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Sep 21, 2018
There may have been a previous thread about this.

Lots of posts, but how often is that effective ?
For me, it's all about what's effective.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I've seen a few partner death in the news that were successful.
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Nov 8, 2018
I'm starting to see it as a giant Tinder for SS thread. Got one dude in there saying he's attractive and wants a female. Some people have different motives, I guess in order to be effective you have to find the right person to match your goals in CTB. Just like real dating!
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Apr 30, 2018
Personally I think it's like looking for a needle in a haystack—so many factors have to line up that is seems unrealistic to me.

It's hard enough to make online friends let alone find someone to actually die with who presumably would be near your age, share your method, in or near your location.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
Personally I think it's like looking for a needle in a haystack—so many factors have to line up that is seems unrealistic to me.

It's hard enough to make online friends let alone find someone to actually die with who presumably would be near your age, share your method, in or near your location.
Yes. I agree with this. It is hard work.
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Nov 8, 2018
You think the feeling of rejection is much stronger when even depressed suicidal people don't even want to be close to ya. That should drive you to the edge even closer, if you think hard enough about it.
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Nov 6, 2018
Personally I think it's like looking for a needle in a haystack—so many factors have to line up that is seems unrealistic to me.

It's hard enough to make online friends let alone find someone to actually die with who presumably would be near your age, share your method, in or near your location.
I'd say it's more akin in finding a specific needle in a haystack of needles. So many factors have line up including location, money, timing, motivation and then you have the scammers, psychos out there which make it really dangerous.
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Apr 30, 2018
Each to their own and all that, but l expect the chances of finding a suitable, trustworthy, definitely-not-creepy ctb partner on any online ad board to be slim to the point of zero, and here is no different. Then again, those who struggle with the survival instinct may find that simply placing an ad stating they're "18/female/hot/vulnerable" will get them a free hitman and may prove to be a worthy method for many.

I have not seen any 18/female/hot/vulnerable posts on the partner thread.

Many are young but maybe because I don't wear eyeglasses I don't see females advertising thensleves as hot—not a single one.

Is this a read between the lines comment?

Doesn't make sense to me, at all.

Also to say that "it may be a worthy method" for a young person who is indeed vulnerable (being killed by a hitman) isn't funny at all, nor clever.

It's actually mean in spirit IMO.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
My view is, that the answer to a existing offer is more better, than own offer. I think it is bigger chance, the writer is solid. But it is a theory only. And if everybody will have the same idea, no offers exist.
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Nov 29, 2018
I'm starting to see it as a giant Tinder for SS thread. Got one dude in there saying he's attractive and wants a female. Some people have different motives, I guess in order to be effective you have to find the right person to match your goals in CTB. Just like real dating!
Thats shocking, i feel just as cautious tho and i am male
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Is this a read between the lines comment?

Doesn't make sense to me, at all.

Perhaps you missed the now deleted thread where an actual predatory weirdo found a vulnerable partner on here. Might make more sense if you did. Having said that, more folk seemed more concerned with reporting my posts than his, so who knows.

I guess a "less funny and clever" way of putting it is that you're more likely to meet a sick predator than a genuine partner imo.

Hope that's not too mean spirited. Or alternatively l don't give a shit.
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Jul 12, 2018
Perhaps you missed the now deleted thread where an actual predatory weirdo found a vulnerable partner on here. Might make more sense if you did. Having said that, more folk seemed more concerned with reporting my posts than his, so who knows.

I guess a "less funny and clever" way of putting it is that you're more likely to meet a sick predator than a genuine partner imo.

Hope that's not too mean spirited. Or alternatively l don't give a shit.
Sick predators seem less likely to back out due to nerves than the genuine ones you know. So if you work through a hundred potential partners until one is willing to meet... I don't like the odds.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
While it is possible that in the rare, rare cases, more often than not, it's very risky and dangerous. Plus, there even no telling that a partner could be an informant working for an LE (law enforcement) sting. I strongly don't recommend getting a partner or forming a pact, but if one still chooses to, do understand the risks and vet very, very carefully.
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Nov 19, 2018
As someone regularly waiting and posting there, I can tell you it does feel really bad, as one of you said, when even suicidal people don't wanna with me.

It's mainly because I lack resources and means to do it properly myself.

