

I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
The goal of life is to die, everything in this world is wired towards self-destruction

This too. I always felt that since I'm never going to reproduce i'm just wanting time here

do you think we go anywhere when we die?
The purpose of our existence is breeding, like all other animals and plants. Humans aren't special, so there is no special point to our existence. Life happened because the right situations allowed for it, and life evolved.

Do you think an afterlife is real?
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Apathy's Girl

Apathy's Girl

Jul 20, 2020
It used to depress me when I thought about life having no point. No point to life then why bother even living. I still struggle with that view but now I try to think that life has whatever meaning I assign to it. I'm alive to take care of my dog, that is one of the points of my life. I have been there for friends when they needed me. This is the best point to life I can find. I don't think there is some grand plan we are all a part of. We all just do what we can. My husband's point to life is to leave a legacy as a semi famous author. I don't want to leave any trace of me behind when I go. If there was one true "point" to all this I think we would all be aware of it.
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Life is too difficult for me
Oct 11, 2019
No I can't. I have diminishing tolerance for the nonsense of this world each passing year.
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Sep 11, 2020
No , none at all . Not for me anyway . Life would have to be very different than it is to have any point .
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Blank Dreamer

Blank Dreamer

Seeker of Dreams
Sep 11, 2020
I view life in general as pointless.

It's up to you what you want to make of it. The so called beauty of life.

There are so many facets to life that the possibilities are endless. It's too bad that there are others that want to dictate and control your life to how they see fit. My parents saw to that. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do or even make my own mistakes while choosing what I wanted in life. As the youngest of the family, that was the burden I had to carry.

