

I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
Does the thought of going to hell ever cross your mind ever? Is it something you fear? Are you afraid?
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Apr 3, 2019
I was raised Christian and grew up with the concept of Heaven and Hell. Up until I was like 16 I still held those beliefs, and one time my great aunt said that if I took my life I would go to Hell (I think she meant well.) It did scare me, and it frustrated me, too.

One church I attended (Seventh Day Adventist) broke down biblical scripture to explain that there actually isn't a Hell in the way we've understood it. It was a very compelling argument, and gave me relief at the time.

I don't hold the same beliefs that I did then, but I still share some ideas with different facets of religion. I don't consider myself religious, more spiritual, as I believe in a single consciousness.

I will say though, that residual fear of "what if" still does cross my mind. I feel like life is suffering enough, we don't need a Hell. If evil has dominion over the Earth, this is Hell in its own right.
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Aug 18, 2020
Does the thought of going to hell ever cross your mind ever? Is it something you fear? Are you afraid?
You do not go to hell when you die. It doesnt matter how you die you will go to the other side and it will be a great place. I will be there! I mean, how much more awesome could a place be? You will be fine. I promise. If your there look me up and we will look around and figure out how things work there together. I would love to be your friend on the first day of the afterlife. ❤
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Mar 22, 2020
When I was a brainwashed catholic teenager this thought made me go crazy! I was so scared.
Then, I realized that most religions are probably just fairy tales.

If there's a hell, we're already living in one! Just look around, even innocent children die!

So, to answer your question, nope, I'm not scared of hell or the afterlife at all. I bet either eternal nothingness or something better is coming!
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Jan 20, 2021
No. I'm intelligent enough to realize that hell is not a place that exists. I use logic, reason and actual data to make conclusions about life and every single bit of logic says that hell is a fictional concept from a religious fairy tale. I fear hell about as much as I fear boogeyman
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Dec 18, 2019
My life is already about as close to Hell as it gets. At least if I'm perpetually burning in the flames of Hell there will come a point where my nerveendings are too fried to even process physical pain anymore, which would be an upgrade to how I am now because the torture brought upon by my dysfunctional nervous system is my prime reason for wanting to CTB in the first place.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
Does the thought of going to hell ever cross your mind ever? Is it something you fear? Are you afraid?
No I'm not afraid of going to hell even though I believe it exists. Someone has to really fuck up and feed into a lot of negative energy during their life then get duped into going into the the lower dimensions before someone ends up there. Though I suppose it's possible one could project their consciousness into the a hell realm if they die a very undignified death. There is a lot we don't know about how it works. But I suggest you read the book My Decent Into Death by Howard Storm to learn more about how hell works. If anyone gets the book you should get the first book that is out of print right now. It's better than the newer versions.
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Apr 5, 2018
What if you will go to hell for not dying by suicide?
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And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
You do not go to hell when you die. It doesnt matter how you die you will go to the other side and it will be a great place. I will be there! I mean, how much more awesome could a place be? You will be fine. I promise. If your there look me up and we will look around and figure out how things work there together. I would love to be your friend on the first day of the afterlife. ❤
You don't know any of that for sure.
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
If hell is real, can it be the cool hell where everyone is a badass rock musician and all those who end up there train for the arockalypse that will destroy the filthy living and their dumb boring classical music loving god with some sick ass solos and slap bass.
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Oct 5, 2020
Well if there's a Hell then that means there's a God who will maybe at some point decide that Hell shouldn't exist anymore and just send everyone there to Heaven, so maybe there's some hope.


Oct 4, 2020
If there's a hell and I am to be there then so be it.

I'll deal with it as I deal with everything, one thing at a time.

I mean you put stake on your life, stand to reason that you should stake on your death as well.


Feb 27, 2021
tbh I don't think I'm good enough for heaven but certainty not bad enough for hell. If I die and god gives me a choice what i'd like to happen to me I'd ask to at least be given one moment with my (dead) cat and mom(assuming she dies before me) and then from there he can snap me out of existence.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I don't know if I believe there's an actual "hell" in the traditional sense, but I do worry about what my await on the other side. I mean, it's partly that fear of the unknown that keeps me stranded in this earthly hell that all I'm too familiar with. Stephen King once said that hell, to him, would be repetition. Living the same unchanging day over and over, or perhaps even the same miserable life for eternity. What's more, I believe it was Nietzsche who coined this idea as the "eternal return". Wasn't this what eventually drove him mad in the end? Anyway, I'd consider my daily existence to be a pretty visceral form of hell. The idea of that ever repeating itself forever certainly sounds pretty hellish to me.

A close second to that would simply be infinite blackness forever. I mean, yeah, I know some people might say, "Oh good, I'd have all the peace and quiet that I could ever want. How would that be hell?", but come fucking on man. You really think you'd enjoy being alone in an infinite blackness forever? I find that extremely hard to believe. For one thing, true death would be denied you and you'd have nothing, but your own disembodied thoughts constantly informing you of the terror of your predicament.
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Apr 23, 2020
If want to see how I feel about hell, look at my signature: "The Hell I'm going to for CTB'ing is the Garden of Eden compared to the Hell I'm leaving."
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Even though we're Buddhists, my narcissistic father warned me on one occasion that suicides are the lowest of the low—hell is too good for them, and they are condemned to repeat the act of taking their lives for all eternity. When I was a child he used his religion as a tool of emotional blackmail to keep us hostage.

