
Nov 11, 2023
I understand, based on what I have read on this forum (and my past experience), that it may seem that life has no meaning.

But what if there were meaning? How would you go about finding/discovering it?
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The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
Life doesn't come with a built-in purpose, but many people discover their own meaning in simple acts of empathy, like being there for a friend when they need it. Or trying to make the world a better place.
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carried away by a moonlight shadow
Aug 25, 2021
I understand, based on what I have read on this forum (and my past experience), that it may seem that life has no meaning.

But what if there were meaning? How would you go about finding/discovering it?
I firmly believe that we all come into this world with a well-defined purpose: "to reproduce, then die."

...is the life cycle of all species...
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Nov 12, 2022
We all search for this and I think it is an important question to ask. It may be a different answer for everyone. For myself, I have peace in believing that the meaning of life is simply to live. Maybe this seems like a cop-out answer, but I truly think we're here to learn what being alive is like. To experience being in a body, experience senses, emotions, thoughts, to connect, to grow and fall. Regardless of the intense injustice, I believe that suffering is also a fundamental aspect of why this whole life thing exists (or maybe that's just what I tell myself to make it all seem bearable.) That's just my two cents.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't believe there could ever be. I see existence as nothing more than a futile and harmful imposition, and I believe some humans question what is the meaning as they have the ability to be conscious and aware unlike animals. All that humans are essentially doing is waiting to decay and die where at that point all will be forgotten about, where eventually it'll be like they never existed at all.
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Crush me until there’s nothing left
Oct 28, 2023
Nah, we're just animals.
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Jul 23, 2022
Yes. Life is plenty mean....
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Nov 16, 2023
I don't think there's any meaning in life or my life experience in itself, we are here just by a very unlikely coincidence. However I believe one can create some kind of meaning to their life, I for example have found meaning in trying to reduce the amount of suffering in the world. And for me that has mostly meant being an animal rights activist. I just suffer too much myself to find enough meaning to keep living, unfortunately
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Nov 11, 2023
@Oneness side comment: I like your PFP & name (Oneness). Would you mind explaining to me the meaning behind them?
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Lonely in a room full of people…
Nov 2, 2023
No, it does not. Look up Nihilism.
Can God create a rock that he cannot lift? If yes, then there exists a rock that God himself cannot move, meaning God is not all powerful. If not, then God cannot create such a rock - and therefore is not all powerful. This shows that the all powerful Creator is a man-made concept, and a flawed one at that.

In the absence of God, we lose all forms of 'divine' purpose. No afterlife, no heaven or hell, no meaning. Just take a look at the scale of the universe to understand how insignificant we are. In fact, take a look at the scale of the timeline of just earth alone - life has been on Earth for a fraction of the time the planet has been around, and there have been 5 global apocalypse-level events since life first started. The human race is in but a hairwidth of this time. How many humans have ever lived? How many will live? How short are our individual lives compared to this?

We are no different than grass. Than pigs. Than trees or fish. We are the same as a virus, as a colony of ants, as a mushroom. We are just bundles of cells, desperately trying to reproduce and pass on DNA information. All life does this. All life fights to survive.

The fact that a subset of apes decided to start roasting the meat they ate (of other life forms they slaughtered to preserve their own) and therefore massively boost the nutrients delivered, boosting the brain size enough over the years that we surpassed the language capabilities of other intelligent races (dolphins are believed to have a language around about 1/3 as complex as the English language), doesn't make us 'special'. The fact we have developed the ability to ask 'why', to reason and perceive ourselves, doesn't somehow make us 'divine'. It doesn't mean we are suddenly destined for some grand plan while all other lifeforms are lesser…….. we, all living things, are the same.

The universe is likely in a state of quantum fluctuation. Ie the Big Bang was simply the quantum state shifting from contraction into expansion, and perhaps once the universe is cold enough and enough energy dissipates, it will enter a state of contraction again. If this theory is the case, then it has been doing this since… pff who knows.

It was hard for me to swallow this pill. I've spoken on other posts about it feeling like I have been blind all my life and now suddenly can see. See the truth of things. All of life is greedy, hungry for food and information. All life forms devour other life forms, struggling to make sure their own species can carry on, reproduce, and keep a cycle of nothing going. Until death. The thing that does transcend all. Everybody knows they will die. And every living thing is programmed from the core of their genetic makeup to be terrified of it.

Passive nihilism is understanding that it all means nothing, yet changing nothing about your life and continuing anyway. Optimistic nihilism is understanding that it all means nothing, and therefore can break away from 'society', from 'social rules', from your moral compass. Believing in nihilism is to realize that there is no plan, no fate, no guardians, and no true rules. You decide the values that you live by. You decide your path. Nothing and nobody else will. It can be either incredibly dangerous, or incredibly freeing.

