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One day at a time 🌻
May 12, 2023
If there's a god and he's all good, then he's not all powerful. If there's a god that's all powerful, then he's not all good.
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I hate dreams.
May 11, 2023
Yes and No, I am not a fan of most religions as a whole, as they propose hell for the lot of people, but I think a God created the Universe, a non partial god who doesn't act and stays neutral and just watches his creations.
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Apr 12, 2023
Do I believe pigs fly?
Do I believe disability for disabled exist?
Yeah—rhetorical questions answered, including OP's:
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May 16, 2023
Yes, God is 100% real. I can understand why people don't think so because I was an atheist. When you try to approach it through reason, or through the dictation of other people you can at most meme yourself into believing he exists, but it's just a facade you create for cultural group identification, a shibboleth. But I did "see" him. And it was more real than anything else, undeniably. When you trust your eyes and ears over the words and credence of others, and have faith in your own intuition.

I think the only way to find out for yourself and "know" he is real, not just pretend to believe it, is through intuition and introspection. Everything that lies beyond the physical cannot be grasped as a complete picture by rationality alone.
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May 13, 2023
Nope. I wasn't really raised in a religious environment. As I grew older though, I could appreciate religion more. My dad is religious and I could see how much comfort God brought him. He was away from his family and deceased loved ones for the majority of his life but via his God, he felt connected with them. When I was a teenager we started to go to a service every Sunday. Was nice, met people, learned some lessons, prayed, and overall a really peaceful place to be. It also helped me grow a bit closer to my dad. I can't believe in God because I simply didn't grow up with that belief and I have a more 'scientific' view of life. But I do believe in the good that religion can do for people.
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Apr 12, 2023
Yes, God is 100% real. I can understand why people don't think so because I was an atheist. When you try to approach it through reason, or through the dictation of other people you can at most meme yourself into believing he exists, but it's just a facade you create for cultural group identification, a shibboleth. But I did "see" him. And it was more real than anything else, undeniably. When you trust your eyes and ears over the words and credence of others, and have faith in your own intuition.

I think the only way to find out for yourself and "know" he is real, not just pretend to believe it, is through intuition and introspection. Everything that lies beyond the physical cannot be grasped as a complete picture by rationality alone.
Yep, so true. Delusion is 1000% real.


Feb 16, 2019
No I don't believe in god
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Jun 25, 2020
I am torn by this question. Life has been almost unbearable to live. It makes me question if I am ignored by God, or if an ultimate superior figure exists at all.

I grew up in a religious household, and I did, in my younger age, believe that a benevolent, loving God exists. I thought of God everyday. I saw God in nature, in my friendships, in my familial relationships. Chalk it up to childlike naivety and innocence, but I will never forget that feeling of blessedness.

As I got older, I became more jaded and stopped praying and reading the Al-Quran. I started to grow more depressed and unhappy with my circumstances. I currently feel that God is no longer a real part of my presence.

But, if you took my own experiences out of the scope and started to look for more abstract examples, how is it possible that a benevolent God exists alongside heinous crimes and events such as the holocaust, slavery, genocide, child abuse, and sex trafficking? If good cannot exist without evil, why is suffering the central point of life? Where is peace? Why is it that some people suffer more and feel less peace than others?

I hate my life. I want nothing more than to end it. But it pains me to think that I may go back to a God I feel ignored by every single day.
this is how i see it:
energy cannot be created or destroyed, so we had to have come from somewhere. across many religions (that are very much separate from each other) they reference a higher consciousness. this is where we are derived from. a higher source, call it the god of your understanding, that ultimately makes everyone and everything connected. when we lose sense of self, our ancestors and everyone who came before us call us to look into our loved ones for their unconditional love to help find ourselves. its when we look into each other where we find that we are all very very similar and maybe that can be enough to call some of us home.
some of us, however, are very aware of the conditions of which we came to this planet, and still have a strong desire to leave and not be here anymore. life is difficult on earth for a soul that hates itself. and i am in that boat.
some religions even believe that being able to have a human life is very rare. that because of the many species within the cosmos on other planets, and in other realms, getting a human life is special. we are a unique species for sure. Buddhists believe that sewerslide is an interruption in our ascension and we will eventually have to come back anyway with a similar life struggle in order to ascend. im not sure about that part. id like to stick around to find out, but i also just dont give a flying fuck and want to die.
so i get it.
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your worst nightmare
Apr 30, 2023
religion is nothing but an instrument to control people, the history of humanity proves that religion can't be real since current religions evolved from other religions, mixed themselves with other cultures and other myths, how can you claim your god is true when your religion is the result of another?
there are countless arguments against religion, whether it's real or not, I'm 100% sure it's immoral, religions have caused the worst wars in human history, the worst crimes are committed because of religion even nowadays, don't forget that all reactionary bigots are religious, all social issues with today's world find a common enemy in religion
misoginy? islam and christianity LOVE dehumanizing women
homophobia and transphobia? don't need to explain right?
racism? the colonization of america led to absolute horrors committed against the indigenous americans in the name of the christian god, in the same god the slave owners believed, and in the same god they still believe today
these points are more than enough for a normal person in our society to stop endorsing religion, but people still believe in god, they create excuses and lies, thinking their god supports their beliefs, truth is, even under the same religion, everyone has their own idea of god, they cherrypick and interpret the bible however they want, your god is effectively a product of your mind at this point. Why did God suddenly stop thinking monarchy was okay when europeans overthrew monarchs? And why is England an exception?
I really hope I can see the downfall of religion one day, we don't need it anymore, we should be able to use our own brains.
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May 26, 2023
religion is nothing but an instrument to control people, the history of humanity proves that religion can't be real since current religions evolved from other religions, mixed themselves with other cultures and other myths, how can you claim your god is true when your religion is the result of another?
While I generally agree, that doesn't mean the God/God's do not exist, just that moat mythologies probably come from a common source. That source could exist, could be real, and over the years different interpretations of it have led to different mythologies.

