As I see it, people already vent in individual posts in the forum so this wouldn't create more negativity so much as, like OP says, save people the effort of making their own posts if their vent is small. Plus it could act as a kind of daily lounge.
Implies less effort (thread title, content), it would be easier to access if we make a thing out of it, and keeps us more united in ways we all need right now.
Maybe you just feel like saying "fuck life"
Or "kill me" or whatever, you know?
Or just a plain "Help!"
@HighFlight55 @Dot if you have any ideas, suggestions, please
The idea came to me while thinking about the other thread. I was thinking how can we make the ones who don't wanna recover or just can't recover feel better?
And I was thinking maybe a thread like this would bring us together even more, feeling seen, heard, validated, idk
Cause even if you wanna CTB it doesn't help if you're a total fucking wreck or not functioning at all.