

Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
Let's assume that you have any substance and/or method of choice. No restrictions of any kind.

I'd choose a drug like N to pass peacefully. First I'd go on a walk in a secluded and scenic wooded area. I'd have headphones on playing my favorite music. Then I'd stop at some spot with a nice view. I'd have some drinks and vape while watching the sun slowly set. I'd get high and drunk to my satisfaction for the very last time. Then, as the sun is nearly done setting, I'd drink my poison of choice and die peacefully with my favorite music still playing in my ears.

In reality I have no means of accessing anything like N. I'll more than likely die scared, alone, and in some kind of physical pain. But I still like to picture myself dying peacefully.
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Sep 10, 2018
I like your method. It would be a good way to die.

But if anything was possible and this was a fantasy world, I'd like to die in a fight against the bad guys. I guess I have consumed too much manga/anime/etc. But I like how some heroes die a heroic death fighting against demons or whatever. Their death isn't meaningless and the death doesn't feel like a suicide or seem "selfish" or "stupid/illogical". It would be a self-sacrificing death. Some potential Final Fantasy 7 spoilers.
Think of Aerith, if she was so sad about her real mom dying, Zack dying (she was a cetra so she probably knew, since she knew her adoptive dad had died), had ptsd from all the Hojo experiments, hated the life in Midgar, hated how everything in the world was controlled by the evil Shinra company, became even more hopeless when Sephiroth appeared and wanted to destroy the planet, and couldn't take it anymore and killed herself... There would still be people saying how she was just too weak or mentally ill, how she should have just popped some pills down her throat and see a therapist, how her depression was illogical and no healthy-minded human could ever feel sadness or hopelessness or anything non-sociopathic blah blah blah.. But because she didn't commit suicide (even though she had lots of good reasons to) but got killed by Sephiroth while doing some white materia magic, everyone views her positively. No one had anything bad to say about her.

I'd rather the people said "A hero died while defending us from demons." than "Someone suicided, they must have been stupid, illogical, irrational, sick of head, crazy, lunatic, ill ill ill, disorder, disorder, disorder, disease, disease, disease, what a retard. Why didn't they just eat pills or call a suicide hotline or speak to a therapist?"
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Mar 21, 2019
If in my sleep is not possible, best to die after quickly passing out at the end of a rope.
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I'm sensitive
May 2, 2020
I'd die a peaceful death like yours. I would want to be in my apartment, listening to my favorite music, and take N. I would let my partner know what's happening before hand so he can grieve and know that nothing was his fault.

My biggest hang up with ctb is my partner. I know he will feel guilty the rest of his life, thinking he should've done more.


Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Everyone hates or doesn't care about me and I just die and get thrown in a ditch. Be nothing to worry about then.
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May 27, 2020
A way that is both quick, painless and clean; it is not possible right now to have all three of these at the same time though. Oh, and another ideal requirement would be that the death takes place somewhere hidden, so I can just vanish.
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Dec 18, 2019
General Anesthesia by far
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
In reality I have no means of accessing anything like N. I'll more than likely die scared, alone, and in some kind of physical pain.
You know, maybe most of us who have decided to ctb just have to accept the fact that we will die feeling alone & scared. SI is a relentless bitch, there's probably no point in fantasizing it's possible to avoid struggling with it up until one's very last conscious moment...
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I'm sorry
Apr 6, 2021
I'd smoke an inebriating amount of weed, barely able to stand, while sitting on a quiet, isolated trail with a shotgun. I'd cock the gun while looking off into the horizon and pull the trigger. I'd die and the animals would eat me so that nothing would be found
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Apr 19, 2018
hanging or being murdered
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Ideally, I'd die in my sleep with having no prior plans to die. Boring AF, but it's really the best way any human being can go, IMO.
You know, maybe most of us who have decided to ctb just have to accept the fact that we will die feeling alone & scared. SI is a relentless bitch, there's probably no point in fantasizing it's possible to avoid struggling with it up until one's very last conscious moment...
Yeah, I think the people who believe themselves to be past SI are kidding themselves.
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Mar 22, 2020
I would like to die while being drunk and very happy. I don't care how but I just don't want to feel any kind of pain.
Too good to be true I guess.
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Waiting to meet death
Apr 24, 2021
I guess lethal injection like what they do for the death penalty. Sounds like they make it painless and instant and that's all I really want.

