

Mar 11, 2023
About 10 years ago, when I had been researching suicide methods, I came across a website similar to this one. The difference being it wasnt a forum, but rather it shared some information on suicide; why people do it, methods, and had a page dedicated to other people's personal experiences.
I remember the website layout being blue and white. I also recall a personal story on the website being of someone who tried the exit bag method but for some reason it failed.
I remember the name of the website being something similar to SS's own name, but from information I found, SS didnt exist during the timeframe I saw that website, preceeding SS by about 4 years.
I was curious if anyone else ever saw it and if so, if they knew what it was? It's stuck in my mind for years now but the name escapes me. I dont even know if it's still up or what, Im mostly just curious.


Sep 14, 2023
This website doesn't have a name similar to SS, but it used to show up in google really easily if you searched anything at all about suicide techniques/success rates. I found it on accident years before I was actually suicidal. The site is also blue and white:

Unfortunately some sections of the site are now defunct, but you can use the wayback machine to view most of the dead-link pages.
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Mar 11, 2023
This website doesn't have a name similar to SS, but it used to show up in google really easily if you searched anything at all about suicide techniques/success rates. I found it on accident years before I was actually suicidal. The site is also blue and white:

Unfortunately some sections of the site are now defunct, but you can use the wayback machine to view most of the dead-link pages.
OH! I think this may be it actually. My memory is a bit jumbled of stuff back then, so I may have mistaken the name similarity tbh. Or maybe I saw multiple sites- Whatever the case, this one does fit a lot of what I recall. Thanks!
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Sep 16, 2020
Unfortunately most shit that whichever popular search engine sends us to wrote to express or describe a worst case scenario for each method. Which was the worst thing to initiate one into self help when I'd decided that to go by my own hand was a path to end the suffering.

But There are positive stories to take our power back.
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