I even denied them, so that I could pursue whatever it was I wanted. All throughout college. Yet circumstances prevented me from achieving that and I had to return home and attend a local college. Now it all feels I've wasted all that time. That I failed. I look back and it just hurts. I won't go into details but all the things that I did back then was pointless. And I'm here, trying to appease someone's view of life for me. I know that the intentions are good but... I've grown so weary and tired... Not knowing who I am or what my life is even supposed to be.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
I neither 'see' nor 'not see' a 'point' in 'life'. I couldnt give any less of a fck that there is or there isnt a 'point' in 'life', lol.
I couldn't care any less if there's a "point" in 'life' (or whatever it is called) or not. I don't give a shit if it's "pointless" or "meaningless" or "valueless" (or whatever that means lol) or whatever. I dont care if it's whatever/any """"positive"""" 'way' and dont care if it's whatever/any """"negative"""" 'way', it's completely indifferent to me lol. Couldnt care any less, never had cared and never will. I literally just dont want to live /do/experience 'life' regardless how it is neither what I can experience in it neither what there is about/from it etc. I just dont care about anything never cared and never will, and I will never want to care. The question is why the f*ck do "I" have to? Why is existence obligatory? i want an explanation for this. Its so fucking frustrating to have no choice but pretend every single fucking day that I'm "interested" in 'life' and 'planet earth'/'the world' and things in general "eVEn iF iTs jUsT oNe tHinG" to not be suspicious at all and not have people assume I'm "depressed" and taken to a psychiatrist/psychologist and force me to take meds and attend 'therapy' or whatever tf that is that i neither want nor need and NEVER will, nothing "bad" fcking happens to 'me'/'in my life' lmao it would be absurd to take me there, for absolutely no reason at all. but well, this is literally invaded by pro-lifers (and even non pro-lifers will never understand/comprehend/believe this and see it as something totally normal and possible, not "iRrAtIoNaL" or whatever that means lol) and it'll always be assumed that if you dont want to live life[however the fck it is, and dont give a sht if it's "meaningless" or "meaningful" or whatever the fck]/dont care about 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' however it is etc nor literally anything in general at all whatever/however it is and aren't "interested" in anything is because of a 'reason' like 'bad life'/'trauma'/'depression'/' bad experiences'/'bad situation'/'low self-esteem'/'bad circumstances'/'bad family'/abuse'/'bullying'/'emptiness'/'loneliness'/'homelessness'/'existencial|identity crisis'[wtf does that even 'mean' lmao]/'anhedonia'/'apathy'/'loss of interest' and motivation'/'suffering' or whatever other 'reason' or because I'm "nihilist" and/or have a "chemical imbalance in the brain", lol. I literally just have no "interest" (or whatever the fuck "interest", "being 'interested'" means. Why the fuck do "I" have to be 'interested' and want to be 'interested' in 'something'? Why cant I just not give a shit about/not want/not care about any single thing without it being "bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn" "bEcAuSe oF dEprEsSiOn, ApAtHy aNd lOsS oF iNtErEsT", "bEcAuSe lIfE iS a WaY tHat yOu dOnT lIkE iT" "bEcAuSe yOuRe cOnFuSeD oR bOreD oR sUfFeRiNg" "bEcAuSe yOuR liFe iS bAd aNd pAinFuL aNd yOu dOnT wAnT tO lIvE lIkE tHat" or whatever other 'reason'. I'm not suffering, my life is 'good'/'great' however you wanna call it and I 'have it all' and I don't give a shit. There's just nothing that I "want"/"need"/"like"/"care about"/"wish"/"hope for"/"have 'interest' for" nor any other thing like that. Why do "I" have to? That's my fucking question. I'll never understand why is all of this obligatory, why being part of/participating in 'existence'/'life'/'human life'/'the world'/'planet earth' or whatever its names are, is obligatory and I have to want it yes or yes and if I say I don't "iTs bEcAuSe sOmEthInG bAd hApPeNs tO yOu" "yOuRe sUfFeRiNg tHaTs wHy" "yOur LiFe iS bAd ANd pAinFuL aNd iTS nOt tHe lIfE yOu WaNt aNd lIVe" "bEcAuSe iTs a cHeMiCaL iMbAlAnCe" "bEcAuSe oF dEpReSsIoN" "yoU doNt wAnT tO lIvE iN wHatEvEr siTuATioN yOu cUrReNtLy aRe iN aNd yOu dOnT wAnT tO lIvE a BaD lIfE, iTs nOt tHat yOu jUsT dOnT wAnT tO lIvE lIfe iN gENeRaL nO mATtEr hOw iT iS fOr nO rEaSoN aT aLl tHaTs iMpOssIblE tHeReS sOmE cHeMicAl imBaLaNcEs iN yOuR bRaIn" (as if I gave a fucking shit what happens to a thing called 'brain' and how the fuck a 'brain' is lol I don't want to use nor have any fucking type of 'brain'/'mind' nor 'human body' nor any other type of thing, why can't I just not want to be anything at all?) I simply just don't give a shit about 'life' in a very general term and I simply just don't want to experience/live/do it (very generally, not referring to a specific/particular/certain way/type/kind of 'life') I don't care if "there's a point in life" or not nor if "life is worth living" or not or whatever, I don't give a shit about it in general no matter how/what way it is. I don't give a fucking shit if 'life'/'human life' (whatever its name is, couldn't care any less lol) is "meaningful" or "meaningless" or whatever, I dont want anything to have a "meaning" nor a "purpose", nor "value", nor "importance", nor "relevance" nor any other """positive""" crap in general. I will never understand why is wanting/caring about/being "interested" in 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence' in general and things whatever it is in general, an obligation. And Ill never understand why the fuck there has to be a reason if I say I JUST don't and never will NO MATTER HOW IT IS or whatever. It's not that ***""""Im suffering and my life is 'bad', 'meaningless' thats why i dont want to live life"""" no lmao that's not the case, my life isnt "bad" at all and I couldnt care any less. And i dont give a single sht if 'my life'/whoever's 'life'/'life in GENERAL' is "meaningless" or "meaningful" or whatever tf that means lmao. It's not because of that nor literally any other 'reason' at all, I just literally simply dont want to, that's it, there's nothing more, theres no 'reason' at all, why there has to be one? why is having a 'reason'//""justified reason""/""valid reason"" or whatever tf that means, obligatory? what the actual fck, 'I' came 'here'/'i' exist against my will and now I even have to have a """justified"""/"""valid""" 'reason' to want to literally just leave/disappear and not exist at all. Why make this an obligatory prison where you cannot escape UnLeSs YouRe sUfFeRIng aNd yOuR lIfE iS 'bAd' aNd 'pAiNfUl' aNd hAvE a 'vAlId ReAsOn'? why cant i literally simply just dont want to (nor anything in general) without it being because of a reason? just because 'human beings'/'people' say so? :pfff: (**as if I gave a shit if its 'bad', 'meaningless', 'boring', 'painful' or whatever other """""negative""""" way/type of life lol I simply just dont give a shit about 'life' in a very general way I just dont, never cared and never will, and it's not because of a 'reason', why the fuck there has to be a fucking reason for simply literally just not caring (and not wanting to care no matter what "standard of life" "standardized/designed/structured 'life'" it is neither what it is about neither the way that is etc. No matter what/how it is/can be neither what it is about/can be anout, nor how it works/can work, neither what it happens/can happen, nor what there is/it has/there can be/it can have etc. I simply just don't care and never will and no it's not because of any fucking reason nor "bEcAuSe oF cHeMiCaL iMbAlAnCeS iN mY bRaIn" nor "bEcAuSe iM sUfFeRiNg" nor "bEcAuSe mY lIfE iS 'bAd' aNd 'PaInFuL'" nor literally any other person. I'm not "suffering" about anything in any way, I don't feel "empty" nor "fullfilled" nor any other crap like that. I don't want to be "fullfilled", "significant", "valuable" or whatever the fuck that means nor any other 'way'/'type of thing'. Im not 'saying' Im being 'told' to be this/that, this and or that way, no lol. Thats not the case, no one has ever 'told' 'me'/'tells' 'me' "what"/"how"/"who" 'to be' neither what 'to do' etc, Im just clarifying that i literally simply just dont want to be any fcking 'way', I dont want to be anything/anyone, any damn way, I dont want to be any 'type' of 'person' at all nor have any 'achievements' AT ALL. I just dont, never wanted and never will. I couldnt care less about 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' however it is not any other thing in general, just dont and there is absolutely no 'reason' behind at all, although there are gonna be 'people' who will assume that tHeReS a ReAsOn yEs Or yEs anyway :pfff:
I dont give a shit about "fullfilment", "significance", "value", "meaningfulness", "usefulness", "success", "happiness" and other """positive""" things like that that literally everyone else cares about but i just couldnt give any fcking less of a sht lol nor literally any other thing in general at all of any type. So, it is completely indifferent to 'me' and has always been and will always be, if/that there is/there isnt a "point" in 'life' lmao, dont give a sht. Ive disabled notifications so i dont receive any assumptions.
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Ima shake the champagne bottle...
Jun 23, 2020
Nope we just live to die
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life is a struggle you cannot win
Sep 25, 2020
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
Don't even care. Just want to get the fuck out of here.
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Dec 7, 2019
God wanted me here. I just hope He doesn't for much longer.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
I do try to see but then realize it will never be because of all my illnesses...these illnesses are too severe to turn around everything in my body is not working properly so why should I still be here then? No point
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm sure there's a point to be found somewhere I just haven't found it yet. Hold that thought and have a seat, I'll get back to you once I've found one.

