If you aren't yet set on CTB, do you have any ability to change some things? Move out eventually, maybe try some therapy or meds, get a different job, etc? If you still have dreams and ambitions I would hate for them to be taken away from you when you weren't ready yet. Maybe a change of situation could give you a new perspective on things. I know it won't happen overnight, but if you have it in you to make changes little by little and then reevaluate in say, a year or two? The choice to CTB will never go away, but once you CTB the choice to live is gone.
I've actually been doing that quite recently.
I've been going outside more, trying to get a job (I have two job interviews coming up, one of them I already finished, the next is tomorrow), reaching out to mental health services and recently joined the wsitlist for a new apartment being built. Despite all these good things, it's the fact that no matter how good things get, I still daydream about killing myself every day.
I've realized that existing, within itself, takes too much effort. Going your whole life being told "it gets better eventually" and basically holding onto what if's and maybes sickens me. I have all these good things and a semi-better environment, and I'm still sad. I feel the same as I did in middle school. (For context, I've had depression ever since I was 12. I'm 18F now. I've had to do this alone before I was even a teenager.)
It's hard to put this in words that make sense, but TLDR; I'm tired of having to put in so much effort just to exist. I'm done with having to fight for the bare minimum. I don't want to fight so hard just to experience three seconds of happiness.
I want to live, not survive. If existing takes this much effort just to be happy, then maybe dying sounds a bit better. When I'm dead: I won't exist. Existing = painful
Dead forever = wont experience pain because no longer existing
Sorry this got a bit venty haha. I wanted to explain a bit more why I'm here. d( ̄  ̄)
But your words mean something to me, thanks. Again, it makes me reconsider a bit. You're kind!