
Sep 11, 2023
i used to see this guy who actively wants me dead. for the things that happened, and what goes on in my head and never, ever, stops; there can be no other explanation.
this person stole money, my work uniforms, and other things from me. they called me spineless for letting this happen. they planted people into my life to triangulate their scheme and create the illusion that i had people to turn to, when in reality they were all on the same side working against me.

this person created a situation where i let them closer to me than i had ever let anyone, this is someone i was tricked into having feelings for so they could cut me as deep as they possibly could.
i thought i loved this person. i moved to a new city to be with them. i gave him a key to my apartment. i have audio recordings of someone walking around my apartment while i was with him at his house. he gave my apartment key to someone i dont know and they came into my apartment.

this person transmitted HIV to me and then completely abandoned me a year ago. I never would have known I had it if I hadn't been taken to the hospital for mental health reasons and kept for 9 days, where they did blood tests.

he wore a cross on a chain around his neck, and i watched him melt a fly's wings with a lighter and walked away while it writhed on the carpet.
he told me i should try to find god to help me with what i am going through.
what kind of god that allows someone like that to prosper in any way would listen to a prayer from someone like me?

memories from years of psychological abuse at the hands of so many people, including my family, play on a never-ending loop in my head.

this person tells people things about me. im stupid, im spineless, im a slut, im a liar, all these things to discredit me.
the natural reactions of anger ive had as a result of being treated this way have led me to outbursts in the past and alienated me from the people around me.

in some ways it's like im not allowed to feel.
in other ways it's like im meant to feel so much that i can no longer bear to be alive.

they made me feel this way, and then told me it was a disability.

looking back, this person violated me countless times under false pretenses. i dont want to let another person in out of fear it will happen again.

this person looked me dead in the eyes and lied so convincingly about so many things.
he told me that he had Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer with 14 months to live.
i cried in front of him. i wanted to ask him to marry me because i was still blind to what he really is and thought we had limited time together.
i would have spend what little money i had on modest rings, and i would have stayed with him until the very end.
its so painful and emotionally confusing to have had that be some kind of joke at my expense.

Someone like him being so well liked, and the way that people buy into his lies just because he has a huge d*ck,
living in that world is not worth the sweat. It inspires suicidal fantasy, and ive been cutting myself to feel in control.

Any tips?
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Aug 19, 2023
Jeez I'm sorry this all happened what a horrible person


Sep 11, 2023
Jeez I'm sorry this all happened what a horrible person
thank you, talking about it brings some relief. there is a lot more. i think a good idea for me to work on this is to use this post as a place to compile everything he did, so i can build a clear narrative of it and fully understand because it truly haunts me.


Aug 19, 2023
thank you, talking about it brings some relief. there is a lot more. i think a good idea for me to work on this is to use this post as a place to compile everything he did, so i can build a clear narrative of it and fully understand because it truly haunts me.
I thought my ex was an ass hole when she stole $375 from me after I paid for multiple college semesters but seems like I got off light


Sep 11, 2023
I thought my ex was an ass hole when she stole $375 from me after I paid for multiple college semesters but seems like I got off light
i watched a man who wears a cross on a chain melt a fly's wings with a lighter and walked away while it writhed on the carpet.
Serial Experi Pain

Serial Experi Pain

I hate me more :P
Sep 12, 2023
god does not equal good... crosses mean nothing to most who wear them.
I'm sorry you went through what you have. I can relate in a lot of ways. When you grow up with abuse, finding more abuse feels like home. I can't even trust anyone anymore no matter how much I want to.
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Aug 19, 2023
i watched a man who wears a cross on a chain melt a fly's wings with a lighter and walked away while it writhed on the floor
Well supposedly the Christian God is supposed to give u the will to be good and you have to make that choice to be allowed into heaven but gives u the free will too sin as like a test but if you ever need to talk I'm available


Sep 11, 2023
Well supposedly the Christian God is supposed to give u the will to be good and you have to make that choice to be allowed into heaven but gives u the free will too sin as like a test but if you ever need to talk I'm available
That's true, I guess what troubles me is how easy it is to place that symbol of supposed morality onto your body to create a false image of yourself.
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Aug 19, 2023
That's true, I guess what troubles me is how easy it is to place that symbol of supposed morality onto your body to create a false image of yourself.
Yeah it's not supposed to be an I believe so I'm superior


Mar 26, 2023
Thats so horrible. I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through. People like him are absolutely awful & no one seems to notice or care, I don't understand it. I'm glad you found this forum because if that happened to me I don't think I'd ever get over it. My ex was awful enough it drove me to attempt but still was probably not as bad as what you've had to go through. I don't think I'll ever find peace while alive but its comforting to know that since we're both here we have the resources to go out on our own terms when we feel ready.
Thats so horrible. I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through. People like him are absolutely awful & no one seems to notice or care, I don't understand it. I'm glad you found this forum because if that happened to me I don't think I'd ever get over it. My ex was awful enough it drove me to attempt but still was probably not as bad as what you've had to go through. I don't think I'll ever find peace while alive but its comforting to know that since we're both here we have the resources to go out on our own terms when we feel ready.
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Maybe a race to nowhere, still hope that I win
Aug 20, 2023
I'm so sorry you went through that, no one should have to. Men are disgusting, and I hope you find peace somehow someway.


