The pro-life people just want to force suicidal people to suffer due to delusions and selfishness, they lack any compassion, I honestly find it replusive how there is such a thing as pro-life as none of us are even obligated to continue existing here, it's our life and our decision.
I can relate to ya.
I really wish (
And I literally mean it) euthanasia would be legal. It's just pointless to expect people to live when they don't want to.
I strongly believe that we should be able to choose our destiny. Why should we continue suffering, just because of their delusion.
It is truly our life and our decision.
By allowing a person to end their life in a dignified manner, that is true compassion. By forcing the person to continue living, they are essentially torturing them. That is not compassion.
If we want to CTB, we should be able to do so without being stopped, involuntarily forced into treatment, hospitalization. By denying the person the right to decide their destiny (i.e. when they want to end their life in a dignified manner without suffering etc.), the person's individuality, autonomy, choice and decision making is not respected. They are being forced to live and continue suffering just because others do not understand what the other person is going through / cannot accept their point of view / delusion etc. It's just so irritating.
Unfortunately, even in the present scenario, in certain countries, attempt to suicide is a crime.
I really hope in the future, people can choose their destiny in a dignified manner.
I thought people would understand but I got the same responses every time. It is so isolating. I'm drawn to this forum because I know it's pointless talking people I know. Even therapy was a waste.
I can relate man. I truly can.
At least in this site, we can truly share how we feel, what we wanna say, and what we wanna do, without risking being dismissed, forced to get help, face involuntary hospitalization.
I really wished we all could discuss the topic of suicide in this manner outside. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening in the near future.
It's just irritating when they keep giving the same type of response multiple times. Also, therapy does not work for everyone. It's just pointless to expect people to continue suffering and to live when they don't wanna.
What I've learnt is that people will never understand. My biggest mistake was that I had hopes that people would truly understand. I regret having that hope. Also, from what I've understood after all these years is that people will not accept our (
i.e. suicidal people's, this site's people's etc.) point of view, because:
1. They cannot come to terms / accept our choices.
2. Delusion, they believe that everyone shares their viewpoints on life.
3. General societal message, i.e. they believe that life is always worth living etc.
4. Everything will work out in the end, I'm sorry to say this. Not everything works for everyone. Also, therapy does not work for all. It's jut pointless to expect people to continue living when they don't want to anymore.
To add an additional point. If we tell people how we are truly feeling, we get mocked, bullied, dismissed etc. If we ask for help, we are ignored. When we wanna commit suicide, they act like they care. This is just so irritating.
Also, why expect others to continue suffering when they don't wanna. It's just forced imprisonment (In the sense expecting them to live, no matter what etc.) at this point.
It´s always surprising when a moderator leaves.
I don´t believe that prolifers are responsible for solving the problems of the members of this forum. But society should respect the rights of people who want to die. And the politicians should create a legal framework for a self-determined, dignified and risk-free dying.
To avoid that so many people want to die because of problems caused by society and politicians, this world must be changed fundamentally.
Instead, this world is becoming more and more unfair and inhumane.
Exactly, I wholeheartedly agree with this!.