You'll all be the ones to know if a partnership works out. I'll post just for users like you all in this thread. I've been sitting here waiting for weeks.
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Pokémon Master
Sep 6, 2018
Perhaps you missed the now deleted thread where an actual predatory weirdo found a vulnerable partner on here. Might make more sense if you did. Having said that, more folk seemed more concerned with reporting my posts than his, so who knows.

I didn't miss those series of threads, and I called you out for making those same comments on there trying to be funny. Nobody is advertising themselves as hot and vulnerable (except for that one guy who called himself attractive). It may not seem like it to you, but those terms can actually be demeaning to some. Like Professor Oak tends to say, "There's a time and place for everything, but not now."
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Apr 30, 2018
I didn't miss those series of threads, and I called you out for making those same comments on there trying to be funny. Nobody is advertising themselves as hot and vulnerable (except for that one guy who called himself attractive). It may not seem like it to you, but those terms can actually be demeaning to some. Like Professor Oak tends to say, "There's a time and place for everything, but not now."

Thank you.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I didn't miss those series of threads, and I called you out for making those same comments on there trying to be funny. Nobody is advertising themselves as hot and vulnerable (except for that one guy who called himself attractive). It may not seem like it to you, but those terms can actually be demeaning to some. Like Professor Oak tends to say, "There's a time and place for everything, but not now."

You called *me* out? Literally never happened. As l recall, and everyone watching the I AM A MASSIVE AND OBVIOUS PREDATOR thread saw, you were quite happy for this meeting between predator and prey to take place, to the point where even after the individual was unmasked by the mods you were the only individual still sticking your neck out to defend him.

You have never "called me out" for a single thing, unless you count waiting until l was banned before doing the whole HEY MAN, THAT CHINASKI DUDE IS AN ASSHOLE schtick. That's not "calling anyone out". I don't feel l have to wait until you're banned in order to publicly say l think you're 100% phoney, and clearly outrightly lying here. The suggestion that l was "trying to be funny" when openly calling out a predator who you were actively and enthusiastically encouraging is absurd, given that other folk here literally saw it unfold.

When l was banned l was still able to PM you, on account of you sending me unsolicited snarky shit in the PMs before l requested a ban. Again, in these PMs you reiterated your staunch defence of an actual predator. I still have these PMs, you really don't come off well, I'd consider them embarrassing and I'd be willing to share them with anyone who thinks there's any validity in this tedious points-scoring disguised as heroic white-knighting.

Thank you.

For what? He's not expressing any solidarity here, merely trying to notch a few points.

Whilst the whole "the enemy of my (perceived, possibly for reasons external to this forum, dunno, don't give a toss tbh) enemy is my friend" thing might work in the short term, I'd seriously consider picking better allies than the latest slimeball who is way too keen to work the room. That's genuinely not "mean spirited" btw. In this instance it's actually very good advice.

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Pokémon Master
Sep 6, 2018
You have never "called me out" for a single thing

Does, "P.S. are you hot?" ring a bell? I remember that line from the now deleted thread because I took umbrage with it in the context it was said and even wrote a post about it.

If you are willing to share private messages between individuals, that says more about you and your integrity than me.

Finally, I am agreeing with Smilla's comments about your post. Like I said before, they can come off as demeaning to certain people. If you hadn't said something like that, I wouldn't have said anything as I have not interacted with you or your posts since you unbanned yourself.

P.S. If other users are constantly calling you out, maybe you should listen to their criticisms.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
P.S. If other users are constantly calling you out, maybe you should listen to their criticisms.

There is no "constant calling out", you've literally never 'called me out', you've jumped on this crap to score petty points, because you're an embarrassment. And no, I'm not going to amend my posting style just because you find it unpleasant, wtf.

Yes, l am willing to share PMs of someone defending their argument as to why a predator shouldn't have been banned and your encouragement of it was absolutely fine, with 100% certainty that my integrity is not going to be embarrassed by it. As l said, had you not sent me some snarky shit in the first place no PM discussion would've been possible, given my banned status. So stick your integrity, pal.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Wow, this thread really took a turn.....
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Pokémon Master
Sep 6, 2018
Wow, this thread really took a turn.....

You're right. Let's be mature and come back to the topic at hand. I'm actually on the fence when it comes to partners. In theory, it sounds good. You can have one last meal together and share the costs of a really nice hotel room, but so many things can also go wrong. If one of you survives, that could be trouble, which is why I recommend partners only with methods that have high CTB rates such as N. Some people also need encouragement to go through with the act and a partner helps with that.

