Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Every day I see people asking in various ways how to ctb. They ask how much to take of something. They ask how to tie a knot. They ask how to hang a rope. They ask all kinds of ways how they can ctb. Never answer these types of questions. We are not allowed to tell anyone how to ctb in any way. There is simply no reason anyone needs to ask these questions as there is all kinds of information available on the internet on any subject. We are putting ourselves at risk if we try to help anyone or give any information on how to ctb, including dosages, what not to take, what to take, how much, etc. Be aware and be careful.
Instructing others on how to commit suicide is not the purpose of this site and is forbidden. It is not only unethical, it is illegal.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I rather receive clarification from the forum mods, no offense.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm sure you don't think that it's ok to tell people how to commit suicide. I'm telling people as a warning. You don't know how old a person is you might be instructing, or if they have a mental disability, or who they are or what they might be actually doing. You walk a very fine line here if you do that. If you want to go ahead and do that do so knowing at least you might be talking to a child. And if so, expect to be met with a lot of anger and repercussions.

I'm very surprised I have to even explain this.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I'm sure you don't think that it's ok to tell people how to commit suicide? I'm telling people as a warning.

I can tell people different methods, pros and cons of each, proper dosages based on medical research, but I'm not going to encourage, hold their hand, or baby them into doing it. That's on them and only up to them to carry it out. If anything, most of the methods can be searched online. Different types of rope knots can be learned in a boy scout handbook or on Youtube. Learning the LD50 of certain drugs to determine how much to take in order to die is available through poison control. LostAllHope has a plethora of resources as well. It's up to the users to make a sound decision regarding their life based on the advice of the members on here.

Plus aren't we a bit too late on the how to's since there's megathreads dedicated to that purpose, plus a step-by-step guide from Stan.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I can't seem to help myself from correcting people if it looks like whatever they're planning is going to seriously harm them instead, but I generally just point to the guides or offer support. I think I find it pretty easy to spot the ones who should be avoided.
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hoping to lose hope

hoping to lose hope

<3 Message me to trade music <3
Nov 14, 2020
I just personally do not want to spoon feed people basic information.
If this forum goes down it will create an opportunity for a toxic cesspool to pop up and get more traffic :3
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I know we want to help but as I said, suppose the person you are instructing or helping is twelve years old. We have lots of hatred directed at this site. Let's be careful and allow people to do their own research. Anyone has plenty of reading material already.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
Well, the suicide resources exist, so there is nothing wrong if I tell someone of something that stands on there. It's all for educational purposes and not actually to encourage someone in doing it. That's their choice in the end.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Well, the suicide resources exist, so there is nothing wrong if I tell someone of something that stands on there. It's all for educational purposes and not actually to encourage someone in doing it. That's their choice in the end.
So you are ok with helping a child? You don't know the ages of people here. If the resources are already available no reason to offer guidance.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
So you are ok with helping a child? You don't know the ages of people here. If the resources are already available no reason to offer guidance.
I mean if someone can't find the resources I'll tell them to read it and I don't expect anyone under 18 to be on here anyway.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
In regards to children trying to access this site, it is unfortunate that they seek to end their pain, but the same way we can't regulate ourselves and try to vet each person that comes through hoping they're not a kid. The same way an anti-semitic community like Stormfront has literature to indoctrinate young minds into thinking that the Aryan nation is the true bloodline or whatever crap they spew. Sites like ours and others will receive a fair share of haters and trolls who don't like our opinions.

Exercise judgment, k75 said it best, you can easily spot the ones that just want everything spoon-fed to them.
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hoping to lose hope

hoping to lose hope

<3 Message me to trade music <3
Nov 14, 2020
I think we should largely ignore or tell people to look for themselves if they post

umm halo im like sooo sad omg I wannah die tell me how pls

But if someone says:
Hello I have my SN but also the materials for doing a CO death and am wondering the opinions of others regarding (something)

It is different.
If you are the type to have already done research and lurked suicide websites than your choice is not as impulsive as some teen who broke up with his gf and now wants to die.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
you seem to be mostly concerned about age so im just gonna point out they can do their own research by searching through the thread, without making an account or talking to anyone.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I do not want this site to get into trouble nor anyone here, aside from the possibility of unethically helping children commit suicide. We are all supposed to be over 18 but probably some children are here also and it's not ethical to teach or help a child ctb.