When I was younger, I thought this was the case with God. God might be real. But think modern interpretation of him are so far off that he might as well be a different entity all together.

I also don't really think that religion is this sort of grand scheme, creates purely to control. But it's definitely been hijacked and that's the purpose it serves.

I doubt we'll ever seen a downfall, until every human can find an answer to all of their questions, amd can find satisfaction in life. Theres a reason religion strives in many slaves, minorities, and other generally discriminated groups . It gives them answers and hope that can't be achieved in any other way. If needing that makes them weak minded, so be it.

If you want to get rid of religion, you need tp replace it with something else. And for a lot of people,there really isn't much else.
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Mar 7, 2023
nah. my belief in him stopped around the same time i "began" my mental suffering
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Feb 21, 2023
It would be nice if it was true, and without eternal damnation, but I don't think it matters regardless since the outcome of this question is outside of our control.
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your worst nightmare
Apr 30, 2023
While I generally agree, that doesn't mean the God/God's do not exist, just that moat mythologies probably come from a common source. That source could exist, could be real, and over the years different interpretations of it have led to different mythologies.

When I was younger, I thought this was the case with God. God might be real. But think modern interpretation of him are so far off that he might as well be a different entity all together.

I also don't really think that religion is this sort of grand scheme, creates purely to control. But it's definitely been hijacked and that's the purpose it serves.

I doubt we'll ever seen a downfall, until every human can find an answer to all of their questions, amd can find satisfaction in life. Theres a reason religion strives in many slaves, minorities, and other generally discriminated groups . It gives them answers and hope that can't be achieved in any other way. If needing that makes them weak minded, so be it.

If you want to get rid of religion, you need tp replace it with something else. And for a lot of people,there really isn't much else.
Saying that God might be real is fantasy, the bible contraddicts itself, as long as there's evil in this world God is either good or all powerful, not both, also the bible is full of references to myths from other religions like ancient greek gods and egyptian ones.
And yes religion has been a grand scheme since the church was invented, it was immediately controlled by aristocrats disguised as religious figures, the clergy. Religion has been used to justify all sorts of wars, colonizations and the greed of the popes and bishops.
I'd like to add that minorities are not often as religious as the oppressors are, religion is a tool to keep the status quo intact, all reactionary movements are religious, while the most progressive movements are often laic or atheist.
People will not need religion forever, the claim that people need religion to have their question answered is a lie, religion is only common among people who don't question because they have been indoctrinated, spontaneous conversion to a religion is rare and I'm pretty sure it doesn't really happen unless the person is having serious mental struggles.
We don't need to replace religion, but to gradually refuse the religious indoctrination and convince religious people to avoid it, it will disappear by itself after that.
Religious belief has already declined in the last decades, the old myth of God doesn't hold up very well anymore and all that's left of it is the spiritualism, while all the metaphysics of it (which once used to be considered very true by the church) is treated as something to be interpreted, but in a society that is becoming more and more materialistic and skeptic (especially after AI) even the spiritual lie will start to crumble in the eyes of many.
I have a dream that one day we'll see religion as the evil it has been and stop defending all of its crimes because of a supposed God.
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Apr 29, 2023
God does exist but I'm angry at the world he created. I'm also not sure how I feel about the Bible all the time… it should be a guide or something reassuring but I tend to get upset with the stories and what happens in them. I don't know. It's very difficult this life we live and having some help from someone or an entity with a lot more knowledge would probably help all of us. Or at least a decent idea of why we are suffering in the first place. Like who wouldn't suffer 70 years for an eternity of happiness. It's just a very strange feeling not knowing the point of this and why some things just don't work for some and come easily for others.
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New Member
May 17, 2023
A good conversational question that will be around forever. It's also a question that my pov changes as I get older, but still torn to give a firm yes or no.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
God only exists because the majority of individuals keep the idea of him alive for structure and control over others.
To me, he's dead.
Have you read Nietzsche's "God is dead" work?
I recommend it
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Jun 2, 2023
Raised Baptist, graduated from a Baptist university, but since then I've become an agnostic atheist. We are pre-programmed to connect the dots, we need to answer the questions, the same way the brain will automatically fill in gaps... I think religion is a natural product of this part of our evolution. We don't have the answers for something (yet) so we give the credit to god/religion. I think it has become a way to control large portions of society. It's not all bad or all good, it just is. It becomes a problem when it is used to divide people.
My mom is still a minister, and her heart is in the right place and she believes and has real faith in god... we obviously don't relate on that subject anymore... doesn't mean we love each other any less or can't get along and function normally. Different opinions doesn't have to mean different sides.
So no, I don't believe in any of the gods I've learned of so far, but I hope that isn't the basis for any disagreement :)
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May 6, 2022
Raised Baptist, graduated from a Baptist university, but since then I've become an agnostic atheist. We are pre-programmed to connect the dots, we need to answer the questions, the same way the brain will automatically fill in gaps... I think religion is a natural product of this part of our evolution. We don't have the answers for something (yet) so we give the credit to god/religion. I think it has become a way to control large portions of society. It's not all bad or all good, it just is. It becomes a problem when it is used to divide people.
My mom is still a minister, and her heart is in the right place and she believes and has real faith in god... we obviously don't relate on that subject anymore... doesn't mean we love each other any less or can't get along and function normally. Different opinions doesn't have to mean different sides.
So no, I don't believe in any of the gods I've learned of so far, but I hope that isn't the basis for any disagreement :)
i love this


Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
This may be unpopular around here, but I believe the Christian view of God. Now, that being said, I've struggled believing that He is good and didn't hate and curse me (as I always feels like He does) since elementary school. After all, I believe I was quite literally created the wrong gender! >_<
There's like logical proofs for God like Aquinas', but I more so believe because the world would be better with God than without Him. I like it more that way! hehe~ :3
Oh well! I just hope this mustard seed-size faith is enough to get me to Heaven when I pass [soon hopefully]~
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meow meow meow
Jan 23, 2023
i don't really know and i think that's okay. all anyone can do is try their best and be kind to others. i love religion as a sect of philosophy, and i think in the day and age of problematic religious institutions that sense of wonder and mysticism has been lost. those conversations are meant to be joyous, curious and even respectfully debatable, not hateful and divisive. no one can really know if they are right about god and i think that's kind of the point. i deeply resonate with the idea that "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return"
Raised Baptist, graduated from a Baptist university, but since then I've become an agnostic atheist. We are pre-programmed to connect the dots, we need to answer the questions, the same way the brain will automatically fill in gaps... I think religion is a natural product of this part of our evolution. We don't have the answers for something (yet) so we give the credit to god/religion. I think it has become a way to control large portions of society. It's not all bad or all good, it just is. It becomes a problem when it is used to divide people.
My mom is still a minister, and her heart is in the right place and she believes and has real faith in god... we obviously don't relate on that subject anymore... doesn't mean we love each other any less or can't get along and function normally. Different opinions doesn't have to mean different sides.
So no, I don't believe in any of the gods I've learned of so far, but I hope that isn't the basis for any disagreement :)
this response really spoke to me. i see myself as a deeply religious/spiritually philosophical person and completely agree with you
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Dec 4, 2020
Nah. But morality does. Morality is not determined by an external entity. It's in us. Cooperation, solidarity, empathy, sociabilty are evolutionary functions.
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Atheist, Nihilist & Pro-Mortalist
May 14, 2023
NOPE! God is a fictional character. There is no omnipresent and timeless being above us.
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Mar 24, 2021
I don't believe in god as a divine being with an identity and ego. I believe that "God" is this universe, it is the force of life and existence itself. The origin point where the universe exploded and expands from, dividing itself to create things increasingly more complex just like single cell organisms did, splintering its elements to create the conditions for you, me, and everything in experienced reality. God is everything, and all of us. I believe human consciousness is a fragment of that too.
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Jun 14, 2023
I believe we live in a simulation and if we live in a simulation, someone or something is in charge of all of this. I don't think any of this is even real. With all the suffering that goes on in the world, none of this is real. It has to be made up and my whole life has been a figment of my imagination.
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Sep 21, 2020
It doesn't matter what version of theism you gravitate toward. None provide a resolution to the problem of evil. It is very sad but we are going through whatever this is blind. It is evil so the sooner it is annihilated the better.
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(Frozen account)
Sep 25, 2022
Definitely no. But if He does, He better have a good excuse.
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Jun 13, 2021
I'm not torn. If the creator existed, they wouldn't be a benevolent one.
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Jun 27, 2023
I wish. Believing in an afterlife would make CingTB so much easier
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I'm literally moses
Jun 16, 2023
It's debatable.
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