

Everything is a tragedy except what leads to it.
Feb 3, 2021
I believe so. Just seems too real now for it not to exist after life.
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Jun 26, 2020
100% yes. This life is is one of the experiences that I will have through a long journey.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
Definitely no. I absolutely fucking hope not lol. But in my 'case', unlike the rest/unlike literally everyone else in general both pro life/not pro life, pro choice/not pro choice, suicidal/not suicidal etc, i dont say that i hope that it doesn't 'continue' ""bEcAuSe If It DoEs IlL kEeP 'sUfFeRiNg' aNd iN 'paiN'"" nor because of any other "rEaSoN"/"cAuSe" in general at all. I dont say that i dont want 'consciousness' (any 'consciousness' in general at all nor 'existence' nor 'energy' or whatever tf that is nor absolutely anything else in general of literally any type/form/way etc) to "liVe On"/"pAsS On"/"gO oN" or whatever tf that means lol, ""bEcAuSe 'cOnScIoUsNeSs' aNd 'eXiStEnCe' mEaN/'iNvOlVe'/iS "sUfFeRiNg" aNd "pAiN" aNd Or Any/wHaTeVeR oThEr """""nEgAtIvE""""" 'tHiNg'""* (as if i gave a damn fck if it "is"/"means"/"involves"/"is about" "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN" and or any/whatever """""nEgAtIvE""""" 'thing'/type of 'thing' or not or if it "is"/"means"/"involves"/"is about" "hApPiNeSs"/"jOy"/"sAtIsFaCtIoN"/"fUlFiLlmEnT"/"eNjOyMeNt" and or blah blah blah any/whatever """pOsItIvE""" crap/'thing'/type of 'thing' in general or not lmfaoooo i couldnt care any damn less. I just dont give a fck if 'life'/'existence'/'the world'/'const/'planet earth'/'society'/'humanity'/'society'/'tHe SyStEm' and or blaHblAh whatever the damn fck in general is """gOoD"""/"""mEaNiNgFuL"""/"""wOrThFuL"""/"""fAiR"""/ or """"bAd""""/""""mEaNiNgLeSs""""/""""wOrThLeSs""""/""""uNfAiR"""" [or whatever tf 'those' """pOsItIvE""" and """nEgAtIvE""" 'words' mean lmaoooo i dont give a damn fuck] and or any/whatever other """pOsItIvE""" or """"nEgAtIvE"""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing' in general/type of 'thing'/'place' in general/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'existence'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of 'sYsTeM'/type of 'beings'|'entities'|'life forms'|'species'|'creatures' or whatever tf that is|means lol/type of 'x'/type of blah blah blah whatever the damn fuck in general whatever it is blabla LMFAOOOOO I SIMPLY JUST COULDN'T GIVE ANY LESS OF A GODDAMN FCKING DAMN FCK :pfff::pfff:) *NOR any other crap shit like that lol/NOR because of absolutely ANY single damn fcking reason in general at all. I just don't want have never wanted and never at all ever will any 'kind'/'type'/'form'/'sort' of 'consciousness' at all anywhere in general at all, whatever/however it is, i simply just fucking dont and thats it. I basically/literally just DONT 'want' etc/DONT want to 'want' etc absolutely ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL, not 'only' any 'consciousness'/'life'/'existence'/'planet'/'world'/'energy'/'beings'|'species'|'entities'|'life forms'|'creatures'/'galaxy'/'universe' at all in general however it is no fcking matter what type it is and no matter what happens/what there is/what 'it' has and a loooong etc, but absolutely/literally ANYTHING else in general at all of any type/way/form etc NO matter AT ALL what/how etc the fck it is/can be, neither what's/where's 'related to'/'about'/'from', ANYWHERE IN GENERAL AT ALL. thats. it. I simply dont so dont ask for a "rEaSoN" because there simply fucking arent any, has/have never been any and never at all ever will, whether it's believed/comprehended/understood or not. and again, I DON'T say that i 'hope' or whatever tf that means that 'consciousness', 'existence' and or whatever the fck in general "gOeS oN"/"lIvEs On"/"cOnTiNuEs" ""bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/cAuSe"", there simply ARENT AND NEVER AT ALL EVER WILL (why the fuck there has to lmao) ANY DAMN REASONS/CAUSES NOR FUCKING EXPLANATIONS AT ALL. i simply just don't, that's it. don't try to fucking 'find' the "ReAsOn wHy" because you won't lol.

