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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.
My life belongs to me & me alone, & I have the right to end it. Don't drag murdering & molesting children/other people into a discussion about suicide...
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Aug 18, 2020
I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.

so I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong
This comparison is very horrible in my opinion. Moreover life can have meaning without god. I don't need this motherfucker.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I am not a support of religion and faith.
This comparison is very horrible in my opinion. Moreover life can have meaning without god. I don't need this motherfucker.
There is no god!
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Mar 22, 2020
Nope, it doesn't.
SS only allows you to talk freely about suicide because there's literally NOWHERE ELSE in which you can do that.

Also, suicide is not the only topic in discussion on SS. You can also talk about depression, mental/physical illnesses, life and death, the afterlife and vent as much as you want.

People here, will do nothing but their best to understand you and provide some advice.

If I had found a place like SS some years ago, I would've probably made less mistakes in my life.


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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Hardly. This place is heartbreaking, yet, at times, beautiful. The community really comes together for most people in an understanding and supportive way. Sure, some of us, myself fir example, are very self loathing and our anguish expressed can be twisted around to fit the agenda of the above topic, but, that is purely out of context of the individual's thought process, experiences and history. But, people are people and will ignore, subvert or pervert anything that doesn't fit in with their agenda. Its their modus operandi.
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Jul 7, 2019
I don't think that anyone necessarily glorifies suicide here, most people just see suicide as the only answer to their terrible suffering. And the detractors of this place judge us from a completely anti-choice point of view without a shred of empathy for our problems.

However, there are some people who put a completely negative value to their lives and the lives of others, when in reality, life is not objectively bad, it's just that our lives suck.
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Wanderer of worlds
Jan 28, 2021
I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.
Bruh imagine comparing suicide to literally rape and murder, one is where a person take their life on their own accord , one is where a person take/violate others life without their consent, how is that a fair comparison ?

And why is human life meaning tied to the existence of the sky daddy ? Even if it is how does it equal to no differences of suicide from rape and murder ?

My brain is melting from trying to understand op's point of view :ahhha:
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Mar 11, 2021
I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.

so I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong

Most murderers and child rapists believe in God, heck, countless of crimes and genocides in the history have been triggered by God believers like you, even today some of the most horrific crimes are commited by God believers like the guys of ISIS, the mexican narcos and the mafias in general

People that think that life is meaningless doesnt do that kind of shit, we are rational people for the most part
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
Most murderers and child rapists believe in God, heck, countless of crimes and genocides in the history have been triggered by God believers like you, even today some of the most horrific crimes are commited by God believers like the guys of ISIS, the mexican narcos and the mafias in general

People that think that life is meaningless doesnt do that kind of shit, we are rational people for the most part

I agree with you. Human history is filled with atrocities done by the religious. Most of humanity has always been religious. That didn't save them from much did it? Belief in God is not required for moral behavior. It is degrading to humanity to think everyone would be killers and rapists without a belief in God. History has shown us the effects of "God" and religion. No offense to anyone in this form who is religious. We've been quite immoral even with a belief in God. Atheism is not the same as nihilism.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Atheism is not the same as nihilism.
Exactly. Btw, not even all religions require belief in gods. It's possible to be an atheist Buddhist/Taoist/Jainist
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Mar 21, 2019
There is no other venue to discuss this subject. I maintain more people here will find the support they need to live than will find the best way to die. Both of these need honest communications.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
My boyfriend said nearly the exact same thing, except he called this website a "death cult." It merely demonstrates a lack of understanding as to why a community like SS exists in the first place. Because of such immediate knee-jerk reactions to suicide talk in the real world, we will naturally seek out a safe haven to discuss our feelings without judgement.

I think people are quick to conflate pro-choice/right to die activism with suicide romanticism. I mean, how many times have we all been through the same tired routine where you cannot discuss your feelings on ctb without santizing them and following a socially acceptable script?

When have we been allowed to speak our minds elsewhere, without being forced to double down and swallow platitudes that ctb is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and that you simply haven't found the right drugs and therapists no matter what the issue is that's driven you to suicide in the first place?

