
Jan 16, 2020
Kinda sorta.

I'm actually rather intelligent and competent in many ways. However, 90% of both of those aren't in ways that actually benefit my life at all. My English skills are through the roof. I'm also a polymath. I'm good at figuring out things in multiple fields. Sometimes with giant leaps of logic. However, I have 0% interest in actually working any of those fields. I just want to be paid for my ideas... making THAT happen is pretty much impossible for me to A) figuring out how to do and B) I have no interest in the type of work it would take to make it happen anyway. (ergo, marketing, filing for patents etc etc)

That lack of interest translates into a sever aversion to doing any of it...too the point that I'm actually not capable of doing it.

That all is a form of incompetence

I'm also socially incompetent also.
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Kinda sorta.

I'm actually rather intelligent and competent in many ways. However, 90% of both of those aren't in ways that actually benefit my life at all. My English skills are through the roof. I'm also a polymath. I'm good at figuring out things in multiple fields. Sometimes with giant leaps of logic. However, I have 0% interest in actually working any of those fields. I just want to be paid for my ideas... making THAT happen is pretty much impossible for me to A) figuring out how to do and B) I have no interest in the type of work it would take to make it happen anyway. (ergo, marketing, filing for patents etc etc)

That lack of interest translates into a sever aversion to doing any of it...too the point that I'm actually not capable of doing it.

That all is a form of incompetence

I'm also socially incompetent also.
I don't really feel intelligent at all because of this incompetence
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Relax — This won't hurt
May 6, 2020
I was fairly competent in my younger days. These last few years I've simply let myself go and I've seemingly lost all will and desire to retain information. I'm just sort of "being". I have severe memory problems that tend to creep up even over the simplest things like remembering if I've already shampoo'd my hair during a shower. I feed "dumb" for the most part and really just don't know why it's happening to me. Yet, I can recall stupid details like movie trivia. It's extremely frustrating.

I work in an industry I hate and a job I loathe and am burnt out on. This job itself has so far been the reasons for my attempts. Just today I had another instance where I held the gun against my head for about 5 minutes just to feel it.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I don't feel incompetent. I know i have capabilities. It's just I'm fucked up emotionally, i have low tolerance to frustration, i think i know what in my education trapped me into this. I'm emotionally incapable and that ruins my capabilities, I can't express them, i've become an underachiever. I doubt i can change, perhaps a bit but is it worth it ?

I feel like I am in the same boat. There are some things that I could do if I needed to, but if they are things I hate doing, then I'm likely to get too pissed off about it to do anything right. This of course includes things that are related to car-maintenance, like Squiddy mentioned earlier. If I had to do that stuff myself, I would likely end up throwing tools and messing my car up even worse. If someone else other than me can do it, I will do whatever it takes to make it worth while for them, whether it's money or favors.

Being emotionally incapable absolutely sucks, hence the reason why I don't do much with my life. Like you, I can also identify the specific things in my past that made me like this, but I wasn't aware of what they were going to turn me into at the time. I guess that's just the hand we were dealt, eh? I don't know about you, but I hate this fucking card game.
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Apr 4, 2020
It's one of the reasons. Events from the past stopped me from living my life, so now here I am, 22, unemployed, no college degree, no social life, just a shell living in automatic mode, waiting for an opportunity to end it all.
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Aug 16, 2019
Think carefully if you can change course, by talking to someone and working on you. If you have time in front of you and reevaluate your expectations, you can do something.
If you recognize yourself in what i said, you have to listen to me, then. Think about giving yourself a real chance, with slow work on yourself.
I know it's too late for me. It's a waste but that's just the way it was meant to be. I don't hate someone in'particular for that, i know they suffer themselves and their own imbalance reverberated in me, îm beyond anger or revenge., it's only the sadness.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
Me. Incompetent at building relationships with people, incompetent at jobs. On the other hand, I'm competent at making people pissed at me.
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Jul 30, 2018
one of the major reasons for me. I lost everything cuz im a total dumbass. I'm shit
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Absolutely. I'm pretty bad at most everything I try to do. I'm only about to graduate in a business degree because the one thing I am good at is BS'ing and looking up answers to stuff online. None of the information has been retained and I would be so screwed in a real world career. I've dabbled in creative pursuits like drawing and music and nothing comes out right because I'm too lazy to practice. If I'm not good at something right away then there's literally no point.
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
Making money,expanding my horizons,and socializing
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Oct 3, 2020
Yep. Failed my way through school, somehow winged all my jobs so far. Spent hundreds and hundreds on driving lessons and I'm still as bad as day one. Can't even play video games any more cos I'm shit at that too.

