
Aug 18, 2020
I think this is quite accurate for me. A talking point for that would be intersubjectivity. I already made a thread about that.
It is hard to seperate cognitive thinking processes with the mood one has. I mean by that we perceive this world always through a certain filter. It is extremely difficult (in my opinion) to perceive the world how it actually is. Depending on the metaphysical beliefs some people would argue it was even fully impossible.

When I am very depressed I have a more negative view of the world and of humankind. And I think vice versa with a positive mood it is similar but not completely the same.

I find it interesting there is this doomscrolling phenomena. If one consumes too many negative news article/stories there can be negative consequences for your mental health. Maybe I am not that aware about that. I am a news-junkie but also always anxious as fuck. However I always was like that. And personally I don't think there is a connection in my case.

I wondered. Some media outlets have the category "only positive news" nowadays. I can understand that maybe this is good for people's mental health but I would be worried about the bias which could be the result of that.

When I was depressive I was very pessimistic about my future. I thought I could fully predict my future in a precise way. I think I have some congitive distortions on that. I try to become more agnostic towards the future. Many things I never saw coming actually happened. It is pretty hard to predict the future due the a huge factor of uncertainty. Though I am a control freak and an uncertain future always makes me panic. I try to be prepared for the worst. However at the same time I do everything I can to avoid a self-fulfiling prophecy.

There are different kind of biases. I read about positive and negative shifts/biases in thinking processes. I don't know what is the scientific answer with the most profound empirical data.

But I can say when I was manic I was too enthusiastic about me and environment. And when I was severely depressed I was completely desperate and tended to deep nihilism. I am glad I quit nihilism after a while because this world view was quite depressing. There were reciprocal effects between my mood and this world view. But maybe one day I wlll again lean to that when major depression returns.

Okay maybe one thing to add. I became a leftwinger after all my suffering. Not really related to my mood. But related to my severe struggle and suffering I started to realize how fucked up this world is when you are a mental wreck and cannot work. I won't go into details because this is not the right sub-forum.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
At least in my case, I always see life for what it really is, I get that some people delude themselves of the cruel reality of this existence, I mean they must do as suicide is such an unnecessarily stigmatised subject after all in the world that we live in. If everyone had a realistic view towards life then suicide would be accepted in society as being a rational and valid option. The truth is that life is an incredibly horrific thing, I mean there is objectively endless amounts of torture that exists in this world, so it isn't a worldview seeing life this way, it's the harsh truth. It makes sense for me to constantly wish to die as there is no value and benefit to suffering and there is no limit as to how much we can suffer in this life. To die is ideal as it would solve everything for me, it would remove the thing that is the true problem and the cause of all torment which is life itself.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
At least in my case, I always see life for what it really is, I get that some people delude themselves of the cruel reality of this existence, I mean they must do as suicide is such an unnecessarily stigmatised subject after all in the world that we live in. If everyone had a realistic view towards life then suicide would be accepted in society as being a rational and valid option. The truth is that life is an incredibly horrific thing, I mean there is objectively endless amounts of torture that exists in this world, so it isn't a worldview seeing life this way, it's the harsh truth. It makes sense for me to constantly wish to die as there is no value and benefit to suffering and there is no limit as to how much we can suffer in this life. To die is ideal as it would solve everything for me, it would remove the thing that is the true problem and the cause of all torment which is life itself.
Life is never really as we think it is, in fact as we grow up and mature we realize just that, the multiple points of view that all things have. There are as many ways of understanding/suffering/living/hating/loving/boring/surviving life as there are people in the world.

What you perceive now you don't like, I understand that well. But you have focused your attention on a single point, a single perspective and... you have had enough, what can we do.
Reality is always a personal perception that mutates according to the experiences you live.

I hope that someday someone will value you enough as a person and make you see the value you really have (there are people who only know how to appreciate themselves through the eyes and affection of others), preferably before leaving this world... even so I think that sometimes we do not accept or change our focus or point of view no matter how much they love us or we see things differently.

I hope that while you are in this world your suffering will be more bearable.


La vida no es realment mai com creiem, de fet quan créixem i madurem ens adonem d'això mateix, dels múltiples punt de vista que tenen totes les coses. Hi ha tantes maneres de comprendre/patir/viure/odiar/estimar/avorrir/sobreviure la vida com persones hi ha al món.

El que perceps ara no t'agrada, ho entenc bé. Però has focalitzat l'atenció en un sol punt, una sola perspectiva i.. n'has tingut prou, que hi farem.
La realitat es sempre una percepció personal que va mutant segons les experiències que vius.

Espero que algún dia algú altre et valori prou com a persona i et faci veure el valor que realment tens (hi ha persones que només saben apreciar-se a si mateixes a través de la mirada i l'afecte dels altres), preferiblement abans de deixar aquest món... tot i així crec que de vegades no acceptem o cambiem pas d'enfocament o punt de vista per molt que ens estimin o veiem les coses d'una altra manera.

Espero que mentres siguis en aquest món el teu patiment sigui mes soportable.
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Sep 19, 2021
Absolutely. A place or a view can seem totally bleak if I'm in a bad mood.
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Nov 13, 2022
Yes all the time. Sometimes I feel manic just as a survival mechanism. I feel worse shortly after.
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