I have seen the terms "romanticise" and "glorify" overused to the point where they have completely lost their meaning. No one, save for some unsavory members who always get banned, sees suicide as an amazing thing that should be celebrated and glorified. Suicide goes against every instinct a biological organism has to stay alive at all costs, regardless of its suffering.

No one ever wants to ctb, rather, it feels as if life pushes you into a corner with no pragmatic escape route that would lead back to a satisfying and fulfilling existence. Perhaps the first time or two, you can fanagle your way out of that seemingly hopeless situation, crawling on your hands and knees towards the exit, but for some people, our captors will always shove us back in that corner due to circumstances outside of control.

I will confess that I've actually been maliciously encouraged to kill myself on the normie social media platforms that anti-choicers say we should be using instead. How many times has this happened on SS? 0.

So the palatable and socially acceptable websites have actually fared worse for me when it comes to my wellbeing, because I do get harassed on places like reddit and told to off myself for being a "genetic dead end." On that same website, you are not allowed to express any pro choice rhetoric, discuss methods, or talk about rational suicide under any capacity. Your post will be removed and you'll get a hotline number in your inbox. However, the harassment is a-okay to reddit staff and admins.

The sort of conversations and support that take place here are unfathomable to most of the world, for several reasons. They've never had to feel the suffocation of being cornered in the aforementioned conditions longterm, so they can't elucidate suicidal urges being anything but temporary and fixable. Secondly, anything that goes against the life is a gift narrative always gets shut down and labeled as crazy talk- see the reactions to antinatalists when they tell others they don't want to bring children into a ruthless world.

Thirdly, the notion that some people truly can't enjoy living is terrifying and must be blocked out of their cognition at all costs. Why do you think ctb, and death in general, is a taboo topic that is universally shyed away from and avoided? It makes people uncomfortable to confront their mortality, or the notion that some fates in life could be worse than death. Some individual's entire modus operandi is believing that there is someone out there who has it worse, so they can't feel sorry for themselves. What happens when that illusion starts to crack?

My boyfriend sees this place as evil, and pontificates that people "encourage" me to kill myself simply by listening, supporting, and understanding me when I talk about my plight. Ironically, talking to you all helps me more than anything else, as people in the real world don't want to see reality.

All they care about is trying to force me to be as functional and productive as possible regardless of how disabled and broken down I am. My death will be not be because I found support and camredrie here, it will be because no one else ever listened when I was shouting from the rooftoops, as what I had to say made them too uncomfortable.

Lastly, religion does not equal morality, neither does law, for that matter. Many people in theocratic texts committed suicide, and in some religions the act actually is glorified if it is done under the guise of a self-sacrifice for God. There is nothing in the Bible, to my knowledge that forbades suicide. After all, the number of biblical figures who died due to self deliverance is probably in the dozens, if not hundreds.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I really don't think it does. I'm trying to think of an example of something that does, and the closest I can think of is the end of Sid and Nancy, although technically I think both those deaths were overdoses. There's this scene where Dead!Sid leaves his body and goes out to meet Dead!Nancy and they ride off into the sunset together, presumably to have some kind of blissful afterlife together that is totally unlike the awful, mutually-destructive relationship they actually had while they were alive. That's straight-up fantasy, and the effect is to make heroin overdoses somehow look romantic and cool. That's what glorifying looks like.

I've never seen anyone here post delusional garbage like that. SS posters are generally pretty clear on the fact that dying is really unpleasant and that being dead is just being dead. Some folks do believe in an afterlife, but I've never seen anyone fantasizing about how great the parties are going to be in Valhalla or whatever. (For what it's worth, I'm actually pretty sure that suicides go to "the bad place" in Norse mythology too. Fortunately for me, I don't think that the afterlife of Norse myths is any more real than any other one.)
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Exactly. Btw, not even all religions require belief in gods. It's possible to be an atheist Buddhist/Taoist/Jainist
90% of religious people are Christian, Muslim or Hindu
Honestly I don't even consider Buddhism a religion, most Buddhists are often Buddhist + another religion (animism for instance)
There is a strong correlation between atheism and nihilism, I don't know how people can't see that...