Nov 13, 2021
i used to see this guy who actively wants me dead. for the things that happened, and what goes on in my head and never, ever, stops; there can be no other explanation.
this person stole money, my work uniforms, and other things from me. they called me spineless for letting this happen. they planted people into my life to triangulate their scheme and create the illusion that i had people to turn to, when in reality they were all on the same side working against me.

this person created a situation where i let them closer to me than i had ever let anyone, this is someone i was tricked into having feelings for so they could cut me as deep as they possibly could.
i thought i loved this person. i moved to a new city to be with them. i gave him a key to my apartment. i have audio recordings of someone walking around my apartment while i was with him at his house. he gave my apartment key to someone i dont know and they came into my apartment.

this person transmitted HIV to me and then completely abandoned me a year ago. I never would have known I had it if I hadn't been taken to the hospital for mental health reasons and kept for 9 days, where they did blood tests.

he wore a cross on a chain around his neck, and i watched him melt a fly's wings with a lighter and walked away while it writhed on the carpet.
he told me i should try to find god to help me with what i am going through.
what kind of god that allows someone like that to prosper in any way would listen to a prayer from someone like me?

memories from years of psychological abuse at the hands of so many people, including my family, play on a never-ending loop in my head.

this person tells people things about me. im stupid, im spineless, im a slut, im a liar, all these things to discredit me.
the natural reactions of anger ive had as a result of being treated this way have led me to outbursts in the past and alienated me from the people around me.

in some ways it's like im not allowed to feel.
in other ways it's like im meant to feel so much that i can no longer bear to be alive.

they made me feel this way, and then told me it was a disability.

looking back, this person violated me countless times under false pretenses. i dont want to let another person in out of fear it will happen again.

this person looked me dead in the eyes and lied so convincingly about so many things.
he told me that he had Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer with 14 months to live.
i cried in front of him. i wanted to ask him to marry me because i was still blind to what he really is and thought we had limited time together.
i would have spend what little money i had on modest rings, and i would have stayed with him until the very end.
its so painful and emotionally confusing to have had that be some kind of joke at my expense.

Someone like him being so well liked, and the way that people buy into his lies just because he has a huge d*ck,
living in that world is not worth the sweat. It inspires suicidal fantasy, and ive been cutting myself to feel in control.

Any tips?
Wow, this guy is the absolute lowest of the low, bottom of the barrel piece of scum. I can't believe someone could even be that awful as I'm so so sorry that this has happened to you.
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Mar 31, 2023
Sounds to me as if you met up with a psycho narcissist. I suggest you go on YouTube look up narcissistic abuse and learn as much as you can. This is just my opinion from years of narc abuse. Good luck
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Sep 11, 2023
the more you play these games to upset me, the more I do to protect myself.

it shouldn't be so easy to see you in this light that makes you look like a monster.


Nov 13, 2021
the more you play these games to upset me, the more I do to protect myself.

it shouldn't be so easy to see you in this light that makes you look like a monster.
Are you doing okay, or need someone to talk to? Either way, I hope things get better for you


Sep 11, 2023
This narrative served its purpose and i now consider it obsolete.
Now im going to make it a simple list of quotes, minimal context.
Express it, move forward.

Im open to ptsd being the cause of emotional shifts based on events that were not presently occuring,
and that i often have taken that emotion out on whoever is playing the role that triggers me.
its not constructive to place blame and i don't want to make my story about someone else.
i can take more responsibility.


Wondering Waevern
Sep 19, 2023
I think that sounds like a darn physchopath, or sociopath or narssicist for thinking they can just do this, one of those, for wanting to control someones like and make al that happen so things goto their plan. Such a jerk and also get restraining order and block them and all the people if you havent already, and a new lock and added security to the windows and everything. I, I ii would never be able to recover I cnt believe, i mean i believe this happened to you but like im angry at how this person is liked and not in jail. I wish they were in jail and would rot for doing this, icccck. As for what to do, well you dont have to let people come close to you or be close because it is understandable why you wouldnt. I dont know what you should do next as this was a year ago, i think you said, I think my personal rules would be reshapen to never invite people over , and would only hang out in public and drive myself to places if there was a hangout and never drive anyone else aswell.

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