Break up with her. Death is not worth it over this asshole.
Breaking up, like many things, is not as easy and straightforward as it may seem under certain circumstances. I agree that this would be the first step to take before attempting CTB, but you don't know anything about the situation.
Why is this in the ctb section wtf is going on these days lul post this shit in off topic or help etc.
Are you an adult? Break up with this person and move on or maybe you secretly like being treated like that ?
This guy is venting about his situation. You have no context, and for all you know she could have complete control over his life, finances, family, etc. Narcissists and sociopaths prey on weak people exclusively, so maybe be considerate enough to realize that your proposed solution might not even be achievable for this person without life-altering consequences. Based on the posts I've seen from you, I'd say you need to chill out, stop berating people, and stop posting if you don't have anything meaningful to say.
i just want someone normal who doesnt berate me everyday and doesnt scare me to not be myself. i shouldve never fell in love with her
I know you probably posted this just to vent, and I can see that it's your first post, so I'll clue you in; Unfortunately you'll always get people who want to invalidate your feelings. If you want some advice or support, feel free to ask for it, there are a lot of people here who will accommodate. Otherwise, just vent freely and ignore anybody who tries to tell you what to do or how to feel. You're more than welcome here, and I hope you don't give a single thought to these two clowns.