I don't say that i HOPE or whatever tf that 'verb'/'word' means that there WONT be ANY 'consciousness' at all/that 'consciousness' WONT 'lIvE oN'/'gO oN'/'cOnTiNuE' after death """bEcAuSe 'cOnScIoUSneSs' mEaNs 'sUfFeRiNg' aNd 'pAiN' aNd I dOnT wAnT tO 'sUfFeR' aT aLl""" (I've never "suffered" at all and dont "suffer" at all any type of "suffering"/"pain" about anything in any way lol, and so fcking what lmao, so no i don't say it for that reason NOR for any other in general at all. and i don't give a damn shit if 'life'/'existence'/'consciousness'/'the world'/'planet earth' and or whatever tf in general is ""sUfFeRiNg""/""pAiN""/""cRuEl""/""uNfAiR""/""mEaNiNgLeSs""/""pOiNtLeSs""/""bOrInG""/""hArD""/""uSeLeSs""/""mOnOtOnOuS""/""wOrThLeSs""/""vAlUeLeSs""/""iNsIgNiFiCaNt""/""iRrElEvAnT""/""uNiMpOrTaNt""/""uNsAtIsFyInG""/""uNfUlFIlLiNg""/""pAtHeTiC""/""eViL""/""hOrRiBlE""/""mEsSeD uP"" [[or whatever tf all those """nEgAtIvE""" 'words'/'ways'/'adjectives'/tYpEs Of X mean lmfaooo i dont give a fuck and i also couldn't care less if its ""nEgAtIvE"" or ""pOsItIvE"" neither what """negative""" and """positive""" means loool]] aNd Or AnY oThEr """""nEgAtIvE""""" 'way'/'adjective'/'thing'/'place'/type of 'thing'/type of 'place'/type of 'life'|'world'|'planet'|'consciousness'|'existence'|'eNeRgY'|'beings'|'species'|'entities'|'life forms'|'creatures'|'society'|'humanity' blahblah LMAOOOOO I SIMPLY JUST DONT GIVE NOT EVEN A SINGLE GODDAMN FUCK. It has never at all """aFfEcTeD"""/"""wOrRiEd"""/"""eMbArRaSsEd""" "mE" in any ways and never at all will lol, why tf am i fucking obligated to care about/want to care about etc things/something yes or fcking yes lol. """iF yOu dOnT iTs bEcAuSe yOu dEcIdEd tO NoT cArE aNyMoRe, iT wAs A dEcIsIOn aNd A cOncLusIoN bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN/tHaT sOmeThInG aNd oR sOmEOnE mAdE yOu Do, sOmEtHiNg aNd Or sOmeOne pUsHeD yOu tO nOt cArE aBoUt aNytHinG aNd yOu DoNt bEcAuSe of A rEaSoN oR aNoThEr bUt bEcAuSe of A rEaSoN yEs oR yEs. mAyBe iTs bEcAuSe NoT cArIng aBoUt aNytHinG mAkEs YoU nOt sUfFeR aNyMorE sInCe nOtHiNg iS iMpOrTaNt fOr YoU [why the fck something has to be ""iMpOrTaNt"" or whatever tf that means for me lmfaooooooooooo why the fck do i have to yes or yes want 'things'/'something' to be "iMpOrTaNt" in general/for 'me' lmfaoo why ffs why cant i literally just not give a damn fucking fuck ffs] aNd nOtHiNg wOrRiEs YoU aNd YoU dOnT wAnT/nEeD/wIsH fOr AnYtHiNg, sO bEcAuSe Of tHaT yOu dEcIdEd To NoT cArE bUt YoU uSeD tO bEfOrE"" NO LMFAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's NOT because of any of that crap reasons nor because of literally any other single damn reason/reasons in general at all. Nothing/no one has """pUsHeD""" me to/has """mAdE""" me not care about anything lmfaooooooo and i wouldnt have cared if that was the case lol as i just dot want to care about absolutely anything and that's it and simply has never had and never will and it isn't a ""dEcIsIoN"" "i made" bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN aNd Or AnOtHeR lol. i simply just fucking don't/dont want to and thats it, there absolutely arent any "rEaSoNs" 'behind'. Theres NO "cOnClUsIoN"/"dEcIsIoN" nor "eXpLaNaTiOn"/"cAuSe"/"rEaSoN"/"CoNsEqUeNcE" nor any other crap like that/in general lmao. I INTENTIONALLY and WITHOUT ANY REASONS IN GENERAL AT ALL just dont fucking want to fucking 'care about' nor 'want' nor have 'interest' for nor 'experience'/'do'/'know'/'like'/'enjoy'/'learn'/'explore'/'participate' in/be 'part of' nor absolutely any other 'verb'/'action' etc in general at all ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL. A N Y T H I N G. THATS IT. COMPLETELY TOTALLY DEFINITELY BASICALLY ANYTHING. OF ANY TYPE/WAY/FORM ETC NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT/HOW ETCETC THE FCKING DAMN FCK IT IS/CAN BE NOR WHATEVER/WHEREVER TF IT'S FROM/ABOUT/RELATED TO ETCETC AND BASICALLY A LOOOOOONG AND THAT'S IT. THERE. ARENT. ANY. REASONS. WHY. FOR. FUCK'S. SAKE. And i just dont 'want' nor 'need' nor 'wish for' nor 'desire' nor literally ANY other 'verb'|'action' in general at all/dont want to 'want' nor 'need' nor 'wish for' nor 'desire' nor absolutely any other fcking 'action'|'verb' in general at all/nor any other fucking crap like that|in general at all lol absolutely/literally ANYTHING, A N Y T H I N G for fucks sake, and never have had and never will NO 'matter' what/how etc the damn fuck it is/can be, of absolutely ANY damn type/way etc at all in general. JUST NOTHING FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Why tf do i fucking have to/have to want to/have to fucking want to want to jfc. and no lmfao its not