

Sep 27, 2023
I do hate life, its only about pain and suffering i dont see any point about life that would make it worth living.


Jul 20, 2022
I think it's possible to live a healthy joyful life, but I sure as hell can't figure out how to do it. I don't hate life all of the time, I hate the people in it, I hate the rules, and I hate the way everything has to go. But every now and then there is something that makes life better, but usually, it comes out to be a dud.
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at the end of everything, hold on to anything
Sep 21, 2023
I don't hate life. I think it can be beautiful; I see beauty in the lives of others, in fun, carefree moments with loved ones, with stupid inside jokes and a well-crafted iced coffee and breezy, temperate days and standing ankle-deep in the ocean tide, and making out and making love and getting caught up in a really good book. I think there's such beauty in human optimism, and the potential to build something meaningful and find joy in life, despite the frequent pain. I wish I could find a close friend, fall in deep passionate love with them, become mutually supportive partners, build a love beyond the rose-tinted honeymoon, get married, have kids, raise them in a warm environment filled with fun and joy and adventure and opportunity and so much love.
I don't even hate my life--I've been blessed in so many ways, my situation is objectively pretty great. I'm the only problem here. My brain is broken, I don't even know exactly how, but I just can't function. I'm a robot masking as human completing to-dos off a checklist without, incapable of meaningful in-person connection on my best days. The other half of the time, I can't get out of bed, unless it's to stress eat or some other shitty coping mechanism. I am incapable of love. I've tried for so long to snap out of this malaise, but I just can't. I'm starting to think there's nothing to "snap out" of, and that this is just me.
I don't hate life, I just wish I could actually participate in it.
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Aug 23, 2022
I don't Hate life I just hate my life. But mostly I just wish I was with different people. The people I feel the best around and have the best time with are not my family and not even really friends and they don't care about me at all. The people I don't like being around are the people that have the most time for me.
Also I wouldn't want to be dead at all if I had what I wanted the most in life. Even if bad stuff happened or like my problems I have now like PTSD I wouldn't care if I just had that one thing


Oct 8, 2023
Yes, I hate life. I not mean "my life" but life as phenomenon itself here on earth (and in our universe itself, if it exists elsewhere and obeys the same principles as here on earth).
According to second law of thermodynamics, life opposes chaos and entropy, but eventually will lose and everything will be dead.
Life on earth as we know it is atrocious, with its principle of "survival of the fittest"(read shittest). An animals are forcibly killing and consuming their own kind (of a different spieces but the same living organisms) to sustain energy for living. Not sounds very good at all. And on top of these all, the 'smartest' animals, humans. To say I hate the human society is to say nothing. People are greedy, vile, competitive, there are unfreedom, inequality. All starting from schools, that broke people lives and results mental illnesses. And I'm not saying people should not study, but individual take to each students have to be. And no things as humiliation for bad marks and low social skills should be tolerated. Then universities and working, where the same things continues. You are bullied everywhere if you deviate even slightly from the majority. In elderly, people suffer from diseases to die eventually and be forgotten.
Life here is a literal hell, except it even worse, because there are a temptations to trick you to think life isn't a hell, but that further leads to more suffering.


I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
Yes, I truly hate it and can't wait for mine to be over which will hopefully be soon.


F this forum and its members. Nothing but pussies.
Oct 7, 2023
I don't hate life itself, I just hate what this world has become, and the life you have to lead as a result of that.

Humans had a lot of potential, but it's just in our nature to destroy everything. If things would've been different, and humans actually learned from past mistakes, we could be living in a utopia, I'm sure of it. I don't know why humans have this self-destructive behavior, destroying everything around them out of stupid reasons like greed, or fighting wars over the most ridicilous reasons, like an invisible man in the sky. It just boggles my mind.

We had potential, but instead of bettering ourselves, we just get worse and worse. I genuinely believe that there's no hope for us left anymore, and it would be best for everyone if humans just go extinct.


May 10, 2023
I do and that's why I prefer the sound of not existing forever, death is better, death means peace and relief from suffering. Existence certainly is something to despise, it's repulsive how existing beings are so unnecessarily forced into this hellish reality, burdened with the ability to suffer and I could never see suffering as being desirable.

There is no benefit to existing, it's just a meaningless process of waiting around to die, existence just wasn't worth enduring in the first place, there's no justifcation for all this suffering, it's unacceptable.
There could just never be any peace in this cycle of senseless suffering and cruelty where chance so cruelly determines everything, existence just causes harm and that's why I wish to cease existing, as only death can being me peace.

I only wish for the eternity of death, it feels logical to wish for death as to die removes one from the source of all suffering. I wish it's possible to easily escape from this existence in peace, to sleep eternally without pain or struggle.
But yet humans are just expected to delay the inevitable where they are trapped with themselves, it's inhumane, it's further proof that this world is such a hellish place, existing is only suffering, it's always preferable to not exist.
No, I just hate myself for not being able to keep up with it. There's so much to love about the world, but I'm the problem.


Kurisu is best girl
Oct 14, 2021
I only hate what my life is. If I had a fully healthy body, and wasn't socially inept and was capable of creating new relationships, and capable of being loved by the other gender, if I was capable of being happy and satisfied, then I would honestly gladly be alive. I just hate my situation and myself, but I envy people who are not in such a bad place and are doing well in life. This is unfortunately another obstacle for suicide, since I don't truly want to die, I just want the pain to stop, and nothing can stop it other than death.


Sunshine Ward
Sep 10, 2023
I don't hate life but also sure don't love it. Rather see it as something neutral. Tried to hold back from any philosophical and existential debates because i know i'm going to get dogpiled by cringy edgelord "nihilists" for my takes and views but...not biting my tongue on this question.

sure, there is an incredible amount of rot and vileness in life, the pit of human cruelness is endless and so is the suffering. but to hate life itself over things like that is not just silly but, like i observe here, very much just clouded pessimistic view caused my mental illness if i can be this honest. If it's either that i'm fortunate enough to have this brutally honest life lesson beaten into me early on or if i'm just too young to have grown bitter and a shell of a person - i don't know. but i know regardless how things are currently, i just can't hate life. hate the circumstances and events that make me suffer yes, but not life itself.

don't come for my throat now. sure, living in a accumulation of random events with no purpose or reason, swimming with the randomness with no purpose suffering great harm makes me hate to life. but i also love to life to experience things and people that bring me incredible joy. life just is. and whether one keeps wallowing in this self pitying state crying all day woe me and blaming everyone else for their hurt feefees over existing or actually grows and learns to accept that life simply is is to each their own. But i'm not gonna let this depression fueled bitterness drag me down, instead i'll enjoy to my best possibilities all the things i love in life before going for good knowing i've had my best time and won't grow bitter and deeply loathing over everything that will keep on happening, would absolutely hate it and it's one of the many reasons i'll catch the bus: to die with my heads up, not at rock bottom and being everything i look down upon lol


sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
left you a msg on off topic and deleted my thread.

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