
Mar 17, 2019
Now it's summer again. Thinking about drowning in the ocean. Any tips on how to successfully do it?


Oct 30, 2018
I am thinking too about drowning. My plan is to drink on the shore, swim as far as I can then take 45mg of xanax. Hope it will be enough to be unconscious. What's your plan?
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Mar 17, 2019
My plan is to get drunk and just in . I'm not a swimmer so should be hard for me to die at all


Apr 15, 2019
I'd recommend reading my thread about exactly that, as I'm planning to take the exact same route:

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Mar 16, 2019
This is also my chosen method. Here's a list of other recent threads on drowning:




And an older one but with recent posts:


I've detailed my own plan in one or more of these threads, but I'll go over it again here. Firstly, I'll be using fins to swim out as far as possible. I'll be taking a waterproof bag with me that will have 2 containers, some additional alcohol and a small dry towel. One container will have at least 150mg diazepam in water, and the other up to 500mg crushed tramodol, also in water.

I will have had a good few drinks beforehand. Then, the plan is as follows:
  1. Take Domperidone (antiemetic) just before I enter the water
  2. Swim as far as possible using fins
  3. When I feel I'm far enough away from shore or I can't go any further, I'll open the bag and dry my hands and face as much as possible. This is to try and avoid drinking sea water as salt water can cause vomiting
  4. Drink everything in the 2 containers and chase it down with some whiskey
  5. Ditch the fins to reduce the risk of successfully swimming back to shore should my SI be too strong
  6. During this time, I should be rested enough to swim a bit further before the drugs kick in (up to 30 mins)
I plan to do this during the night to reduce the risk of being spotted. My choice of tramodol in addition to the benzo diazepam is because it has a very strong drowsiness effect on me when combined with my usual alcohol intake, even a single 50mg tablet.

I should mention that this is not a recommended method. Many users who have experienced drowning have reported a very painful burning sensation once water is inhaled, and a strong SI kicks in. Also, don't expect to remain unconscious once you first start to inhale water, whatever method you choose to use to pass out.

One thing that could improve the chances of success with this method is the use of a barbiturate in place of benzos. The reason for this is that barbiturates prevent the unconscious brain from accessing motor functions, unlike benzos where the unconscious brain still has access to motor functions.
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Oct 30, 2018
This is also my chosen method. Here's a list of other recent threads on drowning:




And an older one but with recent posts:


I've detailed my own plan in one or more of these threads, but I'll go over it again here. Firstly, I'll be using fins to swim out as far as possible. I'll be taking a waterproof bag with me that will have 2 containers, some additional alcohol and a small dry towel. One container will have at least 150mg diazepam in water, and the other up to 500mg crushed tramodol, also in water.

I will have had a good few drinks beforehand. Then, the plan is as follows:
  1. Take Domperidone (antiemetic) just before I enter the water
  2. Swim as far as possible using fins
  3. When I feel I'm far enough away from shore or I can't go any further, I'll open the bag and dry my hands and face as much as possible. This is to try and avoid drinking sea water as salt water can cause vomiting
  4. Drink everything in the 2 containers and chase it down with some whiskey
  5. Ditch the fins to reduce the risk of successfully swimming back to shore should my SI be too strong
  6. During this time, I should be rested enough to swim a bit further before the drugs kick in (up to 30 mins)
I plan to do this during the night to reduce the risk of being spotted. My choice of tramodol in addition to the benzo diazepam is because it has a very strong drowsiness effect on me when combined with my usual alcohol intake, even a single 50mg tablet.

I should mention that this is not a recommended method. Many users who have experienced drowning have reported a very painful burning sensation once water is inhaled, and a strong SI kicks in. Also, don't expect to remain unconscious once you first start to inhale water, whatever method you choose to use to pass out.

One thing that could improve the chances of success with this method is the use of a barbiturate in place of benzos. The reason for this is that barbiturates prevent the unconscious brain from accessing motor functions, unlike benzos where the unconscious brain still has access to motor functions.

