It depends on where you live & what's your home country, on your insurance policy and probably more different factors. If your family wants you back home, they will have to deal with a lot of bureaucracy and/or pay a lot of money. Plane tickets for alive people are not cheap, even for national flights, so imagine having to deal with the coffin, which is probably treated better than any alive VIP passengers. The coffin or cremation may also be the issue if there are any significant cultural differences between the countries involved, including prices - they differ A LOT depending on where you're located. Some countries make a big deal out of death, they treat the dead person and their family like they're really fragile, going through tough time and money isn't that important. But of course I guess it doesn't happen a lot, duhh capitalism, most people would probably use somebody's death to make sick money on it because they know the family will pay, one way or another, cause people care too much about these things. No matter how they treated you throughout your entire life - at the end of the day, all of a sudden it matters for them that your dead body lies down on satin, not polyester. So if you care about not having to be a problem for someone, I think there's no way bringing back a dead person could be easy unless you're rich and you can just pay to have it done by a dead-bodies-importing-and-dealing-with-all-these-embassies-and-shit kind of company. But as people have pointed out before, you don't owe anyone anything and imo it shouldn't matter, you'd be dead