that i JUST SIMPLY FUVKING DONT give a fuck about absolutely ""bEcAuSe iF i DoNt CaRe AbOuT aNytHiNg I dOnT "sUfFeR""" nor because of basically any other reason/reasons in general at all lmao. And NOTHING at all has ever """affected"""/"""worried""" "me"/'my life' lmaoooo, everything in 'my life' has always been oK/nOrMaL/gOoD/gReAt or whatever tf that means and i literally just couldn't give any less of a fucking damn fuck, ok i guess...? lmao why do i have to care/want to care yes or yes. why the FUCKING DAMN FUCK "cAnT" i just simply DONT GIVE ANY SHIT ABOUT ETC/DONT WANT TO GIVE ANY SHIT ABOUT ETC ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER AND HOWEVER IT IS AND NO FCKING MATTER WHAT TYPE/WAY OF WHATEVER TF IN GENERAL IS/CAN BE ETC AND THAT'S FUCKING IT WITHOUT ANY DAMN REASONS IN GENERAL AT ALL FFS LMFAO WHYYYY WHY THE FUCK THAT """iSnT pOsSiBlE"""???? ah ok I already know why, because 'humans'/'people' have fucking said so and fucking feel like it and have INVENTED that it's """"ImPoSsIbLe"""" and that """"tHeRe HaS tO bE a ReAsoN wHy aNd An eXpLaNaTiOn YeS oR yEs"""" and all that fucking damn garbage bullshit crap, that's why :pfff::pfff::pfff: ) NOR because of any other reason/reasons in general at all. I don't give a sht if 'consciousness' or whatever the fuck that means is/means ""sUfFeRiNg""/""pAiN"" and or any/whatever other """"""nEgAtIvE"""""" thing/type of thing whatever the fck it is or not or if it's any/whatever """""pOsItIvE""""" thing/type of thing or not lmfao I literally just dont give a damn shit. I just dont want it regardless of how the fuck it is, what it is and what it "means" lmao neither what 'type' of 'consciousness' it is I simply just dont want absolutely anything at all and thats it, literally nothing, no 'energy' or whatever tf that crap is, nor any 'lives'/'worlds'/'planets'/'beings'/'species'/'entities'/'existences'/'galaxies'/'universes' of any type/kind/way/form etc whatever however it is/can be nor absolutely anything else in general at all also no matter what/how it is/can be and no matter what type etc it is. Infinite endless absolute total nothingness and non-existence for all eternity. Thats what i want/want to want and always will, just basically and literally and absolutely nothing. i HOPE that death IS the absolute literal end and that it isn't/there isnt literally anything at all of any type/way/form etc neither 'imaginable' nor 'non-imaginable', just basically NOTHING, no 'afterlife' at all of any type/way/form etc nor any 'continuation' of any 'consciousness' at all of any type/way/form etc at all, simply nothing. I just dont want any 'life' at all of any type/way in general at all anywhere in general at all, in any other 'world'/'planet'/'existence'/'galaxy'/'universe'/'consciousness' nor absolutely anything else in general at all of any type/kind/way/form etc whatever and however it is. Eternal absolute infinite pure plain total complete endless unlimited nothingness/non-existence. Its not that ""there won't be/happen anything for "billions of years" but then after x time "i" will "exist" "again"/'experience' 'again' whatever tf and or blah blah whatever tf but tHeRe WoUlD bE sOmeThInG aGaIn EvEnTuAlLy"", no lmao. NOTHING AT ALL FOR LITERAL ALL 'ETERNITY' AND 'INFINITY'. NOTHING FOREVER AND EVER in the most literal way possible and there isn't any "end" at all. Pure nothingness and non-existence forever, without any "end" nor "limit" of "it" at all. Nothing at all for all literal endless absolute eternity, that's what i HOPE and WISH (or whatever tf those 'verbs'/'words' mean lol) death "is". Death isnt anything at all, literally anything at all and that's it for all eternity, just NOTHING. i REALLY REALLY hope that death is LITERALLY the absolute end of basically everything/anything in general, not just the death of the body. thats what i mean with eternal absolute total nothingness and non-existence. I dont/cant "imagine" what "death" "is" because it isnt at all, absolutely/literally anything. Death isnt "something" at all, it simply just isn't. Nothing at all. Absolute endless pure total non-existence/nothingness. No 'energy' nor 'consciousness' nor 'existence' nor absolutely anything else like that/in general at all in any 'form'/'way' of any type at all anywhere at all. I just dont give a fck 'what'/'how'/what 'type' of anything/everything/whatever 'thing'|'place' etcetc and or whatever tf in general/whatever the fuck in general whatever it is of whatever/any type it is etc is/isnt/can be/will be, neither if it's """pOsItIvE"""/"""gOoD""" or """"nEgAtIvE""""/""""bAd"""" lol i literally just couldn't give any less of a damn sht.