Thanks for all these details. I have quite a similar plan except that I only have 45mg of xanax. Do you think it might be enough to be unconscious? I plan to drink a bit before on the shore.
So whatever the drugs you take do you think you awake as soon as you start when you start drinking water? This is the crucial point to this method to be effective
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Mar 16, 2019
Thanks for all these details. I have quite a similar plan except that I only have 45mg of xanax. Do you think it might be enough to be unconscious? I plan to drink a bit before on the shore.
So whatever the drugs you take do you think you awake as soon as you start when you start drinking water? This is the crucial point to this method to be effective
According to the benzo equivalence table in the list of resources, then 0.5mg xanax is equivalent to 10mg diazepam, so 45g is a substantial amount. Assuming you have no tolerance to benzos, then I believe it should do the trick.

Will you wake? I can't be sure about this, but I certainly think it's possible as the unconscious brain will recognise danger and does retain motor function unless barbiturates are used, so my plans do factor in this possibility.

I forgot to mention that I also have @Mircea thread in my watch list also as there's valuable information there too.


Mar 16, 2019
Slight error in the post explaining my method. Tramodol should read Trazodone.
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Oct 30, 2018
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to get some N. But if I can"t I will keep this method as a backup plan.
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Oct 30, 2018
According to the benzo equivalence table in the list of resources, then 0.5mg xanax is equivalent to 10mg diazepam, so 45g is a substantial amount. Assuming you have no tolerance to benzos, then I believe it should do the trick.

Will you wake? I can't be sure about this, but I certainly think it's possible as the unconscious brain will recognise danger and does retain motor function unless barbiturates are used, so my plans do factor in this possibility.

I forgot to mention that I also have @Mircea thread in my watch list also as there's valuable information there too.
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to get some N. But if I can"t I will keep this method as a backup plan.
I just contacted A to buy some N. Don't know if I will be able to carry on until I receive it. I have a huge urge to ctb. Living is a true nightmare for me...
I might just buy the stuff to ctb by drowning and go to the seashore. The only problem is that I read that cold water make the body dies slower then hot water. Do you plan to wear a swim suit?
I am thinking do wear a diving weight belt. I am afraid that my SI will try to remove it. Any tips?
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Mar 16, 2019
The water temperature where I am is around 30°C so I won't need a suit.

I was thinking about the water temperature for others considering this method as I think it would affect 2 things: core body temperature and buoyancy.

Firstly, I should say that these are my own ideas based solely on my limited diving experience and logic, so please don't treat all this information as fact. I will identify those parts where I am unsure and have provided an educated guess.

So, firstly body temperature. The colder the water, the quicker your core body temperature will drop, ultimately resulting in hypothermia-related symptoms. This will affect coordination, so anyone planning to take drugs after swimming out as I am should take this into account. There's a good post detailing the different stages of hypothermia which I will link to once I find it.

Additionally, I would guess that colder water may increase the time it takes to pass out from the drugs. This part is just an educated guess and I have no proof to back this up.

Next, buoyancy. Wet suits as used for diving are made from neoprene, which is naturally buoyant. The colder the water, the thicker the wet suit required (to avoid hypothermia) and consequently the more buoyant your body will be.

A dead body thrown into water will float due to the air in the lungs. A body that has died from drowning will sink due to the lungs being filled with water. I can't be sure how much the additional buoyancy from a wet suit will affect whether the body will sink or float. Whilst a floating body will have a slightly higher chance of being rescued, this risk will be insignificant if there's no one close by.

As regards the length of time it will take to die from drowning based on temperature, I don't think it will make a difference. Once the lungs are filled with water, the body no longer has a supply of oxygen, and any remaining oxygen in the blood should be quickly consumed. Again, this is an educated guess and I'm happy to be corrected if someone is more informed on this subject.

