

Oct 14, 2023
I get the same visceral rage. There's a wall that doesn't let me express it it feels, that turns into depression. But there's an undercurrent of rage due to the shit I have been through. Injustice is disgusting and I am sorry you had to go through that. Anger also leads to bitterness, and also resentment. Anger and rage are powerful emotions so it makes sense why it's the worst for you.
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Nov 7, 2023
I was falsely arrested and held as a prisoner against my will by law enforcement at 18. As far as I'm concerned law enforcement and cops are just like human traffickers and will make you feel just as shitty.

When a single one of them gets off their fucking ass I will move on. Still waiting for justice. I called 911 at 18 so I already reached out for your help. It's time you do something besides being an inbred circle jerker for soul less cops.
I'm so fkn sorry man..... a similar disgusting thing happened to me from these pigs we refer to as "law enforcement"
I was falsely arrested for standing up against a predator who was abusing me from 13-15 I called the cops because he was scaring me and I used a knife to defend myself ,looking back was a stupid thing to do but I was pushed beyond belief from all the harassment and abuse and they then arrested me. and they rly told me he had the mentality of a 7 yr old to excuse his actions meanwhile he played the system. my psyche has been broken since from all the gaaslighting from the system and the world. this is why I want to show them im no longer a pawn for there sick perversions.
CTB is the only way out.
I was falsely arrested and held as a prisoner against my will by law enforcement at 18. As far as I'm concerned law enforcement and cops are just like human traffickers and will make you feel just as shitty.

When a single one of them gets off their fucking ass I will move on. Still waiting for justice. I called 911 at 18 so I already reached out for your help. It's time you do something besides being an inbred circle jerker for soul less cops.
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Ready to have my forever date with suicide
Oct 6, 2023
I've dealt with this same thing. Being physically, emotionally and sexually abused, it replays over and over. Trying to escape, I went from one fucked up situation to an even more fucked up situation with a man that was 10 years older than me, whom was abusive. I use alcohol to cope because I have to deal with the regret of ever crossing paths with him.
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Aug 26, 2023
just a couple hours ago while drunk I wrote this ridiculous crap to the director of student affairs at my college about something that happened last semester. Feel free to laugh, I am too right now.

I feel discriminated on the basis of my mental health disability (I am a DSPS member). On several occasions, *********** suggested that I was too mentally disabled to take his class. As a result, I lost confidence in myself, dropped the class, and engaged in self harm. I have depression, anxiety, and a personality disorder, and many people assume that I am intellectually disabled because of my social issues and difficulties being present and paying attention. Because of all this, I missed a midterm and took a W in the class.

The incidents occurred over the course of the Spring 2023 semester in my Chem **** class. I don't have dates and times because I didn't record the incidents at the time, and I understand if nothing can be done because of that and because I am a semester late in reporting this. As a result, the date that I put in was just a random date in the Spring semester. But here are some examples of what happened:

*On the first day of class, he was talking to a student (who I suspect to have ASD) and then turned to my table, paying particular attention to me, and asked if "anybody else was not neurotypical"
*Came to my table with a higher frequency than other tables and asking if I understood everything. This was embarrassing and isolated, and made me feel more different than I already do.

*Said my name exasperatedly after I dropped a test tube, like I was the mentally challenged person who always messes everything up
*Tolerated another group of students in the class who were bullying me and who actually called me a "retard" to my face

*I was leaving lab class. I had partnered up with my neighbor to complete the lab. Almost everyone else in class had partnered up as well. At the end of class, *********** thanked my lab partner and told him to have a good weekend (he never usually did this). He came up behind me and said "It's up to you..." before I left. He was implying that my lab partner had shouldered the burden of having me as a lab partner, and that I wasn't capable and shouldn't be in the class anyways.

*Implied that I should be working in the campus bookstore stocking the books instead of taking his class

All of these made me feel uncomfortable in lab class, made me feel powerless and frustrated, and made me question what the point of me going to college was. I wondered if people like me even belonged in college. I stopped cutting myself years ago, but I did punch and slap myself in the face for being worthless and stupid on many occasions because of *********'s behavior.

I applied to work as a tutor for the computer science department, and, because discrimination of this type is often systemic, I am concerned that ********* may influence the decision to hire me as a tutor if, for example, he is asked for a reference. My ultimate goal is to have my "W" grade removed from my transcript because I feel that the main reason I dropped the class was the discrimination and subsequent mental difficulty. Also, I want to become a data point regarding ********'s behavior towards students with learning, intellectual, or mental health challenges.

Again, I have no proof, but if being a data point is all I can do at this point, then, as it usually goes for ND people, "it is what it is".


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