plan to CBT until mid-year. You let me on so that you would have company. You sought information and I provided you with the technical information wanted. I then left you alone. Honestly, I think you are upset because you are lonely and have no one to speak with. SMH
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Do not trust Greenberg he will try to get information from you ask you the date you plan to CTB then turn you in so someone can stop you! He's not for real and is setting you up! Beware.
That makes me very sad :aw:... if true.

What did @Greenberg specifically do, wrt "turning you in"? I need some explanation/evidence please... :aw::aw:


Jun 28, 2020
Butterfly if you do not apologize immediately for tarnishing my good name. I will publish our entire conversation on my blog and everyone will see the true character you are. I have nothing to hide.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Although we disagree on some things... I've found @Greenberg to be very reliable.

AND, I have a lot of respect for @Greenberg's excellent Inert Gas Method blog. A lot of work was clearly put into that, for the genuine benefit of our community... Please be sure to visit it at:
I find it hard to believe an anti-suicide advocate would write a blog like that one...??
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
I was very kind to you and now you insinuate that I plan to turn you in. Shame on you. I stopped communicating with you because I found you too needy and demand persistent attention. I responded to your request for help with the presumption that you need someone there for you as you CBT in the coming days. Then you mentioned that you do not plan to CBT until mid-year. You let me on so that you would have company. You sought information and I provided you with the technical information wanted. I then left you alone. Honestly, I think you are upset because you are lonely and have no one to speak with. SMH
You asked too much personal info. The exact date I planned to CTB when I wouldn't tell you, then you blew me off. Big red flag around here.
Butterfly if you do not apologize immediately for tarnishing my good name. I will publish our entire conversation on my blog and everyone will see the true character you are. I have nothing to hide.
True character? I am suffering just like everyone else here. You took advantage of that.
Butterfly if you do not apologize immediately for tarnishing my good name. I will publish our entire conversation on my blog and everyone will see the true character you are. I have nothing to hide.
Your true character is showing in your responses here to me.
I was very kind to you and now you insinuate that I plan to turn you in. Shame on you. I stopped communicating with you because I found you too needy and demand persistent attention. I responded to your request for help with the presumption that you need someone there for you as you CBT in the coming days. Then you mentioned that you do not plan to CBT until mid-year. You let me on so that you would have company. You sought information and I provided you with the technical information wanted. I then left you alone. Honestly, I think you are upset because you are lonely and have no one to speak with. SMH
Hmmm so because you presumed I was going to CTB imminently you befriended me, but then found out I didn't plan to CTB any time soon so you blew me off?? Makes a lot of sense doesn't it folks?
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  • Hmph!
  • Wow
Reactions: throwaway9970, Greenberg and profoundexperience


Jun 28, 2020
As I said, you were too needy and asked too many personal questions.

That is fine; you choose not to retract your statement. Our conversation will be posted on my blog and everyone will know the character you are!


You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
then turn you in so someone can stop you!
What did @Greenberg specifically do, wrt "turning you in"? I need some explanation/evidence please... :aw::aw:
You asked too much personal info. The exact date I planned to CTB when I wouldn't tell you, then you blew me off. Big red flag around here.

True character? I am suffering just like everyone else here. You took advantage of that.
Did @Greenberg "turn you in" (to someone else... or some "authorities")? If so, what happened?? This is a serious thing, imho.

However, if you happened, in "the heat of the moment", to misstate that particular aspect... just simply retract it.

Please, thanks! :aw: :aw:


Jun 28, 2020
You asked too much personal info. The exact date I planned to CTB when I wouldn't tell you, then you blew me off. Big red flag around here.

True character? I am suffering just like everyone else here. You took advantage of that.

Your true character is showing in your responses here to me.

Hmmm so because you presumed I was going to CTB imminently you befriended me, but then found out I didn't plan to CTB any time soon so you blew me off?? Makes a lot of sense doesn't it folks?
Did @Greenberg "turn you in" (to someone else... or some "authorities")? If so, what happened?? This is a serious thing, imho.

However, if you happened, in "the heat of the moment", to misstate that particular aspect... just simply retract it.

Please, thanks! :aw: :aw:
Yes, please identify how I turned you in?

Oh, one more thing... when I post our conversation on my blog, it will reveal your identity and the city where you live. You are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of "turning you in." It is your last chance to retract and apologize.
  • Aww..
Reactions: profoundexperience


You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
if when I post our conversation on my blog, it will reveal your identity and the city where you live.
@Greenberg, please don't!