Edit: link to hypothermia information

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Oct 30, 2018
Ty for your informations. I have read somewhere that it takes more time for the body to die because everything shut down (heart beat slower, blood focus on key organs...). You are lucky to have hot water. Here it's only 14°C =(
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Mar 16, 2019
Ty for your informations. I have read somewhere that it takes more time for the body to die because everything shut down (heart beat slower, blood focus on key organs...). You are lucky to have hot water. Here it's only 14°C =(
Yes, I did consider this and you're essentially correct. That's the reason I thought it may take longer for the drugs to take effect. There are 2 other factors to consider:
  • If you remain unconscious throughout, then
    • The brain still has control of motor function so will probably struggle, thereby using muscles which will consume oxygen
    • You won't be aware of the additional time
  • If you regain consciousness, then you will again be using muscles
14°C is really chilly. I did some diving in the Mediterranean at 20°C. I used a full body 9mm semi dry suit and still felt cold, especially once I passed through the thermocline.

Edit: corrected spelling mistake and added a bit more detail regarding suit
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Oct 30, 2018
Lol you must be form some tropical island don't you? here it's very common to swim in 18-20°C without any suit ;)


Jul 22, 2018
Drowning seems worse than hanging for me. Although I can say from experience if you were to own/rent a jet ski. You could just blitz it to the middle of nowhere and jump off it while it's still moving really fast. You likely would drown because you wouldn't have enough energy to get back on it. Also depending on the Jet ski you own/rent they can go extremely fast where if you jump off you'll be unconscious from the impact.


Mar 16, 2019
Lol you must be form some tropical island don't you? here it's very common to swim in 18-20°C without any suit ;)
Other side of the world to where I was born. Swimming yes, but not diving.

Drowning seems worse than hanging for me. Although I can say from experience if you were to own/rent a jet ski. You could just blitz it to the middle of nowhere and jump off it while it's still moving really fast. You likely would drown because you wouldn't have enough energy to get back on it. Also depending on the Jet ski you own/rent they can go extremely fast where if you jump off you'll be unconscious from the impact.
Jet ski was my original plan, and I'm still considering it as the horizon is only 2.9 miles away so I could be out of sight in minutes.

Edit: I'd still be taking the drugs with me :smiling:
I am thinking do wear a diving weight belt. I am afraid that my SI will try to remove it. Any tips?
I must have missed this part of your earlier post. I don't know how good a swimmer you are but I wouldn't be able to get far with weights. I'm relying on the drugs to knock me out and let nature take it's course.
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Jul 22, 2018
Other side of the world to where I was born. Swimming yes, but not diving.

Jet ski was my original plan, and I'm still considering it as the horizon is only 2.9 miles away so I could be out of sight in minutes.

Edit: I'd still be taking the drugs with me :smiling:

I'm curious to why this method in particular for you and instead of a method like full suspension hanging? I've been out on a jet ski and definitely see drowning as a definite outcome with the steps planned. Drowning to me is a turn off compared to suffocation by lack of air from hanging vs water clogging the lungs. Idk maybe it's the same but experiences growing up make me think rope is better. Anyway mind sharing your thoughts?


Mar 16, 2019
I'm curious to why this method in particular for you and instead of a method like full suspension hanging? I've been out on a jet ski and definitely see drowning as a definite outcome with the steps planned. Drowning to me is a turn off compared to suffocation by lack of air from hanging vs water clogging the lungs. Idk maybe it's the same but experiences growing up make me think rope is better. Anyway mind sharing your thoughts?
Sure. I know it's not a recommended method as it's not peaceful, but my primary concern is that I don't want my body to be found and risk repatriation. I haven't had any contact with my family for over 25 years and you can imagine what it would do to them if...

I do have a backup plan which is the night-night/Korean method, and I have the necessary items with me.
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Queen of the night
Dec 9, 2019
I too would like to drown or burn. Water/Fire are the ONLY ways to die so that our spirit can free itself from our human body and move onto the next dimension. I am from the UK

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