

I cried for six days and seven nights.
Jan 7, 2024
I can't do it anymore, talking and writing to people has become so difficult it almost hurts
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Untreated Trauma
Nov 23, 2023
I struggle with it a lot. I seem to lack what's needed to have any decent conversation. Even when people say I'm good at talking I always feel it's one sided conversation since I don't give much input, I just reword what they tell me.
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Jan 9, 2024
I can do it (because I have no choice) but it's a real chore and I just mask my internal feelings until the interaction is over. I feel like a dancing monkey most days.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
nope. social anxiety and just lacking words. it takes me forever to think of what to say (and i typically regret it)
i dont even talk to people.. even my exhus i think mostly only hears "yeah sure" and thats about it. much more than that, i black out and have no idea


Oct 30, 2023
I always struggled when it came to talk with human beings. Some called me an autist because of that. I had to learn with difficulties everything about talking to people, expressing my emotions, understanding when they're ironic, etc. Even today it's still hard for me. And I don't even talk about the fact most people are disgusting, hypocrites and untruthful.


Dec 19, 2023
It's difficult.
I usually speak my mind. Don't get me wrong, I don't curse and all of that during a conversation, even when I get really PO'd.
I think it's the "feelings before facts"/"woke" thing that's just too draining, and explanations are being labelled as either "mansplaining" or "defensive". Then when you try to emulate what society does, you're labelled as an A-hole because you're "mean".


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I have no problems communicating with people irl, in chats or forums.


(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Yeah I do it. Sometimes I like it sometimes not so much


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
My retail job ensures I get a lot of practice - at least as far as first impressions go. As for everything else that matters in life, I pass for normal until I don't.


Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I don't like talking much either. Booze loosens my tongue though. Sometimes too much and people get their feelings hurt.


Can you hear me drift away?
Dec 12, 2021
Yes and no. I'm constantly around people so I don't have a choice. I am normally a quiet person but I can force myself to make small talk with people I know. It's a struggle though. Even when I'm having a good conversation with someone my mind is constantly thinking about suicide and I much rather hide than have to talk to someone. I also can't hold up a conversation via text.


Jan 10, 2024
I'm still decent at socialising with new people (people who I will talk to once and never again) and friends, but it's tiring and a lot of times I just can't be bothered. Some have complained that my responses are getting slow or that I'm not available ever, and they have a point, most of my freetime is spent napping and/or daydreaming

When it comes to making new friends, people I'm genuinely interested in getting to know, I completely fail on reading any social cues and things get awkward fast because of me lol


life is a highway and i wanna wreck my car
Jun 24, 2023
I work in media, so that's basically my job. Sometimes I only have enough energy to go through the day and then I just go fucking nonverbal.


My precious moon! Don't go, please.
Jan 12, 2024
I've always found it hard too. Maybe try to figure out why, and then see if you can get around it.

In my case, I've found I struggle to say anything because I'm so concerned what the other person will think of me and if they'll misinterpret what I'm saying. For example, if they ask me what I think about homeless people (or if that's just the subject the group is talking about), I feel tense because I don't know what I can say. I can tell them what I believe, but in this day and age people are hyper-critical and will make your life a pain to live if you disagree with them. And let me tell you, there are tons of people out there who disagree with what you or I believe.

So, I've found talking is painful because I fear rejection. So, one way to solve this is I need to get over the fear of rejection, which is no small task, but it's a goal instead of not knowing what to do at all.

I don't know if that helps. Our problems are likely different, but maybe I said something helpful to someone.

Take care out there!


Sep 21, 2023
It's to hard for me to even speak to others, I have just given up trying at all

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't do it that much. I'm better at it than I was I think. I used to get so nervous and tongue tied. I'd still be awful in a group of people but I've werdly got better at small talk to individuals.

I think maybe because I care less. When you're thinking about suicide as your ultimate solution, somehow other unsecurities seem to pale a little. That person probably thinks I'm fat or ugly. They probably don't like my accent, think I'm stupid or annoying but- none of that will make a difference to me when I'm dead! Ultimately- what they judged me to be at that point in time won't matter. Even if they were right- and I am fat, ugly, stupid and annoying- death is a great leveller. I wouldn't be anymore or less dead if I had been slim, beautiful, intelligent and interesting in that moment. Maybe their perception of me would be different but I always loved this amazing quote by Dr Seuss:

'Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind'


May 25, 2023
I don't get out much, but when I do, I like talking with people, especially older people, even strangers in an elevator. I might say something like "Are you ready for winter to be over, or do you like the snow?" Yesterday an old woman replied that she loved the snow, so I asked, "Did you like to ski when you were younger, or maybe ice skating or sledding?" She smiled and told me all about living in Alaska as a child, how she would get across the deep snow on snowshoes, and her family didn't have a car but they did have a dog sled that the husky dogs would pull into town. It was a nice way to pass the time in the doctors waiting room.


Sep 16, 2020
I don't think so but others have seemed to insinuate that would be an answer for me so I should reach out but I just don't have enthusiasm to repeat the same trivial petty snidiness that has occurred day in day out so much in my life vut the world could be a better place if we all just adopted the mentality of tteat others with empathy and kept that at the forefront of our thoughts but i don't know i don't know this world.
But yeah I'm so disheartened with my words and am always analysing what I said too much and it gets frustrating so I just love like a loner now and don't think I'm worth anything but only how I've been treated by most the people I've met have led me to that.
Are people worth talking to if it's peace I seek... So much seems competition-like and I've never enjoyed that, I probably fit spectrum as they say but because I'm from poor stoopids never got support early enough, so unless you swing sob stories or become self pitying youdont seem to get noticed when suffering.
Best wishes


He is not even capable of committing suicide
Aug 19, 2023
It's funny, but I realized that I haven't spoken with my voice since the beginning of 2024, except for an incident in a state regulation, and then I said about 5 words. Great, if only it were like this before, there would be no reason to reproach yourself every day.


≽^- ˕ -^≼
Dec 5, 2023
No between my social anxiety and me always saying something at least once every convo I don't even like talking to my friends anymore

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