I simply just don't want any 'sort'/'way'/'form'/'type'/'kind' of 'existence'/'consciousness' at all, no 'matter' how it is/can be, no 'matter' how ""gOoD"" or how """bAd""" it is/can be, neither what there is/there can be neither what happens/can happen, neither what it looks like/can look like etc. No matter what 'life'/type of 'life'/'world'/type of 'world'/'planet'/type of 'planet'/'existence'/type of 'existence'/'universe'/type of 'universe'/'beings'|'entities'|'species'/type of 'beings'|'entities'|'species'/'galaxy'/type of 'galaxy'/'universe'/type of 'universe' etcetcetc and basically whatever the fck in general there is/there can be blahblah, i literally just dont give a damn fuck lol I've said i just dont want and never at all ever will absolutely anything at all of any type/way/form etc whatever/however it is/can be and i literally mean it. I simply just fucking don't for fucks sake
And well, if it turns out that 'consciousness', 'existence' and or blabla whatever the fck ""sTilL lIvEs oN""/""cOnTiNuEs"" or whatever that means, well, "i" guess i wouldnt be 'able' to 'stop'/'avoid' it from "happening" no matter how much i just don't want 'it' to, lol (however the fuck it is, whatever tf it "means"/"involves"/"requires" neither how the fck that 'thing' that "means"/"involves"/"requires" and or whatever tf etc is/can be, whatever tf it ""brings "me" to"" and whatever/however tf 'that' 'thing'/'place' and or whatever tf in general 'would' 'be'/'can' 'be', wherever tf ""'it' 'goes'"" etc lmao i just dont give a fuck. Whatever/however the fuck anything/everything/whatever tf in general whatever it is whatever type it is etc is/can be/will be etc, I literally just dont care and dont want to care at all and never will. and I shouldn't be fucking forced/obligated to) so "i" guess ill have to yes or yes go 'through' it because Id have no choice lol but i simply just dont want absolutely anything in general at all and I fucking hope death isnt anything and there ISNT ANYTHING AT ALL, just basically eternal plain absolute total nothingness/non-existence and thats it. No "afterlife" nor any other crap like that/in general. NOTHING AT ALL. I simply just dont want to 'experience' etc absolutely ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER IT IS/CAN BE OF ANY TYPE/WAY/FORM ETC AT ALL IN GENERAL FROM ANYWHERE AT ALL ETC ETC ETC AND THAT'S FUCKINT LITERALLY SIMPLY BASICALLY IT
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Oct 25, 2020
My beliefs in the afterlife are pretty complicated and for many probably pretty far-fetched, but to sum it up in a few words I like to believe that whatever you think the afterlife is like, will be what you experience. Reality is just an illusion, it's just how our subconscious perceives things. Our subconscious may just live on after death. After death, we're transferred to another reality. Maybe we have control over the reality we'll end up in via our beliefs, or maybe it's something beyond our control. But I personally believe that we're the ones that control our own destiny. This 'higher power' we all look up to, is actually just ourselves. Our subconscious, our higher selves. It's all about being self aware and believing.

