- Oct 14, 2023
- 555
bear in mind I'm diagnosed with ocd and I have no idea if I'm just insane or not at this point
I feel like it makes SO much difference to know whether there is a God or not? and what God's intentions are?
I know God very well may not exist
I've studied philosophy of religion and I am very skeptical - but my mind is always going what if what if??? I don't think it's totally irrational to believe in God? but I don't think I'm objective enough / clever enough to weigh up the arguments for / against God properly
but let's say God DOES exist - is it not then really important to know what He thinks?
there are so many people who have told me I'll go to hell if I'm not "saved" - and they say ctb is a sin Christians say I will be tortured forever if I'm not born again
I'm pretty sure some Muslims also believe in eternal torment if you're not forgiven (so how do you know which religion to follow??)
I know that these people may not be right, and I know there's lots of reasons why they might falsely say / believe these things
But my mind CAN'T get past - what if they're actually right??
If God allows such suffering on earth - maybe it follows He would allow hell to exist too?
maybe God is punishing me? Maybe life IS a test and I'm failing it by ctb? what if it IS the devil trying to make me ctb so I go to hell?
it scares me so much and I worry about other people ctb too in case they go to hell
so I've got a plan to try to read the whole Bible (and perhaps the Quran but reading it involves so many rituals which would set off my ocd I don't know how I'd do it) and just pray lots before ctb? Just in case?? Then if I feel no different and ctb God can see I at least TRIED to seek Him
the problem is reading religious texts triggers my ocd so much and I don't know if I have the focus / energy to read these texts and there's a part of me saying it's pointless because God doesn't actually exist
so yeah I'm sorry for the long post I guess I'm just asking - does it sound like I'm mentally ill / this is ocd talking? Or does the plan sound rational? Because I really can't tell
I feel like it makes SO much difference to know whether there is a God or not? and what God's intentions are?
I know God very well may not exist
I've studied philosophy of religion and I am very skeptical - but my mind is always going what if what if??? I don't think it's totally irrational to believe in God? but I don't think I'm objective enough / clever enough to weigh up the arguments for / against God properly
but let's say God DOES exist - is it not then really important to know what He thinks?
there are so many people who have told me I'll go to hell if I'm not "saved" - and they say ctb is a sin Christians say I will be tortured forever if I'm not born again
I'm pretty sure some Muslims also believe in eternal torment if you're not forgiven (so how do you know which religion to follow??)
I know that these people may not be right, and I know there's lots of reasons why they might falsely say / believe these things
But my mind CAN'T get past - what if they're actually right??
If God allows such suffering on earth - maybe it follows He would allow hell to exist too?
maybe God is punishing me? Maybe life IS a test and I'm failing it by ctb? what if it IS the devil trying to make me ctb so I go to hell?
it scares me so much and I worry about other people ctb too in case they go to hell
so I've got a plan to try to read the whole Bible (and perhaps the Quran but reading it involves so many rituals which would set off my ocd I don't know how I'd do it) and just pray lots before ctb? Just in case?? Then if I feel no different and ctb God can see I at least TRIED to seek Him
the problem is reading religious texts triggers my ocd so much and I don't know if I have the focus / energy to read these texts and there's a part of me saying it's pointless because God doesn't actually exist
so yeah I'm sorry for the long post I guess I'm just asking - does it sound like I'm mentally ill / this is ocd talking? Or does the plan sound rational? Because I really can't tell