we're all alright

Dec 15, 2021
First off, Sorry if this is confusing or anything. i am all jumbled generally speaking, as a person, but more so right now since i'm under so much stress in a really bad situation that was inevitable and is making my already tortured life worse... and tbh also mega-stoned lol.

ANYWAY here's what I want to say:

Something i've always really liked about death in general is how the body returns to nature, and ctb is kind of presenting yourself as a tribute to nature. now, i don't have grudges against people who choose an after-death treatment that involves a lot of chemicals or releases pollutants, but i do have a big problem with those kinds of final treatments given the state of the environment and disagree with the choice. that was kind of off-topic BUT it is part of why i want to decompose naturally

the majority of my reasoning for natural decomposition is more spiritual, though. even when i was eight i wanted to depart in something like a tibetan sky burial. i love vultures A LOT and have very serious spiritual beliefs regarding them and their relation to death...but back to the topic lol. tbf my dad did almost die from a heart attack around then so i bet that was part of why i was so focused on death. ANYWAY AGAIN back to the topic. I guess it could be related to my reasoning. whatever. sorry i always talk to myself when i write (or "selves" or "alters" or sth bc i am part of a system...but i don't wanna talk abt it!).

ANYWAY! i realize that's probably not practical, i also may not have access to anywhere offering that since i am not buddhist, although i share some beliefs, and/or whoever has to deal with my corpse likely wouldn't do it. i guess it's probably my parents so long as they're alive; they are 70 already... but this is all hypothetical, so. idk if i'll even get my shit together to prepare any documents stating this before i ctb (whenever that is. not imminent). if not that then whenever i die (ctb or otherwise), and there's anything left of me (like i'm not vaporized in an airplane crash or sth idk), i'd like my corpse to be sent to a "body farm" where they study decomposition or else just tossed outdoors, in a natural body of water would be fine too. parents/whoever might not do any of those things either but i suppose that is not the point!!

SO, the main topic: i just had a thought that i'm sure has been done before (not necessarily here, but in general) to encourage/speed up decomposition by partially burying oneself. that wouldn't be the method. emphasis for mods this is not a ctb method!!! it doesn't have anything to do with dying; people do these things for fun all the time and i seriously don't mean it to aid the method even if that was realistic. i hope it's ok to post for that reason even though it is laid out a little bit like a method?? again it isn't about kys. idk... i'm paranoid but sometimes it's justified lol.

This might be like...not news at all or whatever. i do kind of live under a rock so sorry if this is actually done all the time and everyone knows lol.

this is for anyone planning to ctb in a natural setting. i've seen shows about people looking for a missing person and only finding their bones because of the location was particularly good for decomposing or because they were buried. i think only a couple were ctb? and ending up in the locations was more incidental i think (though of course i don't know what was on their mind) but some murders on like true crime shows brought the bodies or did the crime in a natural area (lol...i watched A Lot of that crap like every hour i was awake at one point. made me super triggered and dissociating a lot but i did it anyway hahahaha... oof. a little window into why i want to/need to/should go hahaha).

i like this idea because i think it would make it less unpleasant for most people interacting with my body. i'd rather be found as a skeleton. i also don't want people examining me, touching me, and whatever; i have enough fucking trauma about that! lol just saying that brought up some memories...jfc... identifying skeletons by dental records is also cool to me LOL... i don't mind the idea of people touching my skeleton in whatever way really.

of course this can fail horribly if you get found soon enough that you're easily identifiable but already rotting, nasty, and horrifying. I mean the decomposition process doesn't bother me but i know it bothers other people and that's the concern, because trying to reduce trauma is one of my goals in doing this. either partial burying or whatever else (see below) is a tool to try and speed up decomposition and avoid that kind of situation.

you could execute your method that takes time to set in in a nearby area and then slip under a patch of grass, for example. or nestle up to a rotting log or under a big stone. even cuddling up in a big pile of fallen leaves. even getting under the sand at the beach is helpful, if that's your place. some ppl don't realize it but there are actually worms and things living underground in sand. or, depending on your preference, you might be able to set up camp at the spot and do your method there, whatever variant you come up with.

for me it would be fun to watch any critters, maybe other people feel that way. i'd love to see some newts and worms in my final moments haha... it would also give me comfort to know i would almost definitely return to nature thanks to all the neat critters and fungi, rather than being taken away and buried or cremated.

on the other hand, one of the biggest reasons not to do this is clearly being grossed out by creepy crawlies and such. i'm not afraid of them generally speaking...but maybe i'd still wear something like a beekeeper's hat or even just a visor (only partial protection tho, probably not that good) to keep them from going up my nose and all. or lol just a mask as if i'm gonna get covid in the forest. i guess masks work for allergies too, and i do have some (not deadly or anything). hmmm... i guess that could compromise rotting though? and the face is one of the most vital parts i want to rot. there would have to be a lot of thought given to that. paper bag? although that would eliminate the visual aspect of my final experience. i'd figure something out lol. ...assuming i had the ability to put it on and do whatever i needed to.

another issue is that you might be allergic to mushrooms, grass, pollen, and/or any of countless other outdoor allergens. that would make the entire experience miserable so it might not be worth it. you could give it a test run, i suppose! or wear that mask. you'll get the added benefit of then of course, plenty of people want to be found and look nice at an open casket funeral and all. and that's fine. i advocate for everyone considering a burial to look into non-toxic embalming methods and eco-friendly caskets ! the embalming results and range of options may surprise you. just give it a google...

(semi-related... my favorite joke: have you heard about glass caskets? ...remains to be seen!)

again, i hope this is an acceptable post and not too method-y even though it's not referring to ctb. if that is an issue tho i'm sorry!!

i also want to say that i while enjoyed sharing my thoughts, i am averse to socialization for the most part, especially right now. i may not be really responsive on this thread and i'm not interested in PMing though if you really want to send something you can and i may or may not respond. i do sometimes briefly have the inclination. if you've read this far, i imagine you enjoyed it... i hope so. thanks for reading in any case!

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