It's just not worth it: "Two wrongs don't make a right..." Take the "higher road"... Let it go...
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Apr 12, 2021
https://www.bol.com/nl/p/haza-original-helium-tank-50-ballonnen/9200000108991103/ this is where I got it from. So yeah, it is balloon helium but the purity ("kwaliteit" in dutch) says 100% on the website as you can see. To my knowledge it's illegal to sell mixed helium as pure and some dutch guy who's into chemistry also told me it should say so on the box if it's mixed. Also, the box it came in is full of warnings about breathing it in. Sorry if my response is a bit lazy, it's just very though to focus on the task at hand when you already gave up on life. It sucks cause now is the time for me to be persistant and stay sharp. Gathering all the information and necessary tools needed to create the exit bag for the last couple days was without a doubt one of the thoughest tasks I completed in a looooong time. That is how determined I am. I am calm now that I got all the stuff needed, but obviously a bit anxious about fucking it up too. That said, since I already came this far I might as well double or triple check this, so if the link I provided is not enough information I will post a more detailed response.
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Jun 28, 2020
Well, it does say, "100% helium."
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Apr 12, 2021
Yeah now is not the time to be lazy. So here is the response I got from the supplier: Beste *blank*, Hartelijk bedankt voor uw bericht. Het is ons niet bekend dat helium ook gemengd kan zijn met andere gassen in de tank. Wij gaan er vanuit dat een heliumtank ook echt helium bevat. Hopende u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd. Met vriendelijke groet, *blank*.

This translates to: dear blank, thanks for your message. We did not know that helium could also be mixed with other gasses in the tank. We assume that a heliumtank actually contains pure helium. I hope this answers your question. Yours Truly, blank.
Well, it does say, "100% helium."
So if my suicide attempt fails is there any way I can sue the company? Lol. I may be braindamaged by then, but hey! At least I could get some money out of it and still enjoy a couple more months of drug abuse and eventually pick a more lethal method.
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  • Yay!
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Jun 28, 2020
Yeah now is not the time to be lazy. So here is the response I got from the supplier: Beste *blank*, Hartelijk bedankt voor uw bericht. Het is ons niet bekend dat helium ook gemengd kan zijn met andere gassen in de tank. Wij gaan er vanuit dat een heliumtank ook echt helium bevat. Hopende u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd. Met vriendelijke groet, *blank*.

This translates to: dear blank, thanks for your message. We did not know that helium could also be mixed with other gasses in the tank. We assume that a heliumtank actually contains pure helium. I hope this answers your question. Yours Truly, blank.

So if my suicide attempt fails is there any way I can sue the company? Lol. I may be braindamaged by then, but hey! At least I could get some money out of it and still enjoy a couple more months of drug abuse and eventually pick a more lethal method.
To avoid all this worry, why not switch to nitrogen or argon gas. Moreover, helium is generally more expensive.


You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
this is where I got it from
The specs on the website say it is 100%:
662F1828 491E 4381 925A E7367BE78FA4
To my knowledge it's illegal to sell mixed helium as pure and some dutch guy who's into chemistry also told me it should say so on the box if it's mixed.
"BalloonTime" (brand) was the first company that started diluting their helium with 20% air. Their tanks are a distinctive, pink color. But, many other balloon-tank manufacturers are still 100%.

In the USA, BalloonTime now clearly label their tanks as, "Standard Helium/Air Mixture Tank".
I am calm now that I got all the stuff needed, but obviously a bit anxious about fucking it up too.
That's normal!

Unfortunately, those of us who still can't get "government permission" (for medical assistance) to end our lives... must accept some chance of failure.

ALL WE CAN DO IS OUR "BEST EFFORTS" to prepare... and then "let go" and "trust".

But, believe me, I understand the anxiety...
We did not know that helium could also be mixed with other gasses in the tank. We assume that a heliumtank actually contains pure helium.
That seems more reassuring than what was said before.

My understanding is you already have the tanks... If so, bottom line: Provided what you shared is accurate... and you have good procedures to follow (for using the balloon-tanks, procedures like in the book "Final Exit")... I, personally think I would have "enough confidence" to use those tanks.
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Jun 28, 2020
The specs on the website say it is 100%:
View attachment 66605

"BalloonTime" (brand) was the first company that started diluting their helium with 20% air. Their tanks are a distinctive, pink color. But, many other balloon-tank manufacturers are still 100%.

