Well, its not every day you see a girl out camping by herself. Might seem a little suspicious to others there. Theres a lot you have to do for co by charcoal. You have to start the coals outside your car or tent and let them become red/white hot before putting them into either your car or tent. And you need something to put them in - metal buckets, etc. You also need something to put the (hot) metal buckets on like bricks. Have you done the calculations for how much charcoal you'll need to produce enough CO for the volume of your tent or car, or are you just going to wing it? If you dont have enough charcoals to produce a high enough level of CO, you might suffer a slow death with all kinds of agonizing symptoms, or it may not even kill you at all. Non-fatal CO poisoning can be really bad and *could* leave you a vegetable, a situation that is probably worse than the one you are in now, and you might be so bad that you'd be unable to get yourself out of it, and you might have to suffer like that the rest of your new, miserable life. Not wanting to scare you, just trying to make you aware of what can go wrong if you dont do your homework and learn everything you can about the CO method and what it entails.