
Nov 13, 2021
As the title says, and this can segue into another question, do you guys believe in an afterlife? I ask because I am pretty much agnostic, I believe it can neither be proven, nor disproven that a god exists. As far as afterlife, I'm uncertain what I believe.
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Atheist, Nihilist & Pro-Mortalist
May 14, 2023
No... I don't. God/gods is/are fictional character(s). At most we live in some kinda simulation (Nick Boström's theory) created by our future selves or some other species.
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Left sasu, to improve my life
Jun 18, 2023
I believe god exist, I believe that it's just some Devine being that is beyond our comprehension, but I also picture god to be a kind loving mother in a way
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Jul 29, 2021
there is no creator no higher power there's just the universe and the atoms in it, an idiot could make a better universe than this one with the right power , there's no purpose to life, no higher plane of existence, nothing this shit gets created, it's taken 14 billion years (5,110,000,000,000 days) to make this place what it is today, a human being would be lucky to make it 29,220 days (80 years) if anything, one can say the universe is incredibly slow, life taken 3.7 billion year to evolve, a all knowing god would not need to use evolution to brute force life it would already know how to create all possible life forms, as for the afterlife this universe bought you alive once before i think it could happen again but i hope not nothing forever is better than any of this so called life
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Jun 17, 2022
I do. I'm gnostic. I started to realize there was a purpose and plan behind all of this. It was sinister for the most part.
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May 27, 2023
No no no it's all made up ( man made basically).
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Nov 13, 2021
I feel like I should also say, I'm agnostic, but I lean more towards an atheist than a theist

I believe god exist, I believe that it's just some Devine being that is beyond our comprehension, but I also picture god to be a kind loving mother in a way
That's interesting, kinda like a Mother Nature type figure?
No... I don't. God/gods is/are fictional character(s). At most we live in some kinda simulation (Nick Boström's theory) created by our future selves or some other species.
Simulation theory always fascinated me, but I can't say I honestly believe it.
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When life gives you lemons, squeeze em into ur eye
Jun 26, 2023
I believe in god, I'm catholic and although I've been disappointed with my life I'm grateful that i will at least be able to appreciate heaven in my afterlife. God is one of the main factors causing me to want to CTB, and I don't believe he'd allow me to go to hell just for CTB, I'm sure he'll love me and my decision.
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Left sasu, to improve my life
Jun 18, 2023
I feel like I should also say, I'm agnostic, but I lean more towards an atheist than a theist

That's interesting, kinda like a Mother Nature type figure?

Simulation theory always fascinated me, but I can't say I honestly believe it.
Yeah, I believe god takes form of what ever brings you comfort, hell if you find comfort in a watermelon they take a form of it, but god personality wise is like a mother, death is a sign of god calling their creation home, just like a mother hugging their children when they return from school


Apr 3, 2023
As the title says, and this can segue into another question, do you guys believe in an afterlife? I ask because I am pretty much agnostic, I believe it can neither be proven, nor disproven that a god exists. As far as afterlife, I'm uncertain what I believe.
You can also use that argument for anything, like you can neither prove nor disprove that the tooth fairy exists.

And there's no such thing as an afterlife. We know that consciousness comes from the brain, an organ thats not immortal. Your personality and reality all come from the brain. How do you retain that after you die? Do the neuron connections in your brain that spend decades being programmed to create and define "you" all of sudden retain their integrity after they deteriorate?
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
Absolutely not.
God was invented by a bunch of low IQ drunken Osama bin laden looking types while they were sat round a campfire and bored shitless in the desert.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I can imagine we're like bacteria in some multidimensional being. Or surrounded by entities that we can't understand, like a slug senses my shoe & doesn't begin to understand wtf I am

For all I know, the universe could be pervaded by something vaguely like consciousness
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I hope you don't take offense to this. I always thought I was agnostic till I heard the definition... I'd say I'm simply unsure but I lean more towards atheism.

