On LITHIUM,less suicidal,no rush.Telegram:@Lezlina
- Jun 17, 2023
- 37
So have you noticed something if you've ever taken time to read the Partners threads in particular (the ctb one and the recovery one)? This is noticeable even in regular threads and posts where people talk about making friends, making connections or finding someone to talk with.
Well, I rapidly came to notice that almost everyone wants women (a female partner). That is, the majority of the posts either ask for a female exclusively or a female preferably. Then, in what seems to come in the second position, you have the posts saying gender doesn't matter.
So, what happens is: women want women, men want women. A question remains: who wants men?
I only bumped in one (a single post) of a male saying they'd prefer a male (no mention of homosexuality in said post... Btw, isn't the fact that I have to mention that already problematic? Think about it).
Anyway, even more incredibly, I noticed that even gay males ask for females...
So my point is: isn't this lack of willingness, this inability and this refusal to connect between males increasing their loneliness and suicidality?
We would think this place would be the best to break those barriers and to help fight against males discriminating against other males and that this place would provide empathy and understanding, but the contrary seems to be happening.
That is males who already feel lonely and rejected don't even really want to talk with and support other males, reproducing the very patterns their upbringing and society inflicted upon them and which may well have led here in the first place.
What do you think?
So have you noticed something if you've ever taken time to read the Partners threads in particular (the ctb one and the recovery one)? This is noticeable even in regular threads and posts where people talk about making friends, making connections or finding someone to talk with.
Well, I rapidly came to notice that almost everyone wants women (a female partner). That is, the majority of the posts either ask for a female exclusively or a female preferably. Then, in what seems to come in the second position, you have the posts saying gender doesn't matter.
So, what happens is: women want women, men want women. A question remains: who wants men?
I only bumped in one (a single post) of a male saying they'd prefer a male (no mention of homosexuality in said post... Btw, isn't the fact that I have to mention that already problematic? Think about it).
Anyway, even more incredibly, I noticed that even gay males ask for females...
So my point is: isn't this lack of willingness, this inability and this refusal to connect between males increasing their loneliness and suicidality?
We would think this place would be the best to break those barriers and to help fight against males discriminating against other males and that this place would provide empathy and understanding, but the contrary seems to be happening.
That is males who already feel lonely and rejected don't even really want to talk with and support other males, reproducing the very patterns their upbringing and society inflicted upon them and which may well have led here in the first place.
What do you think?
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