Right now idfk what to change, so I'm passively nihilistic. I've realised the truth of the world, that existence is just… existing, without design or purpose, and yet idk what to do about it. So I'm still showering in the morning. I'm still emptying my trash can, still going to work, still saying thank you if somebody lets me cross the road and still keeping my mouth shut even if I know my boss is talking BS. Everything is just grey now. I feel numb most days.
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Nov 11, 2023
In the absence of God, we lose all forms of 'divine' purpose.
I agree with this statement of yours. But I think "Can God create a rock that he cannot lift?" is too weak of an argument against God. It's like asking "Can God do something that He can't do?" The question itself is logically inconsistent. One thing I am sure of is that there is such thing as logic (reasoning) because even to refute logic you have to use logical reasoning to do so (hence making it self-refuting).

But that's beside the point. It seems like many who replied don't understand that I am asking a hypothetical question—"what IF there were meaning?" I'm not asking "Is there?"
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The question of 'how you'd go looking for' the meaning of life probably comes down to beliefs. Beyond our instictual drives that is. In that- we share them with all other animals here- survive long enough to reproduce. Give your offspring (genes) a decent crack at life.

But for some other meaning- religious folk try and consult their specific instruction manual- holy text to try and work out what's expected of them.

I think most people simply look within themselves though to work out what feels right/important to them. That's likely been ingrained in them through upbringing/experience but- it can still feel real to them. Maybe they have been set on a career path. Maybe they are good at sport and find achievement in that. Maybe they simply greatly value their family, friends and human relations. Maybe they get involved with charity work and feel good helping others. I personally don't think there's a right or wrong. I don't think nihilists are wrong either but I think it's a personal decision. Not one that is universal.
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Jul 10, 2023
I personally believe there is no inherent meaning of life, we were put on this earth without a reason.
I think a lot of people acknowledge that this world has no meaning, in fact nothing does, but they try to escape it with existentialism, religious beliefs, escapism, etc. And then they refuse to admit that everything does in fact have no meaning.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
There is no objective morality nor objective meaning to life . What will matter in 200 years? nothing . In 1000 years? nothing. in a trillion years? To me only extreme pain and extreme suffering are real . And also just pain and suffering are real. Suicide for me would avoid pain and suffering for me and so is morally ok to me and is the goal for me . .


The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
I firmly believe that we all come into this world with a well-defined purpose: "to reproduce, then die."

...is the life cycle of all species
One might contend that the act of reproducing and the inevitability of mortality are fundamental mechanics of life rather than its purpose. This raises the question: What is the purpose behind reproduction and evolution? What significance lies in life progressing into more complex forms? While this topic invites speculation, there's no universally accepted truth regarding the purpose of the universe.

@Oneness side comment: I like your PFP & name (Oneness). Would you mind explaining to me the meaning behind them?

Absolutely, the concept of Oneness for me stems from a deep spiritual understanding of unity and interconnectedness. It's derived from years of meditative practice and exploring altered states of consciousness, particularly through psychedelics. During these experiences with psychedelics, something as simple as eating bread becomes a profound realization of unity. It's like recognizing that the act of eating is, in essence, the universe experiencing itself - "consciousness eating consciousness."

The profile picture I've chosen represents non-duality, a concept challenging to articulate but embodies the idea that there's no inherent separation between things. Explaining these spiritual experiences to someone who hasn't felt this Oneness is very challenging. It's an incredibly personal journey that often defies conventional explanation.

"Every individual is a unique manifestation of the Whole, as every branch is a particular outreaching of the tree." - Alan Watts

"Love is the recognition of oneness in the world of duality." - Eckhart Tolle

"A person experiences life as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness." - Albert Einstein
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Nah, there is no innate meaning. To put it crudely, you're only here because two people got horny and had sex. You could design your own subjective meaning for yourself but do keep in mind that you still are forced to abide by humanity's arbitrary social norms and arbitrary rules which may conflict against some people's subjective meaning
Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
Meaning, Time .. bullshit concepts that humans come up with. I'm not sure why.. Are they getting bored!? Do they have a psychotic wish to complicate every little thing!?

Hey here's a crazy idea! Why not just .. live life!? Why do you have to go looking for green horses on the walls!?


Jump to it
Sep 14, 2023
No, it does not. Look up Nihilism.
Can God create a rock that he cannot lift? If yes, then there exists a rock that God himself cannot move, meaning God is not all powerful. If not, then God cannot create such a rock - and therefore is not all powerful. This shows that the all powerful Creator is a man-made concept, and a flawed one at that.