2980051095 27c491a67d z
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I think the only point in life is to eventually make more lives or at least influence other lives in some meaningful way. As for my life, I guess every story needs a villain or at least a bad example...


Oct 5, 2020
Not unless you count suffering as a reason
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
To spend money and work till you die unless you're stupid rich. Yea life is has too many negative elements to make me enjoy it.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
Life is an absurd freak occurrence in the vast randomness of the chaotic and indifferent universe. It's happened once, it'll have happened again by chance on other worlds. The meaning of life is to perpetuate itself. We are governed by selfish genes whose sole purpose is to reproduce. Life is an endless battleground wherein every lifeform struggles to survive by competing with and consuming others. It's an unceasing nightmare of murder and exploitation on every scale. It is suffering.

As humans with a degree of consciousness, we may operate outwith our genetic programming in a search for aesthetic meaning and purpose. Whatever we decide upon is personal to each individual.

Personally, I'm a nihilist. Nothing matters. Life is meaningless. The purpose we derive is delusion. The meaning we seek is distraction from the cold, hard truth of the pointlessness of it all, and worse, the inherent savagery.
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Oct 28, 2020
I think that biologically we are animals like any other animal- we are born to reproduce and successfully increase our numbers.

Look at how well that's worked out for us as a human race- overpopulation- there will come a time, if it hasn't come already, when this planet simply cannot sustain us. We will, as a race, have consumed and destroyed the Earth.... taken all we can and given little to nothing back- destroying ourselves in the process during which we denied there being any problems at all...

So yeah. Pointless. The way i see my life is i personally failed at the reproductive thing.. So on top of everything being pointless, i have failed at humanity's basic biological function- reproduction...

But outside of basic biological function- i don't see a point to existence. Apologies for being bleak.
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Mar 15, 2019
Maybe the purpose of life is to make us appreciate death and no longer existing when it finally comes. To me death is an reward for all the pain we have to go through in life.
It's like a final relief from this unnecessary suffering
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Nov 11, 2020
No I just want peace living is hell
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