Many people are trapped in a horrible life, extreme suffering ,about to become homeless , or extreme torture etc. And they have no painless , guaranteed easy method like 3 bottles of nembutal acessible. 20 million people attempt suicide per year worldwide.
some people are in unending constant unbearable pain that is a billion times worse than others can imagine.
ridiculing mocking and making jokes about people suffering unbearable pain or pain that is unimaginable to many is worse than going to someone's funeral and making fun of the dead person to the family members or going and beating a person in unbearable pain from colon cancer in the hospital.
What if i want to leave life and this world? Why is the door locked? I can't purchase 3 bottles of nembutal nor assisted suicide services because they made those crimes.
Every one should be allowed to leave the prison with Nembutal or assisted suicide if they want to for any reason. that people can't leave easily or whithout risk makes this world and life a prison.
not every one wants to stay in this world or life or thinks this evil world is a Disney movie . 20 million attempt suicide worldwide per year with risky brutal methods like jumping hanging train throwing themselves under trucks all points to how bad life and this world is. the technology like nembutal assisted suicide , suicide kits is there . but they made all those crimes to make this world and this life a worse prison.
not everyone thinks that its cool to joke about everything , "i'm so hip i joke about everything" even joking about people suffering extreme torture, no some of us are in terror of this horrible life and world and existence.
not everyone is happy to be a prisoner and slave in this evil world.
Many people have to take the risk of using diy risky methods the risk of becoming brain damage or risk even worse torture like homelessness. they should be allowed to purchase nembutal , suicide kits,or assisted suicide services. Why are people suffering denied painless guaranteed methods to escape torture? because this world is an evil upside down world. everyone should have the option there to purchase assisted suicide if they want to leave this hell. if others want to stay and joke and think this hell is a disney movie then they can go right ahead and do that and prepare to move into the nursing home when old.
They say 800,000 per year kill themselves. but there are 25 attempts for every suicide completion so that's how i reached the 20 million suicide attempts worlwide per year. i think it's higher cause imo suicide is undereported