I've always found the definition of agnosticism weird though. Like- if God appeared tomorrow and began performing miracles- I'd probably give it serious consideration he/she/it was real. If some other scientific discovery was made and verified- I'd consider it. Isn't it more that agnostics believe there's nothing to find- or- perhaps nothing we can understand (yet)- that means that the existence of God can't be proven? Is there really nothing you believe that would prove it to you or is it more that you suspect that there isn't anything to find? (Which seems more like atheism.)

It stupidly annoys me actually because it means I don't know how to describe myself! I'm not a complete atheist but I do actually think that certain things COULD make me believe in a God if they happened- so- agnostic doesn't fit either.
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Jun 11, 2023
No. Life experience of a chaotic force that leads almost everything to destruction suggests that everything is just a pile of accidents. I get the concept of suffering that leads you to ethernal goal of reward in thw afterlifd, but suffering that leads you nowhere but only to more suffering also suggests we live in a situation that is consequence of accidental chaos. I was once extremely religious, honest follower of the Church, but life made everything in its power to completely push me away from something that formed my childhoos and adolescent identitity.
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May 26, 2022
Yes, i have my reasons
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I found my light again. Namu Amida Butsu
Sep 26, 2021
I believe in god, I'm catholic and although I've been disappointed with my life I'm grateful that i will at least be able to appreciate heaven in my afterlife. God is one of the main factors causing me to want to CTB, and I don't believe he'd allow me to go to hell just for CTB, I'm sure he'll love me and my decision.
Why do you feel God is a main factor in causing you to want to CTB?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, I think religion is completely fictional, I believe it's just a way to brainwash people, I just think that existence was a horrific and tragic mistake, it's just senseless cruelty and unnecessary suffering all with no deeper purpose, existence is completely meaningless. I very strongly believe that once we die we just completely cease to exist with this hellish existence finally forgotten about.
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When life gives you lemons, squeeze em into ur eye
Jun 26, 2023
Why do you feel God is a main factor in causing you to want to CTB?
Just excited to see him I guess? So many questions for anybody up in heaven, I'm also just excited to visit the afterlife in general. Of course religion isn't like, the only thing, but it does play a big part in making me feel alright with dying. I'm doing it for the eternal peace that heaven can give me. Just an extremely impatient catholic who's already lived a shitty life, so they're ready to embrace their creator and leave this world behind.
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hells "angel"

hells "angel"

Is there an end? Does this Stop?
Jun 28, 2023
No. I believe in no other higher power than nature. I believe we evolved from a species of monkey, some mammal. I believe in no afterlife, and am very iffy on the idea of reincarnation. I believe when we die it all goes black. We pass out and it's done. We no longer exist. It's hard to actually imagine being dead, but I'd guess it's like when you get black out drunk and pass out, not even realizing you fell asleep. And, you just don't wake up.
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I found my light again. Namu Amida Butsu
Sep 26, 2021
Just excited to see him I guess? So many questions for anybody up in heaven, I'm also just excited to visit the afterlife in general. Of course religion isn't like, the only thing, but it does play a big part in making me feel alright with dying. I'm doing it for the eternal peace that heaven can give me. Just an extremely impatient catholic who's already lived a shitty life, so they're ready to embrace their creator and leave this world behind.
That makes sense to me. I was raised Catholic and only have recently returned to Christianity for comfort as I believe I'm nearing the end of my life. Part of me feels like I have failed the tests of life by choosing to end it early, but I have faith that there will be mercy and peace for me in the end. Thanks for sharing.
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When life gives you lemons, squeeze em into ur eye
Jun 26, 2023
You've failed nothing, don't worry! I believe god will forgive both you and I, as he loves all of his creations. May he be merciful upon your soul, best wishes :)
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023
I believe the closest beings to gods are those with seemingly infinite finances.