However, that's just my own wacky beliefs. You likely believe something completely different, and that's completely fine.

Either way, death is something we can't avoid. If believing that after death, I'll be living it up in my own little personal heaven, brings me comfort then fuck it. There's nothing to lose in believing that. We can research all we want, but all of us are still alive at the end of the day. Until we do die we have literally no way of knowing what lies ahead, therefore nobody's beliefs are superior to or more correct than another's. Science isn't going to explain it for us, neither is religion... we're just gonna have to wait and see.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
My beliefs in the afterlife are pretty complicated and for many probably pretty far-fetched, but to sum it up in a few words I like to believe that whatever you think the afterlife is like, will be what you experience. Reality is just an illusion, it's just how our subconscious perceives things. Our subconscious may just live on after death. After death, we're transferred to another reality. Maybe we have control over the reality we'll end up in via our beliefs, or maybe it's something beyond our control. But I personally believe that we're the ones that control our own destiny. This 'higher power' we all look up to, is actually just ourselves. Our subconscious, our higher selves. It's all about being self aware and believing.

However, that's just my own wacky beliefs. You likely believe something completely different, and that's completely fine.

Either way, death is something we can't avoid. If believing that after death, I'll be living it up in my own little personal heaven, brings me comfort then fuck it. There's nothing to lose in believing that. We can research all we want, but all of us are still alive at the end of the day. Until we do die we have literally no way of knowing what lies ahead, therefore nobody's beliefs are superior to or more correct than another's. Science isn't going to explain it for us, neither is religion... we're just gonna have to wait and see.
That was my personal favourite post yet. Thank you!
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I have been reading and watching video's for over 10 years and unfortunately I do believe we have a rebirth I don't know for what reason but I don't really care anymore this person I am now will be dust.