For me, the partners thread has been very fruitful. I had one really good partner but we both decided to back out because I wanted to CTB at a later date and they recently had a death in the family and didn't want to burden their family more with their own death so soon. Since then, I have received requests from others and am currently weighing my options.
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Nov 8, 2018
I wish I had a CTB coach and his name would be Terry Crews or Mr. T.

7vf6g Da76081b9b1c66fc402af9b9a9f9932a
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
You're right. Let's be mature and come back to the topic at hand.


Partners are bad imo. Placing an ad for a suicide partner is placing an ad stating your own vulnerability and desperation, by definition. The likelihood of it going to plan is so scant and the risks so high that it's something l personally would always advise against, especially so given recent events on this very forum which clearly revealed that predators can use the partners thread as a smorgasbord with the active encouragement and shielding of other forum members. This incident is something that should never be forgotten or overlooked imo, but each to their own at the end of the day.
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Rose Mirren

Rose Mirren

roses are so overrated
Dec 10, 2018
I'm starting to see it as a giant Tinder for SS thread. Got one dude in there saying he's attractive and wants a female. Some people have different motives, I guess in order to be effective you have to find the right person to match your goals in CTB. Just like real dating!
Reminds me of this YA novel my sister had. They met through a suicide forum, agreed to meet up, and ended up falling in love with each other and "saving" themselves for death.

I f*cking hate how novels like this fetishize suicide. Broken girl meets boy and boy is determined to "save" her, or vice-versa. Broken boy and broken girl meet and together they discover the happiness of the world bla bla bullshit bla and in the end, love "saves" them both. Makes me want to puke. It's not f*cking romantic to want to kill yourself.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
I'm in throes of heartache from a partnership not working out due to mundane reasons. I find it hard to cope with it right now. It just added a layer of discomfort to my already desperate soul.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I think the thread should be scrapped and the idea discouraged. There are just way too many unknowns. If you're lucky enough to hit it off with someone who is decent, honest and on the same page as you then great, but I'd wager the odds are against you.

Even assuming that pans out, there may be complications like legal repercussions if one person backs out, for instance.

Worst case scenario, you're dealing with potential predators who may feel like they have nothing left to lose, or else are specifically targeting people with low self-esteem and a devil may care attitude because they figure they're end-of-life anyway. I'm just not a fan.
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Jul 12, 2018
I think the thread should be scrapped and the idea discouraged. There are just way too many unknowns. If you're lucky enough to hit it off with someone who is decent, honest and on the same page as you then great, but the I'd wager the odds are against you.

Even assuming that pans out, there may be complications like legal repercussions if one person backs out, for instance.

Worst case scenario, you're dealing with potential predators who may feel like they have nothing left to lose, or else are specifically targeting people with low self-esteem and a devil may care attitude because they figure they're end-of-life anyway. I'm just not a fan.
Agree, maybe it began as a containment thread of sorts but... yes I agree with this. There are other places people can search and then if there are predators that we can't identify, at least we can stop giving them a reason to sign up here.
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There is no "constant calling out", you've literally never 'called me out', you've jumped on this crap to score petty points, because you're an embarrassment. And no, I'm not going to amend my posting style just because you find it unpleasant, wtf.

Yes, l am willing to share PMs of someone defending their argument as to why a predator shouldn't have been banned and your encouragement of it was absolutely fine, with 100% certainty that my integrity is not going to be embarrassed by it. As l said, had you not sent me some snarky shit in the first place no PM discussion would've been possible, given my banned status. So stick your integrity, pal.
Suggestion for next thread...SS Screenshots.
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Pokémon Master
Sep 6, 2018
That's great and I wish you luck but why would you defend a confirmed sexual predator? Who knows what would have happened to the target if she went through with the pact?

The predator wasn't confirmed at the time. As there wasn't enough public proof, I took an "innocent until proven guilty" stance. It wasn't until the moderators stepped in that I aligned with their decision, albeit hesitantly since the messages were never made public either and one user who was thought to be a victim stated that we had been misconstruing the supposedly predatory user.

People should understand that partners are risky, but that applies to anything. Tinder, OKCupid, even Pokémon Go meet-ups can go wrong.
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