Thank you lovely peoples for replying, I rly do appreciate it, so you know what I noticed with pro lifers people, or people with the agenda of keeping us here in this torture meat prison, is they dont like people who can think for themselves, like us, ever notice this patronising almost condescending tone from them ? like they dont like people who can weigh up the pros and cons of deciding what is best for themselves whether to live or die, they assume it a cry for help or some such ish, thy simply cannot fathom why would somebody opt out, or maybe they can but are oblivious, you can tell this by how they look at you, and engage with you, they have contempt for your views of being pro choice, but they cant outwardly show it, I have contempt for them and there *life is an inherent gift rhetoric* if you ask me guys life is nothing but a gift, I feel that is a very pretentious view that writes off people that are struggling yet being kept here against there will, i rly loved these responses, that is what I love about this site we al on the same page the same wavelength no judgments, no put downs, we validate eachother and yet most of us have never even met, this site is my fave, thank you, and agree with the comments for sure, I swear they dont even like us because we dare to go against the grain, notice throughout shitty human history, anybody who thought clearly, coherently, and away from the pack, anybody who could think for themselves was often ostracised, or invalidated, fast forward to today and how far have we come as a society really, when many of us here feel a similar way, this system is a cruel unjust corrupt troublesome shit hole, designed to create perpetual misery, that allows no freedom of thought, no exorcising your right to self determination, clearly it aint working for them, if it did there would be no or next to no incidences of suicides reported, but we know the opposite, what we know is that there ever growing and climbing, I cant imagine why ?, this society is hell, i feel bad for people in general, we get a shitty raw deal and cant even complain about it, at least for some of us they never got our sn, so wasted trip for them if that was there purpose, lol