Moreover I see a lot of people are critical of Christianity but you analyse that with the eyes of 21st century people,
The simple fact that "You shall not kill" was revolutionary in the first centuries... Same with rape and theft.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Moreover I see a lot of people are critical of Christianity but you analyse that with the eyes of 21st century people,
The simple fact that "You shall not kill" was revolutionary in the first centuries... Same with rape and theft.
We live in the 21st century, so all I care about is contemporary Christianity & the horrible things it's responsible for. "You shall not kill" was around long before the Hebrews (who weren't Christians, btw)
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Oct 8, 2020
Yeah SS definitely normalizes suicide. I remember being shocked at the first goodbye thread I saw in realtime. Now sometimes I login and see past goodbye threads of people that I interacted with. I feel sad but also sort of envious, it's like they already succeeded, and if they could do it, so can I.
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Wanderer of worlds
Jan 28, 2021
Yeah SS definitely normalizes suicide. I remember being shocked at the first goodbye thread I saw in realtime. Now sometimes I login and see past goodbye threads of people that I interacted with. I feel sad but also sort of envious, it's like they already succeeded, and if they could do it, so can I.
But normalize =/= glorify though ?


Nov 17, 2020
Bruh imagine comparing suicide to literally rape and murder, one is where a person take their life on their own accord , one is where a person take/violate others life without their consent, how is that a fair comparison ?

And why is human life meaning tied to the existence of the sky daddy ? Even if it is how does it equal to no differences of suicide from rape and murder ?

My brain is melting from trying to understand op's point of view :ahhha:
I think they were trying to say it was all bullshit anyway if you want to play the comparisons game.
Like "why is one life worth more than other's if both died? " Why stop and judge at suicide when rape is far worse and murder as well because other's are hurt against their will?

Suicide doesn't hurt anyone other than person commiting the act. No other's are physically effected unlike rape and murder. If you want to argue the people in that person's life is effected as well by the loss than they should have been better at supporting that person. But it still remains those acts of rape and murder do not eqaul the same thing to acts of suicide. Even on a human value level cause the suicidal person chose to harm only themselves not others.

If you really didn't mean to say that comparison game is bullshit than you need better arguments.


Nov 30, 2020
I'll tell you what does glorify suicide, any Will Smith film. Just watching it you can witness your very will to live seeping through your pores in a vein attempt to escape to the heavenly embrace of sweet, sweet death.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I'll tell you what does glorify suicide, any Will Smith film. Just watching it you can witness your very will to live seeping through your pores in a vein attempt to escape to the heavenly embrace of sweet, sweet death.
You should play one of his son's songs to enhance the effect :))
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Wanderer of worlds
Jan 28, 2021
I think they were trying to say it was all bullshit anyway if you want to play the comparisons game.
Like "why is one life worth more than other's if both died? " Why stop and judge at suicide when rape is far worse and murder as well because other's are hurt against their will?
I don't think that was what they meant though ? At least they didn't convey a clear indication to what you think they meant ?

Their arguments was "I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value." and " I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong"

So first of they said if human life were valuable to someone's belief, cool and I totally understand that. But then, they also stated that human life are meaningless without the existence of God? (You don't need to believe in God to believe in human life value) and then said that suicide would be no different from murder and rape then came onto a conclusion that suicide is wrong.

From all of the above, I can't see a sentence confirm that they were trying to say the comparison game were bullshit? Just "if" statements and then conclude to suicide is wrong. Which is ridiculous because whether or not you believe suicide is wrong or not, it would be bonker to compared suicide to heinous acts like rape and murder.
Suicide doesn't hurt anyone other than person commiting the act. No other's are physically effected unlike rape and murder. If you want to argue the people in that person's life is effected as well by the loss than they should have been better at supporting that person. But it still remains those acts of rape and murder do not eqaul the same thing to acts of suicide. Even on a human value level cause the suicidal person chose to harm only themselves not others.
This is basically what I said and I agree with you on this
If you really didn't mean to say that comparison game is bullshit than you need better arguments.
I don't need better arguments because I was critiquing the same thing as you are! That trying to play the compare game is bs!

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