- Feb 15, 2025
- 6
I have been wondering for a long time about the possibility of CTB using the Exit Bag with Diethyl Ether. I read about various other methods, but all require high preparations and appropriate field conditions. Not all can be easily packaged in a backpack and made deep (painless) in the woods or in the mountains. My attention was caught by Diethyl Ether, what I know from literature as a narcotic means (it was also used in anaste of the past). I read on the narcotic forums that during entertainment, it must be make sure that the towel soaked in this towel is not put on the face, because in the event of loss of consciousness, it can lead to respiratory depression (and death).
Here on the forum I only saw threads that indicate it as an additional tool in other methods. I would like to know if it is not enough as a main method. An additional advantage is its price and easy availability (in Eastern Europe you can legally ordered it by Internet for less than 20 euros per liter). I really hope it will be painless...
I checked scientific literature in search of tips whether this is a used method (bibliography with links below).
In [1] we can read about the case:
In [2] (this publication includes photos and the equipment used)
In [3] (here we find out here that Ether can also be encouraged by intravenously; I know that for entertainment purposes, people often drink it):
There is another paper whose abstract sounds good. However, I can't find it for free anywhere. Maybe some of you have access to medical publications and could share this text?
Such a set would be easy to transport and assemble. Plus a very cheap and unsuspected (at most someone will think that you want to drug).
What do you think about it?
I have been wondering for a long time about the possibility of CTB using the Exit Bag with Diethyl Ether. I read about various other methods, but all require high preparations and appropriate field conditions. Not all can be easily packaged in a backpack and made deep (painless) in the woods or in the mountains. My attention was caught by Diethyl Ether, what I know from literature as a narcotic means (it was also used in anaste of the past). I read on the narcotic forums that during entertainment, it must be make sure that the towel soaked in this towel is not put on the face, because in the event of loss of consciousness, it can lead to respiratory depression (and death).
Here on the forum I only saw threads that indicate it as an additional tool in other methods. I would like to know if it is not enough as a main method. An additional advantage is its price and easy availability (in Eastern Europe you can legally ordered it by Internet for less than 20 euros per liter). I really hope it will be painless...
I checked scientific literature in search of tips whether this is a used method (bibliography with links below).
In [1] we can read about the case:
In February 2002 in Athens, Greece, a 49-year-old male
merchant was found by his wife in his office, sitting on his desk
with a plastic garbage bag securely fastened around his neck.
Inside the bag there was a folded small cleaning towel. Beside
him, on the desk was a commercial 500-ml glass bottle of diethyl
ether, containing 150 ml of the solvent.
In [2] (this publication includes photos and the equipment used)
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Case history
A middle aged man was found dead in his bed. A plastic-bag had
been pulled over his head and was loose around his neck. Body
temperature was 36.5 °C and room temperature was 29 °C. The
body was placed on the floor by the emergency personnel, as
shown in Fig. 1. You will also notice a gas mask, located on the
office chair, as well as a green plastic-bag (white arrows in
Fig. 1) being removed from the victim's head during resuscitation
attempts. No forensic expert was present at the death scene.
In [3] (here we find out here that Ether can also be encouraged by intravenously; I know that for entertainment purposes, people often drink it):
Case report. A 24-year-old male was ad-
mitted in our ICU after a suicide attempt
through an intravenous diethyl ether injec-
tion, in the same way he used this for killing
animals in a veterinary clinic where he was
an employee. Just before he injected 5 ml of
this pure substance into his left cubital vein,
he had called his relatives, who immediately
ordered an ambulance, and the patient was
transported to hospital in a few minutes. At
arrival in the emergency room he appeared
severely comatous, his eyes remained
closed and he only uttered sounds as verbal
response, he showed alternating flexion and
extension movements, presenting a re-
markable hypertonicity which led at times
to opisthotonos. He was immediately intu-
bated and connected to mechanical ventila-
There is another paper whose abstract sounds good. However, I can't find it for free anywhere. Maybe some of you have access to medical publications and could share this text?
- Ward ME, Meyerhein RF. Diethyl ether, a chemical asphyxiant used as a prelude to homicide: a report of three cases. J Forensic Sci. 1997 Mar;42(2):344-8. PMID: 9068199.
Such a set would be easy to transport and assemble. Plus a very cheap and unsuspected (at most someone will think that you want to drug).
What do you think about it?
- [https://www.jmir.org/2002/3/e18/PDF] Athanaselis S, Stefanidou M, Karakoukis N, Koutselinis A, Asphyxial Death by Ether Inhalation and Plastic-bag Suffocation Instructed by the Press and the Internet, J Med Internet Res 2002;4(3):e18
- [https://sci-hub.st/10.1016/j.legalmed.2011.05.008] Monticelli F, Kemmerling R, Schulz K, Keller T. Another case of diethyl ether intoxication?: a case report focusing on toxicological analysis. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2011 Sep;13(5):254-8. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2011.05.008. Epub 2011 Jul 31. PMID: 21807546.
- [https://sci-hub.st/10.1007/s001340050851] Serrano, N., Jiménez, J.J., Prieto, F. and Mora, M.L., 1999. Ether suicide poisoning by intravenous injection. Intensive care medicine, 25(3), p.337.