If someone is mentally deficient the same thing applies. It's a legal and ethical line we cross if we do that.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I think if members like Symbiote (or other knowledgeable people) give proper advice on threads where somebody might be totally off or just confused at that moment and is about to do something dumb is something positive.
I value the comfort of knowing someone would point out if one of my future ideas to ctb was just plain wrong (even if I checked the mega thread, some things might get mixed up).
Nobody ever encouraged anybody to go ahead with anything since I've been around anyways.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just always suspicious but I personally think the majority of people asking all these minute ridiculous questions are baiters. I mean c'mon there is tons of research on the net including this site, a big ole search bar, Youtube videos, Poison control/science sites, yet you still cant figure out if you need 1 or 2 teaspoons or if you should tie the knot left or right??

Then imo you arent determined enough. Don't expect me to spoon food you info so that you can be lazy about suicide.

The majority of "lazy suiciders" are posers. Or just not serious. If one is serious they WILL figure it out.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just always suspicious but I personally think the majority of people asking all these minute ridiculous questions are baiters. I
Absolutely correct, thank you for pointing this out. There are huge numbers of people asking trivial questions they can very easily find out for themselves. It's suspicious. It's out of character for how this site was a few months ago.

We know there are people trying to gather evidence against this site.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Illegal? That clashes with freedom of speech. According to everything I understand, forbidding the dissemination of this information would be itself illegal.

However, this is a privately owned website, and we post and participate at the pleasure and discretion of the site owner.

Final Exit was the #1 New York Times bestseller in 1991. It was not and could not be banned because of the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights guaranteeing freedom of the press.

29 years later, there should be no question of the legality of any literature or information created and posted here.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
All screenshots can be doctored, changed to fit a narrative. Won't hold up in a court of law anyways. Now if someone provided an address, contact information, verified transactions, and/or planned a meetup to suicide, then that can be used in a case against the website. Information is freely available to use, it's like another group of people trying to shut down a FB group full of anti-vax moms, but can't do it despite having hundreds of thousands of signatures. I don't think we can control who has access to what on the Internet since Facebook been trying for years to limit the amount of pre-teens from creating accounts and they failed every time.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Illegal? That clashes with freedom of speech.
I know it does. That doesn't stop the forces of evil.

Remember the girl who told her boyfriend to get back in the truck with the carbon monoxide? Freedom of speech like hell, she's doing serious time in prison for that.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Death stops evil.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
However, this is a privately owned website, and we post and participate at the pleasure and discretion of the site owner.

There is no such thing as a privately owned website. The web operates under the guise of FCC i.e. the gov't. WWW is owned by the gov't.

People think they can discriminate in a business yet their business operates on property "rented" from the government. People have won discrimination suits against business owners.

People think they own their homes however the taxes you pay to the govt function like rent. The minute the govt determines your property is necessary for whatever purpose such as building a highway they can seize it and give you a check for half of its worth.

You own NOTHING except your body and the simple possessions you paid for.

EDIT: You can post discriminatory speech on the web as that is protected by 1st Amendment but everything else is a fine line one must walk.

2nd EDIT: 8chan was taken down after 2 different terrorist incidents occurred on it. Their mods allowed pretty much anything on the site so it became a hub for much illegal activity. Fortunately this site has rules that keep everyone away from the line. It would do well to acknowledge the line but I personally would stay far away from the line.
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Oct 28, 2020
I avoid answering threads that ask how-to etc. I am still relatively new here (1 month roughly) and i don't have all the info but i do know the basics.