I'm convinced if I had the guts to CTB that would inevitably fail too.
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Aug 22, 2020
On the day you started this thread I tried to ctb & failed!
I'm so incompetent that I can't even kms properly!

edit: I should also add... it wasn't my first attempt either. Multiple fails!
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Well I'm a dumbass. I needed an appointment for a state inspection and oil change for my car and my car is a Nissan and I made the appointment online thinking I was going to a shop where they do everything and instead, I made an appointment with the Ford shop. They can still do it, but they might charge me more for the oil parts and I might have to sit here a long time while they get the parts. Again, I can't do anything right. :aw: truly incompetent
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Deleted member 4993

Well I'm a dumbass. I needed an appointment for a state inspection and oil change for my car and my car is a Nissan and I made the appointment online thinking I was going to a shop where they do everything and instead, I made an appointment with the Ford shop. They can still do it, but they might charge me more for the oil parts and I might have to sit here a long time while they get the parts. Again, I can't do anything right. :aw: truly incompetent

Aw we all make mistakes Squiddy don't let it get you down, hopefully it won't cost anymore than elsewhere :hug:
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Aw we all make mistakes Squiddy don't let it get you down, hopefully it won't cost anymore than elsewhere :hug:
Luckily, the price wasn't too bad. $89 for the state inspection and oil change
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Honestly don't know how I'm gonna continue living when I'm so damn incompetent in a lot of things. I wish I had enough courage to just end things while I can :\ if only I had ended things in 2018 when I was at my worse. There's a part of me that wants to live, but I just can't see me living when there's so much about the world that I don't know that's probably really important like how to maintain a house or apartment and other things. Without my family, I'd probably be homeless
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Oct 22, 2020
Whoa, didn't think there were many of us in the same groove. Although I wouldn't really call myself incompetent, just painfully uninterested. This wasn't something I caught on to somewhere along time but I've been this way my entire life. I had to teach myself everything I know now at a late age and all my life I couldn't be taken seriously because I had/have no real life achievements. But I've been fairly shown to be grossly underestimating myself. I think we can all catch up when we find the conviction to. As a high school dropout believing I couldn't do anything, I was on my way to get a PhD, a life, a purpose, but my health spiralled downwards and here I am now. I feel like a completely different person when all I can think about is ctb.
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Apr 1, 2019
I don't know how to do those either but honestly we shouldn't blame ourselves. We are forced to learn so much useless stuff by the education system that we don't have time to invest into learning real life skills.
I didn't know how to buy a fricking train-ticket until I was 18 because I never really travelled with anyone before.
It used to be one of my reasons, but I feel much better when I remember there's a lot more of us.
The education system fails a lot of us yet it never changes


Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I feel like I'm pushed in a corner with no way, but to ctb. I don't even know how to check my own oil in my car and my dad was like "how do you not know?" and he has a point as I've had the car for almost 4 years now. I want to live so bad as I enjoy a lot of stuff, but I can't see a way out and feel I might have to SN :(
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Reactions: Lost in a Dream, Eurus and Ἡγησίας


Jan 27, 2019
I feel so stupid. There's so many things I don't know how to do such as taxes and changing a tire on a car. I'm not cut out for life at all. My mom should have aborted me. It's not my main reason for wanting to ctb, but it's one.
Same buddy
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