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Nov 11, 2020
No, i hate consciousness and everything to do with life, whether it is a plant, insect, animal/human. I want to never be a part of it ever again.
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Apr 26, 2020
I am sure it is not how we would be able to imagine it. I think it is obvious something is happening to us after we die.
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perpetually overwhelmed
Sep 18, 2019
No. I think consciousness is a byproduct of a biological machine trained by environmental pressures to optimize self-reproduction. When the machine stops, the byproduct ceases to be produced. I have developed philosophies that allow me to coexist with dualities, rather than adopt concepts like an afterlife. (This is largely because of my constant childhood exposure to poorly-behaved people of faith. I completely get the need to have some abstraction wrapped around death in order to navigate through life. Whatever works for you, works.)
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May 1, 2020
No, consciousness appears to be solely the product of a brain. Without a functioning brain you don't get a conscious experience.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
No, consciousness appears to be solely the product of a brain. Without a functioning brain you don't get a conscious experience.
Brain and mind are not the same. Your mind is part of the invisible, transcendent world of thought, feeling, attitude, belief and imagination. The brain is the physical organ most associated with mind and consciousness, but the mind is not confined to the brain.


Jan 30, 2021
Personally I wager quantum inmortality exists at least to an extent. I hope not but I feel like it could. If you die then your consciousness doesn't exactly go away. That specific consciousness does and you do die, but if there's another timeline where things were exactly the same and you think the exact same way and the only change is that you survived, you exist in that reality. As does your consciousness. A tree doesn't wither by losing a single branch, your consciousness doesn't end after a single body. It just hops ship. It is only when every leaf is pulled and every possibility is exhausted does your consciousness fade.

That said, I hope to FUCK that isn't the case.
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
Personally I wager quantum inmortality exists at least to an extent. I hope not but I feel like it could. If you die then your consciousness doesn't exactly go away. That specific consciousness does and you do die, but if there's another timeline where things were exactly the same and you think the exact same way and the only change is that you survived, you exist in that reality. As does your consciousness. A tree doesn't wither by losing a single branch, your consciousness doesn't end after a single body. It just hops ship. It is only when every leaf is pulled and every possibility is exhausted does your consciousness fade.

That said, I hope to FUCK that isn't the case.
Thing is, you're not conscious of that hypothetical other self in the other dimension right now, so why would be conscious of it after your death in this dimension?


Jan 30, 2021
Thing is, you're not conscious of that hypothetical other self in the other dimension right now, so why would be conscious of it after your death in this dimension?
It's hard to put into words but I feel you experience a single reality. You often happen to move in a way most likely to ensure continued existence, and it's through that ensuring your perception of existence continues as long as possible that the improbable happens and you continue to live. Talking about a shift in realities was probably a bit overkill (though I'm not entirely convinced the universe isn't a simulation, science be weird) but it's probably more akin to that supposed DMT dream dump when your brain finally gives out. Your perception continues through the improbable up until you hit the impossible or what you percieve to be impossible. Until then things always twist towards survival across infinite possibilities.
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Feb 5, 2020

Sure, I could be wrong but I'm 99.9% convinced I'm right about this one.
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Jan 27, 2021
as somebody whose taken dmt....

yes, i am absolutely sure it does.
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I deserve to die
Nov 30, 2020
I was raised christian/catholic convert and was raised to believe in heaven and hell. I dont know what I believe now. I still tell people I'm catholic but really my faith is a big part of the reason I'm suicidal.

As of right now, I think that when we die we are confronted by God. He will show us all the things we did wrong and we can choose to accept that we were wrong or reject it. If we accept it, we may gain some deeper understanding (I would hope) and be allowed into heaven eventually. If we choose to reject it, we are sent to hell.

I think hell may just be us continuing our existence as we are. I've heard hell described as literally just living separated from God. So the crazy fire and brimstone talk may be metaphorical for the pain we feel now in our lives. It'll just be there for forever.