Besides that a more fantastical way is just being Thanos snapped out of existence. Just completely erase me would be cool.
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Aug 18, 2020
While sleeping
Free of SI
No fear
No more tears
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Yeah, I think the people who believe themselves to be past SI are kidding themselves.
Exactly. Only fictional characters from books & movies are able to be perfectly calm before ctb (Socrates, Seneca, Mark Antony & other ancient "superheroes" included. Socrates drank his hemlock stoically, my ass! He knew that he'd puke, convulse, piss & get explosive diarrhea - the Greeks used hemlock to humiliate people before they died)
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Mar 21, 2021
Strap yourselves in B188879E 3294 46C3 8641 51C247433960
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Jul 8, 2018
I'd like to be approved for euthanasia in one of those clinics so I know I wouldn't fail. I'd like for my mom and partner to understand that I have no more options and that a miracle is not going to happen now taking into consideration I've been depressed and suicidal for 15 years now and that they could hold my hand while I die.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Exactly. Only fictional characters from books & movies are able to be perfectly calm before ctb (Socrates, Seneca, Mark Antony & other ancient "superheroes" included. Socrates drank his hemlock stoically, my ass! He knew that he'd puke, convulse, piss & get explosive diarrhea - the Greeks used hemlock to humiliate people before they died)
Did not know that. The more you know!


Mar 30, 2021
Let's assume that you have any substance and/or method of choice. No restrictions of any kind.

I'd choose a drug like N to pass peacefully. First I'd go on a walk in a secluded and scenic wooded area. I'd have headphones on playing my favorite music. Then I'd stop at some spot with a nice view. I'd have some drinks and vape while watching the sun slowly set. I'd get high and drunk to my satisfaction for the very last time. Then, as the sun is nearly done setting, I'd drink my poison of choice and die peacefully with my favorite music still playing in my ears.

In reality I have no means of accessing anything like N. I'll more than likely die scared, alone, and in some kind of physical pain. But I still like to picture myself dying peacefully.
There are two sources on here who sell N and people have successfully received it without issues


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Some kind of euthanasia/anaesthetic type of method. I would like something which is like being put into a deep sleep.
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A pointless life had in a pointless world
Mar 11, 2019
Drinking a sweet tasting solution that kills me painlessly and quickly
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Dec 18, 2019
I'd like to be approved for euthanasia in one of those clinics so I know I wouldn't fail. I'd like for my mom and partner to understand that I have no more options and that a miracle is not going to happen now taking into consideration I've been depressed and suicidal for 15 years now and that they could hold my hand while I die.
I want that desperately for myself as well. I don't want to be alone when I die. I want to be surrounded by the people that loved me in this life, so I can truly be at peace with my decision to leave them and this world behind, without any lingering doubts plaguing my mind during my final moments.

Aside from the cost, travel & daunting approval process & level of commitment that it would take to travel to another country to put an end to things, there's a chance that the family members who were present for your voluntary euthanasia could be legally implicated upon returning to their country of origin, since euthanasia still remains illegal virtually everywhere. In my correspondences with Pegasos Association they mentioned having knowledge of a few people from the United Kingdom that accompanied assisted death candidates to Switzerland being legally pursued when they got back for "aiding and abetting suicide". I was shocked that they hadn't heard anything about it happening to any American citizens who utilized their services as of yet... I feel as though if I were to go ahead with it, my family would be the first to suffer the consequences here in the "land of the free".
Last edited:
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Jul 8, 2018
I want that desperately for myself as well. I don't want to be alone when I die. I want to be surrounded by the people that loved me in this life, so I can truly be at peace with my decision to leave them and this world behind, without any lingering doubts plaguing my mind during my final moments.