In the absence of God, we lose all forms of 'divine' purpose. No afterlife, no heaven or hell, no meaning. Just take a look at the scale of the universe to understand how insignificant we are. In fact, take a look at the scale of the timeline of just earth alone - life has been on Earth for a fraction of the time the planet has been around, and there have been 5 global apocalypse-level events since life first started. The human race is in but a hairwidth of this time. How many humans have ever lived? How many will live? How short are our individual lives compared to this?

We are no different than grass. Than pigs. Than trees or fish. We are the same as a virus, as a colony of ants, as a mushroom. We are just bundles of cells, desperately trying to reproduce and pass on DNA information. All life does this. All life fights to survive.

The fact that a subset of apes decided to start roasting the meat they ate (of other life forms they slaughtered to preserve their own) and therefore massively boost the nutrients delivered, boosting the brain size enough over the years that we surpassed the language capabilities of other intelligent races (dolphins are believed to have a language around about 1/3 as complex as the English language), doesn't make us 'special'. The fact we have developed the ability to ask 'why', to reason and perceive ourselves, doesn't somehow make us 'divine'. It doesn't mean we are suddenly destined for some grand plan while all other lifeforms are lesser…….. we, all living things, are the same.

The universe is likely in a state of quantum fluctuation. Ie the Big Bang was simply the quantum state shifting from contraction into expansion, and perhaps once the universe is cold enough and enough energy dissipates, it will enter a state of contraction again. If this theory is the case, then it has been doing this since… pff who knows.

It was hard for me to swallow this pill. I've spoken on other posts about it feeling like I have been blind all my life and now suddenly can see. See the truth of things. All of life is greedy, hungry for food and information. All life forms devour other life forms, struggling to make sure their own species can carry on, reproduce, and keep a cycle of nothing going. Until death. The thing that does transcend all. Everybody knows they will die. And every living thing is programmed from the core of their genetic makeup to be terrified of it.

Passive nihilism is understanding that it all means nothing, yet changing nothing about your life and continuing anyway. Optimistic nihilism is understanding that it all means nothing, and therefore can break away from 'society', from 'social rules', from your moral compass. Believing in nihilism is to realize that there is no plan, no fate, no guardians, and no true rules. You decide the values that you live by. You decide your path. Nothing and nobody else will. It can be either incredibly dangerous, or incredibly freeing.

Right now idfk what to change, so I'm passively nihilistic. I've realised the truth of the world, that existence is just… existing, without design or purpose, and yet idk what to do about it. So I'm still showering in the morning. I'm still emptying my trash can, still going to work, still saying thank you if somebody lets me cross the road and still keeping my mouth shut even if I know my boss is talking BS. Everything is just grey now. I feel numb most days.
Nice! Same concept as Zen. Before Zen I chopped wood and fetched water. After Zen I chopped wood and fetched water. Nothing changes except the realization that it is what it is.
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Nov 12, 2021
Life has the meaning that you give it… if you are neglected as a child, you can end up disassociating from just about everything… Discovering that life is meaningless at a young age seems sophisticated until you get a little bit older and you realize it's just a recipe for Misery… falling in love can be enough meaning in itself…
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Lonely in a room full of people…
Nov 2, 2023
Nice! Same concept as Zen. Before Zen I chopped wood and fetched water. After Zen I chopped wood and fetched water. Nothing changes except the realization that it is what it is.
Tell me more?


🪦 July 20th, 2003 - January 8th, 2024
Nov 19, 2023
To reitterate what most people have said in this thread, yeah there is no meaning to life. Ideally, life is what you make it. In reality life is whatever circumstance you were thrown into.

Personally, life for me the the start was emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Then it was physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Then it was suicidal ideation, plans, attempts, and self isolation.

So for me the meaning of my life and what all of my experiences amount to is being able to finally ctb. For someone else with a different life, feels a different meaning to their life. If this seems all too depressing, it is and I'm sorry for that.
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New Member
Nov 18, 2023
I personally think we assign meaning to life or anything within it for example a old friend/acquitance greeting you if you find that has meaning you put value in it
Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
To reitterate what most people have said in this thread, yeah there is no meaning to life. Ideally, life is what you make it. In reality life is whatever circumstance you were thrown into.

Personally, life for me the the start was emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Then it was physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Then it was suicidal ideation, plans, attempts, and self isolation.

So for me the meaning of my life and what all of my experiences amount to is being able to finally ctb. For someone else with a different life, feels a different meaning to their life. If this seems all too depressing, it is and I'm sorry for that.
Don't be sorry for that, we understand and we're sorry for what happened to you. :hugs:
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Nov 11, 2023
Absolutely, the concept of Oneness for me stems from a deep spiritual understanding of unity and interconnectedness.
Yes, I understand. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Just out of curiosity, have you looked into Chris Langan's CTMU?