However, if a god or any number of gods exist then I believe they must be content with observing us like ants, which is fine in it's own way. So no but actually maybe.
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Apr 8, 2018
As the title says, and this can segue into another question, do you guys believe in an afterlife? I ask because I am pretty much agnostic, I believe it can neither be proven, nor disproven that a god exists. As far as afterlife, I'm uncertain what I believe.
All we can be certain of is reality doesn't make sense and doesn't revolve around humans. The earth is very small in the cosmos, humans haven't been around for 99.99% of life on earth history, and technology keeps improving so technology will surpass humans making us irrelevant.
No... I don't. God/gods is/are fictional character(s). At most we live in some kinda simulation (Nick Boström's theory) created by our future selves or some other species.
To simulate what? Blackholes?
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I have my ticket. Awaiting my journey
Jun 17, 2023
Personally I had a falling out with god years ago due to be raised in a cult and just seeing all the shit in the world. Even in AA they say it doesn't matter who you higher power is long as you have one. I had some interesting ones. I don't begrudge a person believing in god or a higher power. Afterlife? I was raised to believe if you didn't become baptized and what not then you will inherit the earth after god killed the wicked and you blink out of existence. I'm fine with that.
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Jun 29, 2023
As the title says, and this can segue into another question, do you guys believe in an afterlife? I ask because I am pretty much agnostic, I believe it can neither be proven, nor disproven that a god exists. As far as afterlife, I'm uncertain what I believe.
Not really and if a god does exist he's kind of a narcissistic asshole. I agree with you guys and kinda think life is just a matter of circumstance, maybe that multiverse shit could be real though
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May 30, 2023
No, not at all. At most, as someone else said, maybe some simulation type of thing by either our future selves or other intelligent life out there.
But if some deity does exist, its definitely no god worth following or praying to... just look around you. If thats his/her "work" he/she is either a sadistical, malevolent being that enjoys torturing its creations or a complete moron unable to get a single thing right.
At least I really hope theres nothing. No hell, heaven, purgatory, afterlife, whatever. One life is plenty, im good.
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Apr 15, 2022
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I put god into the same grouping as the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, and the Tooth Fairy. All are fairy tales.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
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Antipschotics and antidepresants kill me
Jun 24, 2023
Idk any more, this is the kind of stuff makes me wonder 24/7, cant even sleep since i know i will cbt soon... simulation, afterlife, heaven, hell, reencarnation,void, spiritual like energy, been trapped here like gost, becoming a star in the universe... sometimes i belive in god but sometimes i dont, like someone said what kind of god make his creations suffer like this, its just too much pain from begining to end. All i know is that the stuff that is making me cbt will finally stop and its totally fine, what ever awaits for better or worse, hoping for better ofcourse true peace, cant even imagine something worst than this chaos.
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Nov 13, 2021
I hope you don't take offense to this. I always thought I was agnostic till I heard the definition... I'd say I'm simply unsure but I lean more towards atheism.

I've always found the definition of agnosticism weird though. Like- if God appeared tomorrow and began performing miracles- I'd probably give it serious consideration he/she/it was real. If some other scientific discovery was made and verified- I'd consider it. Isn't it more that agnostics believe there's nothing to find- or- perhaps nothing we can understand (yet)- that means that the existence of God can't be proven? Is there really nothing you believe that would prove it to you or is it more that you suspect that there isn't anything to find? (Which seems more like atheism.)

It stupidly annoys me actually because it means I don't know how to describe myself! I'm not a complete atheist but I do actually think that certain things COULD make me believe in a God if they happened- so- agnostic doesn't fit either.
Hmmm, that is interesting. Maybe I'm using it wrong. My beliefs seem to be heavily aligned with yours. I don't take offense to what you stated though, I love to be informed, even if I'm wrong which it appears I am. As the google definition of agnostic states that nothing can be known, which I don't believe to be true. If something happened that is repeatable and proves the existence of God (repeatable so it can't be ruled as some coincidence), then that might make me believe in a God.
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