What if you will go to hell for not dying by suicide?
What if all the murderers, rapists, arsonists and con men are not only NOT punished in the afterlife, but are also able to walk away scot-free as they did in life?
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
It has always been my dream.
If only the underworld existed...
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Aug 18, 2020
You don't know any of that for sure.
Actually I do. Because I looked. I studied because I know death is the only thing I cant escape. So I studied THIS WORLD and found out all the great things there is to learn about death and what its for and blah blah. So YES I do know.
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Dec 11, 2018
No, I don't believe in it.
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
Hell is what I'm going through every day, so I can't go to hell after death.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Sometimes I fear a worse hell in the afterlife than the one that exists in my head, but only sometimes. The fact is, if I do end up in the Christian/Muslim Hell, then there's nothing I can do about it. I'll go there whether I CTB or not, considering the only thing I did wrong was not loving their god (doing so seems to result in instant forgiveness for anything else I have ever done or will do).

If there is no hell, then there's nothing to worry about, but since I don't really know what happens, the only way to find out is to go through with it. With that in mind, when life becomes more terrifying than the unknown, that's when it will be time for me to go.
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Jan 17, 2021
The following is the only kind of hell that I fear. A hell that might await all of us, no matter what it is we do. The end result of our consciousness becoming undone and slipping into the void forever. Again, I'll reiterate that this has nothing to do with religion. Even the most devout holy man would still suffer the same fate, right along with everyone else.

That's a fun creepypasta. I'd like that kind of hell.

Actually I do. Because I looked. I studied because I know death is the only thing I cant escape. So I studied THIS WORLD and found out all the great things there is to learn about death and what its for and blah blah. So YES I do know.
That's not how it works. You can't see the color of a building's facade while inside of it, no matter how closely you study the indoors.
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Jul 12, 2020
I don't believe in it so I'm not scared. Anyway people paint hell as something cool so I don't understand why I should be afraid of it
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm an atheist, but I don't understand why Lucifer is considered bad. Because he didn't want to live on his knees, because he wanted to be free to make his own choices? Lucifer seems like a being who values free will, and I would rather spend my time with him than some god who expects me to bow before him.
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Aug 18, 2020
That's a fun creepypasta. I'd like that kind of hell.

That's not how it works. You can't see the color of a building's facade while inside of it, no matter how closely you study the indoors.
YES actually it does. This world is a part of the other world. They are very interconnected. Look through all my posts. That's most of what I've been sharing the entire time I've been on SS. How to cope with this world and it's part in going to the next world. It's really easy when you stop playing video games and watching garbage on the TV and news and pretending that education comes through Hollywood and MTV. It's really easy to find and ANYONE who is strong enough and smart enough to look can find the exact same things. However most people can't let go and be strong enough to look and find these things. So sadly everything most people think they know about this world and the next is in complete shambles. It's destructive and it's all based on self hate that stems from learning to hate others which is what we have been taught here. We are not spiritual beings here having a physical experience. We are spiritual being always and forever having a spiritual experience. Fact is we never left the afterlife this world is still a part of it. It's really not that hard to figure out. Why does "my" life suck? Because you decided to learn through pain and hatred. All of us did. Once you get over that BS and start to learn about this world without that weakness and judgement you will find out just how close to "heaven" we are actually living.
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Oct 12, 2020
Does not concern me in the slightest. Human race can be very imaginative with some of the ideas it comes up with.
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And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
Actually I do. Because I looked. I studied because I know death is the only thing I cant escape. So I studied THIS WORLD and found out all the great things there is to learn about death and what its for and blah blah. So YES I do know.
I stand by it. Neither you or any other living person knows what awaits after death.

"If you think you know what's really going on, you're probably full of shit." – Robert Anton Wilson​

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Aug 18, 2020
I stand by it. Neither you or any other living person knows what awaits after death.

"If you think you know what's really going on, you're probably full of shit." – Robert Anton Wilson​

Theres weakness and sadness in your words not in mine. Because YOU cant figure it out is honestly not my problem.


And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
Theres weakness and sadness in your words not in mine. Because YOU cant figure it out is honestly not my problem.
You think you have all the answers yet you give none. Just another egotistical false prophet who gets a kick out of being "enlightened" around confused young people, by the looks of it. Care to share any of this wisdom that has somehow eluded the greatest minds history has known, yet somehow fell into your possession?
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May 2, 2020
I like to think that everything is possible. Hell, heaven, lack thereof, or something completely different.
I'm not scared of it. There are so many different depictions of hell that it seems pointless to worry about, for example if we're talking physical torture how would it affect someone who can't feel pain, or how would you register any feeling without your nervous system? I was also told growing up that heaven is a place where you spend eternity worshiping god, which doesn't sound all that good either.
I'll accept any outcome I get, If you're gonna spend an eternity doing something you might as well be happy about it.
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