Near death experiences testified to by many peopel who usewd to not believe in an afterlife make me think it si very likely, but not certain. I respect other people's right to their own opinions, since no one knows for sure (in my opinion, though many religious people say that they do kinow for sure), but I think that our soul keeps living after our body dies. Whether there is hell, I don't know, they seem to be conflicting reports on this. There seems to be a heaven, but peopel report that in this [place, what is our real home they often say, we then pick out what out next life will be- i.e. reincarnation. There is so much conflicting informatino from neds that who knows, but some elements seem universal across all ndes- the idea of floating outside your body, that your soul lives on after your body dies, and meeting other beings in the afterlife- some with very powerful love towards us, some just the opposite.