Which is why I'm having a crisis of faith because in what universe is that okay...? I dont know...but I'm also not God...
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I did it for me.
Mar 26, 2020
the problem with ndes is the brain is still intact, and let's be honest, is obviously behind them in some way

there isn't evidence consciousness continues when the brain is exploded into bits, cremated, etc.

that's not to say it doesn't, but that ndes aren't evidence of such.

i pretty much agree with kujocel. i think it's either your beliefs and expectations affect what happens upon and after death, or just nothingness forever (which, assuming kujocel is correct, is what'd happen anyway if that's what you believe in).
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Jan 18, 2021
I don't know enough about all of this stuff to give a good answer, but I really hope it doesn't.


Dec 20, 2020
the problem with ndes is the brain is still intact, and let's be honest, is obviously behind them in some way

there isn't evidence consciousness continues when the brain is exploded into bits, cremated, etc.
Yes but there have been ones where the patients consciousness leaves the body during an operation gone wrong. And can recall events and conversations that have all been verified. There is a well known uk dr who did a study on this i I forget her name but she telks a lot at iands (international association on near death study) and thanatos tv on youtube. All of the experiences are similar, freakishly so and have to be verified as clinically dead for a time to be included in the study, by their medical notes.

There is much talk on is suicide breaking your soul contract you made before coming here, for some it is and some it isn't. Which is one of the reasons I'm still around, I feel destined to suicide I just don't know when now or later in life. I'm trying to work that out. I'm no longer scared of dying like I was and actually cant wait to do it. The NDE experiences are beautiful and full of love light awe and peace

I'm sure all you 'consciousness dies with the brain'folk will laugh at me and I used to think that too but the evidence is just all so convincing. If you take the journey I have (which began with very much skepticism) you would think the same as me.

Peace out my fellow light beings x o x
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May 1, 2020
Brain and mind are not the same. Your mind is part of the invisible, transcendent world of thought, feeling, attitude, belief and imagination. The brain is the physical organ most associated with mind and consciousness, but the mind is not confined to the brain.
All evidence points to consciousness being the result of active neurons and brain cells. It is definitely the product of a brain—if someone could present sufficient evidence to suggest that you can have no brain and remain conscious, they'd win a nobel prize and change the world. It would be one of the most important discoveries ever made, surely.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
All evidence points to consciousness being the result of active neurons and brain cells. It is definitely the product of a brain—if someone could present sufficient evidence to suggest that you can have no brain and remain conscious, they'd win a nobel prize and change the world. It would be one of the most important discoveries ever made, surely.
then you completely misunderstood what I was trying to say.
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May 1, 2020
then you completely misunderstood what I was trying to say.
Well, feel free to elaborate then if you want. You suggested that the mind was not confined the brain, but the evidence suggests that the brain produces the conscious experience, and without a conscious experience there is no "mind".
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Well, feel free to elaborate then if you want. You suggested that the mind was not confined the brain, but the evidence suggests that the brain produces the conscious experience, and without a conscious experience there is no "mind".
look into thermodynamics mate. The energy that we are is what makes us able to function (including the brain) in the first place. The body and the brain uses this energy but the conscious mind is fully aware at all times even after the point of expiry. That's what I believe anyway.
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Nov 17, 2020
Thanks for sharing!

I used to struggle with thoughts of what happened next as I struggled with ideation, but after my first attempt some years ago, I became disillusioned with life. I would like to believe their is a reprieve for the people who've suffered & who've taken their lives into their own hands.
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Oct 7, 2020
Consciousness is a product of a brain. Destroy the brain, destroy the consciousness.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Actually there's growing evidence that parts of consciousness or at least some cognitive functions are also tied to the micro biome in the gut. Perhaps the backup system for consciousness actually lies in our gut bacteria and death can only be final when those all die out too.
  • Aww..
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
I personally think there's nothing after we die. But that's just my opinion.
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Feb 5, 2021
yes, unfortunately. i can think now, i can remember things now, in this moment. if i can remember the present, and i am aware of the present, then consciousness must live on after death, because i am aware of things at this moment.
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Oct 2, 2020
Absolutely. Consciousness lives on!

With a tendency of more clarity, more calmness, more peace.
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