I know them first of all common sense, tv shows (right?!)... and i researched online, on LostAllHope and resources. I believe i only asked one methodology question and it was only after hours of research came up dry.
So yeah- i am an open person, but when people post asking how to ctb and it's easily researchable- it gives me pause and makes me wonder about who they are and what their true motivation is.
However when a person asks a more detailed question- who has obviously done research and the post is more of a discussion regarding methodology- i would consider engaging...
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
You own NOTHING except your body
Well not even that really since we have restrictions on what we can and can't do with our bodies, particularly women.

But I'm happy to see at least a couple of people who get what I'm trying to explain.
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Nov 13, 2020
Absolutely correct, thank you for pointing this out. There are huge numbers of people asking trivial questions they can very easily find out for themselves. It's suspicious. It's out of character for how this site was a few months ago.

We know there are people trying to gather evidence against this site.

Ive noticed this too. They are gathering evidence, glad im not the only one who has thought about this.
If they really wanted to know they have the full internet to search.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
The act of suicide is a statement against the state/way/imposition of life as understood by the experience of living valid human beings.
So first ammendment requirement satisfied ?
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
I know it does. That doesn't stop the forces of evil.

Remember the girl who told her boyfriend to get back in the truck with the carbon monoxide? Freedom of speech like hell, she's doing serious time in prison for that.

Correction update: Michelle Carter was released in January, several months early for good behavior as a model inmate. She could have been sentenced to 20 years, but got two and a half years instead for her role in inducing Conrad Roy to commit suicide. She will remain on probation for five years, and likely ostracized for the rest of her life.

Many of us here aren't concerned about such potential repercussions, as we're looking to check out of this world of our own accord.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Correction update: Michelle Carter was released in January, several months early for good behavior as a model inmate. She could have been sentenced to 20 years, but got two and a half years instead for her role in inducing Conrad Roy to commit suicide. She will remain on probation for five years, and likely ostracized for the rest of her life.

And you THINK any jail time is a GOOD thing???

YA think ya wanna CTB now....just wait if ya get jail time....LMFAO.

Many of us here aren't concerned about such potential repercussions, as we're looking to check out of this world of our own accord.

I think you should speak for yourself. The concept of minimizing jail is just ridiculous unless you are watching a TV special. Gimme a break...

EDIT: And BTW there is no such thing as checking out on your own accord in jail....
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
There is no such thing as a privately owned website. The web operates under the guise of FCC i.e. the gov't. WWW is owned by the gov't.

People think they can discriminate in a business yet their business operates on property "rented" from the government. People have won discrimination suits against business owners.

People think they own their homes however the taxes you pay to the govt function like rent. The minute the govt determines your property is necessary for whatever purpose such as building a highway they can seize it and give you a check for half of its worth.

You own NOTHING except your body and the simple possessions you paid for.

EDIT: You can post discriminatory speech on the web as that is protected by 1st Amendment but everything else is a fine line one must walk.

2nd EDIT: 8chan was taken down after 2 different terrorist incidents occurred on it. Their mods allowed pretty much anything on the site so it became a hub for much illegal activity. Fortunately this site has rules that keep everyone away from the line. It would do well to acknowledge the line but I personally would stay far away from the line.

Which government? As a practical matter, these agencies have severe limitations to their reach, particularly with regard to the Dark Web, the modern equivalent of the American post Civil War Wild West. TikTok is Chinese and owned by ByteDance, headquartered in Beijing and legally domiciled in the Cayman Islands. There is not, and never can be a singular global government which controls everything.
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May 8, 2020
Absolutely correct, thank you for pointing this out. There are huge numbers of people asking trivial questions they can very easily find out for themselves. It's suspicious. It's out of character for how this site was a few months ago.

We know there are people trying to gather evidence against this site.

I think this is the point of this thread.
You're all arguing semantics, when the point is there are moles here digging for evidence to use against us. Don't give it to them. Don't fall for the bait. Period. How is this even an argument?
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