Aside from the cost, travel & daunting approval process & level of commitment that it would take to travel to another country to put an end to things, there's a chance that the family members who were present for your voluntary euthanasia could be legally implicated upon returning to their country of origin, since euthanasia still remains illegal virtually everywhere. In my correspondences with Pegasos Association they mentioned having knowledge of a few people from the United Kingdom that accompanied assisted death candidates to Switzerland being legally pursued when they got back for "aiding and abetting suicide". I was shocked that they hadn't heard anything about it happening to any American citizens who utilized their services as of yet... I feel as though if I were to go ahead with it, my family would be the first to suffer the consequences here in the "land of the free".
I'm really sorry to hear this, our society has a long way to go..
I would never get approved for euthanasia I think but I asked my partner if he would be there for me when I decided to take my own life and he agreed. At the same time I don't want him to face any charges and hate from the rest of my family.
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Dec 18, 2019
I'm really sorry to hear this, our society has a long way to go..
I would never get approved for euthanasia I think but I asked my partner if he would be there for me when I decided to take my own life and he agreed. At the same time I don't want him to face any charges and hate from the rest of my family.
The world makes a dignified & peaceful death virtually impossible to attain. It's just miserable that this is still the case in the 2020's, and unfortunately I can't see it changing even by the time the 2050's roll around.

I'm grateful that you have such a kind and understanding partner at your side. It's rare to find someone who can truly empathize with how much pain you're in, and understand that your reasons for wanting to go are rational and not the byproduct of a delusional mind (as the mental health profession would have most non-suicidals believe). I hope that when your time does come, that it causes you no distress. :hug:


Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Helium or some other painless gas, via an exit mask of some sort. Just drift off into unconsciousness and beyond ...
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Jul 8, 2018
The world makes a dignified & peaceful death virtually impossible to attain. It's just miserable that this is still the case in the 2020's, and unfortunately I can't see it changing even by the time the 2050's roll around.

I'm grateful that you have such a kind and understanding partner at your side. It's rare to find someone who can truly empathize with how much pain you're in, and understand that your reasons for wanting to go are rational and not the byproduct of a delusional mind (as the mental health profession would have most non-suicidals believe). I hope that when your time does come, that it causes you no distress. :hug:
Thank you!
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
I like your method. It would be a good way to die.

But if anything was possible and this was a fantasy world, I'd like to die in a fight against the bad guys. I guess I have consumed too much manga/anime/etc. But I like how some heroes die a heroic death fighting against demons or whatever. Their death isn't meaningless and the death doesn't feel like a suicide or seem "selfish" or "stupid/illogical". It would be a self-sacrificing death. Some potential Final Fantasy 7 spoilers.
Think of Aerith, if she was so sad about her real mom dying, Zack dying (she was a cetra so she probably knew, since she knew her adoptive dad had died), had ptsd from all the Hojo experiments, hated the life in Midgar, hated how everything in the world was controlled by the evil Shinra company, became even more hopeless when Sephiroth appeared and wanted to destroy the planet, and couldn't take it anymore and killed herself... There would still be people saying how she was just too weak or mentally ill, how she should have just popped some pills down her throat and see a therapist, how her depression was illogical and no healthy-minded human could ever feel sadness or hopelessness or anything non-sociopathic blah blah blah.. But because she didn't commit suicide (even though she had lots of good reasons to) but got killed by Sephiroth while doing some white materia magic, everyone views her positively. No one had anything bad to say about her.

I'd rather the people said "A hero died while defending us from demons." than "Someone suicided, they must have been stupid, illogical, irrational, sick of head, crazy, lunatic, ill ill ill, disorder, disorder, disorder, disease, disease, disease, what a retard. Why didn't they just eat pills or call a suicide hotline or speak to a therapist?"
I always thought of going out like Batman, fighting nasty, evil people who hurt innocent people. Gives it a poetic touch. Of course in reality it then depends on what is evil? My take on it or some universally accepted evil. Is there such a thing? Surely right.

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