In the USA, BalloonTime now clearly label their tanks as, "Standard Helium/Air Mixture Tank".

That's normal!

Unfortunately, those of us who still can't get "government permission" (for medical assistance) to end our lives... must accept some chance of failure.

ALL WE CAN DO IS OUR "BEST EFFORTS" to prepare... and then "let go" and "trust".

But, believe me, I understand the anxiety...

That seems more reassuring than what was said before.

My understanding is you already have the tanks... If so, bottom line: Provided what you shared is accurate... and you have good procedures to follow... I, personally think I would have "enough confidence" to use those tanks.
Argon is another gas that is sometimes sold mixed with CO2. Just be careful and to grill the sales rep of what you are purchasing.


One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Yes, please identify how I turned you in?

Oh, one more thing... when I post our conversation on my blog, it will reveal your identity and the city where you live. You are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of "turning you in." It is your last chance to retract and apologize.
Are you threatening me?
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Jun 28, 2020
The specs on the website say it is 100%:
View attachment 66605

"BalloonTime" (brand) was the first company that started diluting their helium with 20% air. Their tanks are a distinctive, pink color. But, many other balloon-tank manufacturers are still 100%.

In the USA, BalloonTime now clearly label their tanks as, "Standard Helium/Air Mixture Tank".

That's normal!

Unfortunately, those of us who still can't get "government permission" (for medical assistance) to end our lives... must accept some chance of failure.

ALL WE CAN DO IS OUR "BEST EFFORTS" to prepare... and then "let go" and "trust".

But, believe me, I understand the anxiety...

That seems more reassuring than what was said before.

My understanding is you already have the tanks... If so, bottom line: Provided what you shared is accurate... and you have good procedures to follow... I, personally think I would have "enough confidence" to use those tanks.
Argon is another gas that is sometimes sold mixed with CO2. Just be careful and to grill the sales rep of what you are purchasing.
Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I think it's just balloon time that mixes it.
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Apr 12, 2021
Thanks guys, this really reassured me. Even if I will hold on just a little longer, I am glad to know my setup is probably a guaranteed death. Now I put it all in my barn and will "enjoy" my last days/weeks/months on earth knowing I got the control over my own ending. Feels pretty damn good zi gotta admit.
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Reactions: lofticries, profoundexperience, Last chance and 1 other person


Aug 6, 2020
Are you threatening me?
How do I report this to the site admins?
Butterfly: you can report yourself to be banned! Don't bother, I've already reported you to the Mods. I'll say this since others are too politically correct to say so: YOU'RE A NUT CASE...

@Greenberg has already stopped replying to your silly accusations. Other than hearsay, we are all still waiting eagerly for you to present definitive evidence that "he turned you in". He's not threatening you; you are threatening him by slandering him. Any more nutjob replies from you and you'll certainly get banned from the Forum. I for one respect and believe in @Greenberg, he's been an invaluable contributor to the community. Have you read his blog??

If you're unable to present evidence, just apologize and move on... Don't be a trouble maker.

We're already ignoring you! Hip, hip, hurray to @Greenberg...
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Jun 28, 2020
Butterfly: you can report yourself to be banned! Don't bother, I've already reported you to the Mods. I'll say this since others are too politically correct to say so: YOU'RE A NUT CASE...

@Greenberg has already stopped replying to your silly accusations. Other than hearsay, we are all still waiting eagerly for you to present definitive evidence that "he turned you in". He's not threatening you; you are threatening him by slandering him. Any more nutjob replies from you and you'll certainly get banned from the Forum. I for one respect and believe in @Greenberg, he's been an invaluable contributor to the community. Have you read his blog??

If you're unable to present evidence, just apologize and move on... Don't be a trouble maker.

We're already ignoring you! Hip, hip, hurray to @Greenberg...
Thank you for your support!


One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Thank you for your support!
@endergames since many people here suffer from mental illness I really don't think name calling "nut case" is a good thing to be doing.


Aug 6, 2020
You should learn to stop badgering other people, especially members who contribute helpful and valuable information. Go back and review your thread, it's so clear that you've the dire need for attention, and complaining about nothing fulfills that aim for you. Just noise filling the vacuum. We're still waiting for your earth-shattering evidence. If you can't or unable to present it, we'll all know it was just all hot air.

Food for thought: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

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