My son passed away 7 months ago today. I miss him more than words can describe. I'm on the brink of losing everything I have due to depression. I have a way out. I've had issues crossing the line though. Do you think we meet our loved ones again? Do you think he was happy to see me coming then saddened when I failed?
My guru teaches that death does not exist, only life.
Imagine we are both soap bubbles, we have different shapes, sizes, soap and water content, and we are each holding onto our own share of air.
This is the same with our bodies, we are comprised of exactly the same molecules but in different amounts and orchestration and we each hold onto our own share of life.
Now what happens when the soap bubbles pop?
Does the air inside of them go away?
No, it just becomes more air.
Then its not too hard to imagine that when our bodies can no longer contain our own share of life, that our life returns to the whole.
This body is not you, you would never claim "I am hand, foot, or heart" you claim them as your own.
This is MY hand, foot, and heart.
While your body belongs to you, you're only borrowing it.
The part that is "YOU", is your motivation, your ambition, your drive, its completely intangible.
When your body can no longer contain your life, you won't see anything, you will be everything, including your son.
If you wish to see your son, look to the people who respect and love him.
The impact that your son had on others will only end when they can no longer hold onto their life.
Humans are copy-cats, we emulate the people we love and distance ourselves from the behaviors of people we don't.
Sorry you are in so much pain. We wish you peace. Be well on your journey.